Monday, February 6, 2017

Bud Chase "Notice of intent to Retire "


  1. Once more, the Town as represented by our Intern Administrator, has made promises, vague as they are to "take care" of our Highway Superintendent should he retire. The question of the day, or night should have entered everyone's mind ? Just where is the money coming from ?? Again, it comes down to the fact that the Town has no money tree growing in the back yard. That dies of abuse a long time ago. So why make promises you cannot keep, or in the end someone else will have to deal with, like the new guy. The old saying comes to mind, "if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with bull shit". Well as far as I go, I have had enough bull shit to last me a life time from our intern TA. I do not believe this move will save the taxpayers enough money in the end, to make a difference in the long run. If the people in this community want a Department of Public Works, then do it right and take back the Water Department. This would enable the Sewer Commissioners to get the water shut off, so people just may pay their sewer bill. This is my opinion, Bev.

    1. I schould not be so hard on Carter, maybe ! The truth is, he will do what he can, or just maybe get away with, to get what he wants accomplished . So, put your self in his place, he has a BOS that does not really have a clue about a lot of things, so he can tell them what is legal, and what is not. Do they know the difference ? Guess not, but these people schould be able to believe him. What is the deal with this guy withholding information that schould be public information ? We pay a guy money, that we do not have, to interview Bud and Alan, but we can't see the results ! The selectmen can't see the report !! Nice try ! Who knows what it says ? I do know that we have had enough of special interest groups running this Town ! It is time to start any time, like now ! It is my opinion that big changes schould not be made only to be dumped on the new person. If this guy did not run after last night, we are lucky. I would rather have anyone know how things stand before they disrupt their lives, to come and work for this Town. My opinions, only !

  2. I would bet the report states that neither of them are suited for the job !!
