Friday, June 10, 2016

Top coat no longer needed with old water mains

 Guess what! Another water main broke on Orchard lane! Who knew anything like that would happen there? Would this call for some plans for water main replacements any plans? Do we continue to allow our newest roadways to be ruined time and time again because of lack of management issues?
Poor planning and no budget guidance to follow would be to blame.
If our Selectmen can get a project like we were told by our Templeton municipal light and water plant would do for the town we should ask for new water main projects. Borrow or cash in the investments they have and make the payments on the big bonds we need to do this.
The mains will get weaker in time and when they get to it the town  will be broke and we will be stuck drilling our own wells.  Your Light and water commission is to busy with election details for them to do any thinking about what it will take to fix the system they are in charge of.
When will the bids be in for the tank they don't have a legal vote on?
When will the roads like conte ave and orchard lane be repaired again.
Funny we have money to do repairs on overtime and can't find any for main replacements!
Where don't our water mains break? Do we run a higher pressure then we need to and cause this same thing over and over again. Should we have some professionals come and see what is causing the main breaks weekly?
It may be cheaper to learn why this is so frequent from the pros!
With the state of our water dept getting worse year after year is it time to rethink the DPW need in town to consolidate and have a vote to change the departments so as to reorganize for the good of the town.
Feedback is welcome. Do we need to continue with this failed structure or change.
What was last years project we were told the town would get?
What is this years project we should get from the TMLWP profits.


  1. here my two cents worth templetons water system is a very complex system you have many pump stations and many water storage tanks all tied together the possibility of a water hammer is huge ! i think this is the main problem why they are popping water mains . i think you will always have this problem unless you simplify the system to do that will cost big bucks!!lets talk just about east templeton sawyer st well starts and needs to over come the head pressure from the water tank on ladder hill to fill it . it uses the same water main to fill the tank and supply water to that area ! so lets say you run a line from the well to that tank to fill the tank only you have steady pressure and no water hammers with pumps start and stopping !! this is just my thought i might be totally wrong !but i do not make the big bucks them guys do!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i am sure all these pump stations are using AC drives to run these pumps so they start slow and ramp up to limit the hammer effect and also ramp down . it could be just a switch problem . if it is? your always going to have that type of problem things stick and break that is life !!

  4. When it was explained to us who asked or dare question the famous people in charge we were told they had no idea what it was. I to think like you do and hammer is the cause for so many line failures. One question they don't want to address is the fact they are broke as the system and with no clear fix money or repairs we stumble from problem to problem. Rates will continue to rise until they get to the point we drill our own wells and know what our costs are.Most in town are that way now.
    One issue could be like you say and others of worn out systemic issues.
    When i found out they needed to be taught how to thaw a frozen main on South main street i stopped thinking the answers were valid for my questions.
    One thing they do is to fill the tanks at night to save power or consume the electricity purchased by the other half of the most powerful department in Templeton.
    Those who have the key to the governance of Templeton Massachusetts and won't share it.
    Ask the Advisory board why a expense like that was couldn't be shared they asked for it. But on the other hand the TMLWP tells us there is no money for repairs. Extra personnel,yes money for that. Road repairs damaged by mains,no. So when we ask and they say we don't know we believe it. They don't. So call a trained expert and find out. Like the frozen water main on south main street. This is no new thing and our town is being led to believe that the problem is a unknown thing.
    If what you say Mike is true they are paid well to know and have been asked and answered poorly. So should we again increase the salaries of the management who don't know or look for a management team that does have the knowledge to figure it all out.
    If you read the Tighe and Bond water improvement study we paid mega bucks for it spells out issues and aged mains in need of replacement. What you said above i didn't see in the study and if you right they are just bleeding Templeton like the financial issue we have.I thank you Mike for your input and hope to hear more.

    1. The section of South Road from the water tank to where St.George used to live should not be in the condition it is in today. The deep ruts are the direct cause of water mains that were hooked up to the new houses built in the old corn field. Why is it that you can drive down streets in other towns and not ruin your car ? Maybe it is the result of a sloppy job backfilling the ditch when the job is done. As long as people are willing to let this mismanagement continue, it will. That is the sad part.

  5. In addition to exceedingly high water rates (Farrell household $13.13/1,000 gallons last quarter), there is an issue with the priorities and management in the water department, IMHO.

    Will the replacement of the Ladder Hill water tank create additional stress and problems on the system? When one tank is taken out of service during the summer months, will there be additional stress to equalize the pressure on the entire system. The Summer of Water hammer again?

    In addition to the old water mains, the system is running water fluoridation chemicals throughout the system. Fluoride is the most reactive element. These water fluoridation chemicals leach heavy metals from the lines and mains and further weaken the water system.

    Some areas of Templeton's water system run lines that vary in diameter from 8 inch to 10 inch to 12 inch then back to 8 inch within a 5 mile stretch.

    Most water systems experience water main breaks. It happens.

    Most water systems have spare water mains on hand to repair the breaks. TMLWP is not most water systems.

    Budgeting priorities for TMLWP are new trucks, more personnel and raises. Not repairing water mains. Not creating a fund for repairs. So you end up lurching from one water crisis to another. Just raise the rates AGAIN! Because they CAN! With no accountability. Nice work when you can get it.

    Baldwinville Road was repaired without any water mains being replaced. Sawyer St, Mechanic Rd were repaved and the water department sent a letter to the selectmen stating that if the water mains were damaged by the road repair, the water department was not responsible! When asked to repair those water mains on those streets, the answer was that there was no money! How can that be when Templeton has the highest water rates in the Commonwealth?

    So it just keeps going round and round.

    Is a DPW the answer?
    Good question.

    Would a DPW create a situation where the highway department(roads) and the water department(water lines and mains) could work and plan projects to benefit the entire community?

    Is it even conceivable that other communities have such a thing as a DPW?

    Could a DPW work in Templeton? I don't see it happening in my lifetime. Too much self interest in Templeton. Too many special interest groups working to protect their turf and their jobs.

    Keep the checkbook handy !

    1. Like they say on television, "what's' in your wallet" ?

  6. A better way to say it Bev is "Whats left in your wallet"?
