Saturday, June 11, 2016

Surge in Permits Drives NICS Record in May

Surge in Permits Drives NICS Record in May

Friday, June 10, 2016
Surge in Permits Drives NICS Record in May
FBI data reported this week from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) shows that a 41 percent increase in background checks conducted for firearm carry and purchase permits in May 2016, as compared to May 2015, elevated the total number of firearm checks for that month to the highest on record for any month of May. May 2016 was the 13th consecutive month that the total number of firearm-related checks for a month exceeded the tallies achieved during the same month in previous years.
Additionally, if the increase in checks thus far this year holds for the next seven months, the final tally for firearm background checks in 2016 will exceed 24 million. That would be more than in any previous year, including 2013, when gun sales soared in response to President Barack Obama’s effort to promote “universal” background check legislation along with a new “assault weapon” and “large” magazine ban that would have banned more guns and magazines than the Clinton Gun Ban imposed between September 1994 and September 2004.
NICS checks don’t precisely indicate the number of firearms acquired in a given time frame. But the trend in checks makes clear that Americans are acquiring firearms at a record pace. The annual number of checks has risen from 12.7 million during the last year of President George W. Bush’s administration to an average of 22 million during Obama’s second term.


  1. Copied from the NRA ILA
    NRA is freedoms safest place.

  2. b Hussein Obama is the best firearms sales person in history !!!!! by a long shot !!!!!

  3. I think if isis does think about coming here the article above may hurt their recruiting efforts a little. Purchase, Train and be ready. I don't think those NICS checks are for the people who are thinking of a purchase but are those who are purchasing a weapon now.
    Good for them! Ready Willing and Able to keep the freedom our fathers fought and died for. Willing to defend what most take for granted "FREEDOM"

  4. Times are getting crazy i have a class A and been thinking of carrying but with that comes a huge commitment !!! If you do carry you should be very proficient with your weapon or you could put yourself and others in danger !!

  5. to bad the lbgt and the nra people don't have joint meetings!!! one armed person in the night club could have saved a lot of grief !!!!

    1. Really Brad, You with a gun in a club? Somebody starts firing a ar-15 type weapon with a .223 or .308 round popping and your going to stand and fire your pistol through screaming guests. How many guest do you kill? The problem is you can get the LTC with no real requirement for proficiency!

      If you want an LTC to carry for anything other than hunting, target practice you should be required to prove your proficient with the weapon! I dont want a bunch of yahoos firing back and forth scared to death.

  6. There is much to admire and fight for from which many of our founding fathers gave their all. Western Civilization was so great because (according to Gatto in his book The Underground History of American Education)it was the only civilization to date that offered hope. The hope that Western Civilization offered appeared to be a remnant of the Inquisition and had four pillars according to Gatto. The first pillar was the individual as sovereign this came from Northern Europe. The second pillar which was also secular was follow the science to its logical end no matter what that might be, also a Northern European way of thinking. The third pillar of Western Civilization was the beliefs outlined in the Ten Commandments most of us are familiar with these. The fourth pillar of Western Civilization was also moral in nature and here is Gatto to explain.

    The fourth and most difficult leg comes from a Christian interpretation of Genesis. It is
    constituted out of a willing acceptance of certain penalties incurred by eating from the
    Tree of Knowledge against God's command. The Original Sin. For disobedience, Adam,
    Eve, and their descendants were sentenced to four punishments.

    The first was labor. There was no need to work in Eden, but after the Expulsion, we had
    to care for ourselves. The second penalty was pain. There was no pain in Eden, but now
    our weak nature was subject to being led astray, to feeling pain, even from natural acts
    like childbirth, whether we were good people or bad people. Third was the two-edged
    free will penalty, including the right to choose Evil which would now lurk everywhere.
    Recall that in Eden there was exactly one wrong thing to do, eating the fruit of the tree of
    knowledge. Now we would have to endure the stress of constant moral armament against
    a thousand temptations or of surrendering to sin. Last and most important, the term of
    human life would be strictly limited. Nobody would escape death. The more you have in
    wealth, family, community, and friends, the more you are tempted to curse God as you
    witness yourself day by day losing physical strength, beauty, energy — eventually losing
    These are the four pillars that make Western Civilization what it is. It is my belief that the Inquisition is what brought these pillars together and provided the hope necessary to combat that evil. The evil upon us today may be the very same one that forged Western Civilization in the first place.

    Here is a link to Gatto's essay. Hope
