Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Drain the swamp?

Donald Trump wins presidential election, will become 45th president of United States



By The Republican Editorials
on November 09, 2016 at 2:54 AM, updated November 09, 2016 at 2:55 AM
What pundits, career political analysts and Democrats called unthinkable was deemed acceptable by a majority of American voters.

In the end, past political history didn't matter. Statements that would have doomed previous candidates didn't matter. Polls, media endorsements and electoral map metrics didn't matter.
What mattered is that a majority of voters were willing to plunge America into uncharted waters if the alternative was what they considered preferable to more of the same - and better than Hillary Clinton, who produced an antipathy among voters that helped make an unimaginable outcome possible.

What now? No one can possibly say. Even those who supported Donald Trump accepted his unpredictability as part of the package they felt was needed to shake up Washington, America and the world.

As a divided nation tries to come to terms with the news, we hope Trump will rise to the occasion. There won't be any talk about a rigged election from the Republican camp. It's time to figure out how to move forward in a new world that half the voters celebrate and the other half mourn. We are in truly uncharted territory.

From the first, Trump's quest for the Republican Party's presidential nomination was widely dismissed as little more than a novelty, a lark, the next illogical step for the quintessential '80s-style narcissist. His critics waited for his campaign to implode, but he won the nomination and proved wrong the next assumption, which was that he would fall apart during the general election.

Donald Trump is now our president-elect. Now is not the time for bombastic threats or gloating, now is not the time for the losing side to wail over their fate. Let's find whatever common ground exists and move forward.

We hope that the weight of the most powerful office in the world will have a positive effect and temper and humble the man who has been chosen to lead this country for all Americans.



  1. Wonder what Newsweek will do with all those "Madam President" editions?

    How fast will a Trump edition be printed?


  2. like the new york times it shows the media bias and now they will get theirs handed to them also.
    Were so lucky he ran and is going to stop the crap that's going on keeping AMERICA from being great.
    Build the wall!
    Lock her up!
    Thanks Don your the man.

    1. We will get the government we deserve.

    2. ben ghazi isn't a linebacker in the nfl. Chris, Sean. Glen and Tyrone, this ones for you !!!! RIP WE TOOK AMERICA BACK !!!!!!!!

  3. Can you smoke enough legal weed to forget we elected "The Joker" to the WH because we just couldn't vote for Crooked Hillary?

    Central MA needs to see a change so we dont end up running candidates unopposed.

  4. What is a bigger JOKE is that # 4 passed, like we don't have enough wackos walking the streets already.

  5. do, can't agree more!! went up on the rt2 overpass off so main with a American flag I waved for about 30-40 minutes. almost all 18 wheelers flashed lights , waved, or both. most pick ups, ditto. the Subaru/Toyota folks must have a birth defect, most gave thumbs up, but there thumbs are in the middle of their hand!!! oh well, the Clinton/Obama folks have been giving me the finger for years!!! as I heard a man in a pub say this evening, "the people finally voted for themselves, not a party". works foe me!!! "GOVERNMET IS THE NEGATION OF LIBERTY" ps. thumbs up 10 to 1 fingers!!!! here in the peoples republic of ma, that says a lot!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA !!!!!!

  6. Brad as i wear the Trump shirt my daughter bought me on vacation this summer i feel proud to be an American. Soon to be free of sanctuary cities and issues they pose.
    This summer when i wore the shirt "proudly" i might add,some people on the marginal way in Maine would comment. Go Trump, He's the man , Tell it like it is. There were more who spoke out for him "positive" by a large margin. I bought the sticker and signs and also donated to help the cause. Seeing where we were headed told me i needed to do something to help him. What little i did was echoed across this country and as he has said over and over this is a movement plain and simple.
    Party lines drawn and clintons all gone hopefully we can get this mess fixed and our efforts will mean something to the politicians who will soon have a term limit to prove their need.
    If we only had a Trump in the past how great would the USA be now.
    I had to laugh when i listened to the radio and they spoke about Yale suspending the mid term tests/exams due to the loss they had suffered. What will they do when they are in the work force call in sick or shut down the factories so they can be coddled in their disbelief. What a JOKE.
    Lets all hope the ones who said they would move to Canada if Trump won, "DO".

  7. Brad and Dave according to your comments, I guess you consider me your enemy now. I drive TWO Subarus and did not support the Trump campaign. I guess my birth defect is way more serious and noticeable than I thought. I am neither a republican nor a democrat nor will I ever be. I love my country, support my military and volunteer my time, money and energy to my community. So explain to me exactly how I am less than you and deserve to be insulted because I do not share the same opinions as you do? People are scared and sad because they know this election outcome means there will be a rise in hate crimes and hate speak now. And you two have just shown examples of it right here on the blog. Several years ago you fought against men who were harassing town workers, not playing by the rules, not being transparent with financial matters, and using fear and intimidation to fuel their ego and get what they wanted. Why was that wrong for Templeton yet you just elected the same kind of man as president? Stop bullying people who want to make this world all inclusive and safe. They are not bad people, not your enemy. Maybe if we all respect one another we can create a culture that doesn't need to cling to our guns out of fear for our lives. Doesn't that sound way more productive and less stressful than declaring any neighbor who doesn't think like you, drive the same car as you, worship like you or look like you as the enemy? I love you both. I hope someday you will love me back.

  8. Just look at the protests, violence, and riots happening right now. Those are NOT Trump supporters

  9. Watch the main stream media spin it still and follow them off the cliffs.
    Watch the President elect Trump tell the protesters to calm and come together for the good of the country. When some don't get it their way they have a hard time doing whats right.
    AHB i don't agree with every thought and statement Trump has made but if people can't see things the way they are it's not the fault of his supporters.
    We could tit for tat forever but i think the last time i looked at a Subaru for repairs it said made in AMERICA.
    Funny it was most likely driven by a American blessed by a VETERAN who kept them free and able to vote and accept the outcome .
    How well did the last PODUS help them back.
    Please contact for your identity and clearance to post here.
    Thank you VERTERAN'S
    AHB that's

    1. Dave, it's Ashley. You know me and I have posted here many times before. I think you misunderstood my point. I share many of the same values as you and Brad and have stood by your side in the face of wrongdoing. I am trying to point out that in order for all of us to move forward as a unified country, we need to be mindful of our speech and not turn on one another simply because our opinions may differ. I feel the media is the cause for a lot of our culture's issues. I do not like the TPP trade deal. I feel there should be term limits and eliminate career politicians. I agree with a lot of what the Trump campaign represented. However, I do not agree with restricting rights of women, lgbt, or minorities. And I do not agree that bully tactics are a productive tool to accomplish anything. I hope the incoming leadership will focus on the serious issues and represent and protect everyone that is an American citizen. If the other party had won, there would certainly be protests. I think everyone knows that to be true. Protesting isn't bad. It's how this country was created. Violence is not protest. I don't think violence is the answer to any problem. Ever. But with most large gatherings, unfortunately there will always be the lunatic fringe that show up to be violent because they love anarchy or to distract from the point of the protest. There will definitely be a lot more protests to come on a whole number of issues. I pray that everyone's voices can be heard without violence. All I'm asking is that you do not put down people that didn't vote for trump and think of them as un-American or bad people. I don't think of you or Brad as bad because you did vote for him. You are good folk. Please give the same respect back. How can we shape the conversation towards topics that we can come together on and figure out how to push for improving all our lives and away from personal insults? Please help me to not fear the future for my family as well as for my gay friends and Muslim friends and black friends. Because I am very sad and scared for everyone's well being right now based on the hate speak and violence that seems to be infecting our culture. What can you offer that is calming and reassuring to people like me who want a peaceful and safe country?

    2. I agree with you Ashley, that violence is wrong. This election has polarized the country, but this country has been polarized for quite awhile. This election has brought everything to the forefront.

      I started off as a Bernie supporter. I could not back Hillary after what I believe is active campaign fraud against Bernie by the Hillary and the DNC. Hillary used the super delegates to ensure Bernie would not get the nomination. Now that the election is over and not in Hillary's favor, according the MSM ( mainstream media) we're supposed to throw out the electoral college and the super delegates.

      I did not support Trump. I did not support Hillary. I voted for Jill Stein. Was Jill Stein the perfect candidate - No! But if people want alternative choices, you have to start somewhere.

      I have misgivings about Trump. I am more afraid of the politics of Pence. Therefore I want Trump to stick around. I fear Pence is the to be wary of.

      I am cautiously optimistic after the Trump/Obama meeting. Looks like TPP is dead. This bears watching. Eternal vigilance.

      Below is an article from NEO - New Eastern Outlook

  10. After i read what i put on above i don't get what i put up that was upsetting to you.
    As with any candidate there are imperfections and the way i saw things this time around it was a spin session by the Main stream media who tell clips like the ads people wanted to see stop. Trump is/was a bit of a loose cannon and has said many things i don't and can't get behind. If one see's the whole truth there may be a different opinion.
    As with the birth defect i myself would lay down for the bus and keep my mouth shut.
    If i were running and had my campaign on the line i may be like Trump and speak out if slandered like he was by the reporter you point out.
    The whole story is when being discredited the rules change and fair play goes to the wind.
    Whats the old saying nice guys finish last or are incomplete.
    I have no beef with you Ashley and admire you and Kevin for your work at town hall and other projects in town. If only we could fill our town with doers like you two we would be better off in so many ways. As you and i know the list of helpers at New town hall or PHC Hall some day to be named was shorter than those who fought to keep it from being one. After the job was completed i have taken great pride to remind those who were against it how wrong they were.
    It is worth all the effort to see the building Wil saw as it is now used.
    I think after Trumps first 4 years this country will want another 4.
    Again Ashley and Kevin my many thanks for your efforts along with the dozen of us others who did in fact pull it off.
    There are those who wonder how it happened!
    There are those who wonder what happened!
    There are those who watched it happen!
    There are us who made it happen!
    I have no doubt when our town needs us again we will step up and help.
    Thanks to all who are Templeton's doers.
    You know who you are.
    Thank you all!

    1. the election didn't polarize the country. Obama polarized the country !!!!! Obama and the left !!!! now they want to "work together". they sure in hell didn't want to work together when it was there ball !!!!!
