Sunday, February 5, 2017

Perpetual Care Accounts

Perpetual Care Accounts

Perpetual care accounts are the accounts used to maintain the cemeteries in Templeton. The information about these accounts was always included in the Town's Annual Report until...take a guess.

Recently a request was made for an accounting of these accounts.

The request: 

 The response:

 So $300 for information that does not respond to the request. 

Open, Honest and Transparent - Not!

1 comment:

  1. The last time the information for the Perpetual Care Accounts was in the Town Report was in 2011. There is something very wrong with not having this information current. I have listened to Cemetery Commissioner Paul Sarri ask numerous times for this information, only to be ignored. Some of this information must be ready to have the audits complete, so what is the big secret ? What I asked for is what should be included in every Town Report. Is money missing ? Has someone tapped these accounts to fill in the shortages we have encountered ? I sure hope not, but it will come out in the wash. Bev.
