Friday, May 27, 2016

Templeton Fire Chief...from Templeton Watch

From Templeton Watch

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Templeton Fire Chief contract not to be renewed, which means that at least three selectmen have agreed to not do that. Considering what has been done that last few years, there has to be a pretty interesting reason not to do it. It could always be "the good ole boys" system raising it's head, which means a local people is gonna get the job, just because they local, that happens alot in small towns and not always in the benefit of the residents. Or the Town Administrator could have fired him and the selectmen backed him up on it, either way, it seems the fire chiefs days in Templeton are numbered.

At some point in time, the current Templeton fire chief will no longer work for Templeton and since there are usually several sides to a story, perhaps I can get the chief to tell me his side, as in the why, the who and the when. Because I believe there is a story there, how or why did a fire chief who apparently did what the Town and the selectmen wanted, ALS ambulance service in Templeton, the selectmen put the light on the fire department when Templeton was presented as a Heart safe community. It made the pictures when a new/used fire truck came to Templeton without taxpayer money. So I think there is a question there, why not renew his contract?

posted by Jeff Bennett


  1. There are reasons for the agreement our town has for not renewing the Chiefs contract.
    Good ones! If any chief was in his shoes the outcome would be the same. If not i would lead the recalls like we see in Barre.
    It will all come out in the future but like everything in Templeton we will just hear so many stories that get added to for listening pleasure.
    Our Selectman need to do things we won't agree with but they aren't there to please us.
    Think for a minute who you hear the story from and when it turn into a bag of shit remember who and don't listen to them again.
    As our town gets to much info from people who add to the stories we can as a small town get led away from the truth.
    If you plan on telling someone about a topic know it don't make it up as you go.
    Templeton needs honest people telling the stories truthfully.

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  2. 1. Fire chief will not be reappointed. 2.It takes a majority of selectmen (3) to make that happen.
    3. The selectmen and or other members of fire department say one thing, i am sure the chief has other things to say. 4. When the chief's time is officially over, July 1, 2016, maybe he will speak to this issue. 5. The next fire chief appointment may show true small town business. 6. Just appoint so an so because he has been there for 20 years. That does not always work out well for residents. 7. Selectmen took action in executive session which means we may never hear what was said by whom or why. 8. Dave seems to have the inside scoop so why not tell us the rest of the story Dave, the real story? 9. Dave, why not lead a recall of light & water commissioners if they are breaking the law as you have claimed, no contracts in the office of the light department.? Hope you can understand that Do, as it was written the same as above, in English.

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  3. Chief LaPorte was a well liked and respected Chief who had the credentials to hold the Strong Chief position. There were those who may have believed the Chief was a little paranoid concerning his position as Chief but clearly in this case the Chief concerns were not imaginary. I believe a lawsuit is in The Town of Templeton's future and that the facts of the who, what, why,where,when and how will come out clearly there. We actually have a town by-law that states all current law suits will be presented in the Town's Annual Report so if the Advisory Board can keep the pressure of the Board of Selectmen to do their job we can all read about it there.

    1. The way I see it, the Town's business is our business.. So why the big secret ?? If Ray did something wrong the people in this Town deserve to know it. Never mind beating around the bush, like "DO" says Markel should spit it out. I went to see Mr. Henshaw yesterday. I told him the AB did not take his money as custodian out of the Library. Mr.Markel did. He asked me if Mr. Markel was going to get up every morning at 5:30 to see if the boiler at the Library was running? "Oh yes", is what I told him, and then we laughed. Don't hold your breath would be more like it. This man is well into his eighties, and has taken the First Church and the Library under his wing, like Ed. Hawks did before him. This is our Town Administrator messing with things he knows nothing about. Oh where was Ms. Haley Brooks when her precinct needed support ?? Oh yes, it wasn't about her !!

    2. add my name to any "re-call" list!!!! it is needed !!!!

  4. Only if Do is Stupid signs first.
    With all the rumors around who needs the truth!
    Many make up their minds before they even hear it anyway.
    Take the fluoride issue for one.
    Recalls would need replacements we could get the red barners again!
    Contracts Jeff are not as you commented about them.
    The issue was with them being in a binder at the auditing authority for the public to view at any time during regular business hours.
    Auditing Authority is not L+W it's the selectman's office.
    That issue is on the list of things i will tend to.
    As far as a recall on the chiefs issue would need his side of the story.
    I think i know it and will share when the time is right.
    This Blog may not be the place to do it.
    Continue to speculate as usual.

    Just "remember" you didn't hear it from me.

  5. the last time the red barn folks ran, bubba lot 60-40%, in a two man race. captain gs was 4th in a 4 man race. I thunk the town has at least learned a lesson there.!!!! hopefully, anyway!!!!

  6. "we could get red barners again" "I think I know it" "Many make up their minds before they hear it anyway" That is speculation and at the top of this page, it states this blog was started to keep people informed and for citizens to post their comments and concerns. It also states something about "what I believe to be wrong doings in Town government."

  7. Did it state a time frame to give a full story?
    Do we have all the facts?
    Do you have any facts?
    Like i said above Templeton just continue to speculate as usual!!!
    It's better in a bar room i hear!
    Just for the record the BOS have no intention of raiding the EMT/FIRE funds.
    If we can remember the town voted to do that dirty work so we can pay to plow the snow.
    So one vote TRUMPED another?
    With the lackluster showing at the last town meeting JEFF the red barners are just sniffing the shit pile and are i "guess" ready to have a lunch!!!
