Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Revenue Projection for FY 17

Revenue Projection for FY 17

At Saturday's Annual Town Meeting, the Town Administrator presented information on the revenue for FY 17:

 Discussion at town meeting focused on the difference between the advisory board's figure for New Growth - $50,000 and the "Selectmen's"** figure of $80,000 for New Growth. 

No discussion or explanation was offered for the ZERO figure for "Electric Department Contribution". 

Electric Department Contributions
FY 12    $100,000
FY 13    $100,000
FY 14    $150,000
FY 15    $  31,552
FY 16    $  50,000
FY 17    ZERO

 Unlike town employees, the employees at Templeton Municipal Light and Water have the same health insurance plan they have always had. All cost increases for this "Cadillac Health Insurance Plan" are passed onto to light and water customers in the form of higher rates. 

Here is the  FY 15 Salary information again.

** You would be hard pressed to get an explanation of "New growth" from any of the sitting selectmen.


  1. Nice to see the pay for the commissioners went down or is this a error on the part of the treasurer?
    No school pay amounts! We have in the past always had all salaries in the report.
    How many other mistakes are in these reports?
    Do we have the rights to see these amounts?
    Isn't it the law the report must contain them?

    1. From what I understand, Ms. Haley Brooks does not think the public needs to know what Town employees make for a pay. "It is none of our business". Now that is your selectman working for you ! If the Advisory Board had a decent chance to explain the changes we made to the budget, the public would have realized we made those changes for a good reason. Because this was not done, Mr. Henshaw will no longer be the custodian at the library. TAB did not take his position away. The Town Administrator did.

    2. FYI, the new growth in the FY16 budget was high, 94,321. I believe this was due to the solar project. I do not think there will be another one of these come down the pike anytime soon. At best the projected figure of 80,000. is a guestimate. If this figure does not happen, the rest of the budget will suffer. So what is new ??
