Monday, November 14, 2016

Town Admin. Reports

Town Admin. Reports

From November 9, 2016:
 Plowing private roads will be discussed at the selectmen's meeting tonight.

Maybe there will be an update on the several bond notes (Police, Sewer, and school) with prospective lenders tonight as well.

From Nov. 3, 2016 town administrator report:

So there are 12 accounts going into tax title from FY 2014. Looks like there is a budget shortfall for FY 17.  More money needs to be budgeted for tax title for FY 17.

Possible reduction in force (layoffs) to close the budget gap for FY 17? Maybe the selectmen shouldn't give out raises the town can't afford.

Looks like full steam ahead for regionalization of some services...maybe.

The Senior Center needs to be sided ($75,000) or its occupancy permit will be  revoked.

Oh yeah, the contract for the town administrator search is underfunded:

Cost of the Collins contract : $14,000 + reimburseables
Amount budgeted: $8,500

Keep robbing Peter to pay Paul! Can enough savings be squeezed from reducing a few employees to under 20 hours to pay for all of the FY 17 budget overruns? Will closing the Senior Center create enough savings to balance the FY 17 budget?

Stay Tuned!

TA Weekly Report 11.3.16


  1. $75,000 to Vinyl side a building? something doesn't sound right there

  2. You have to pay pervaiing wage.

  3. Coverage issues relative to the COA cease and desist!

  4. I'm pretty sure The Gardner News printed it was going to be a $150.000 override request for siding the Senior center. They had a picture of the covered entry un-sided.

    I was and am not a fan of this entire project, but damn, can we not do anything right in Templeton?

    Senior center
    NRHS boiler issues
    2013-2017 budgets
    First new town hall
    Elementary school

    Going to watch "for sale" signs appearing over next few years
