Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rumor has it...

Rumor has it...

Rumor has it that the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee is in need of a new committee member.

Has Principal John Graziano resigned?

Has he been placed on paid administrative leave? 

And whatever happened to :

Mass. high school teacher arrested on charges of alleged sexual misconduct

By Benjamin Smith Globe Correspondent 

A Narragansett Regional High School teacher was arrested at his home in Worcester Friday on charges of sexual misconduct with students, according to a press release from Templeton Police Chief Michael Bennett.

The teacher, identified as Matthew Kacavich, allegedly had inappropriate contact with a current and former student, according to the release.

The investigation began on Aug. 4 when the Templeton Police Department’s School Resource Officer received potentially incriminating information about Kacavich, according to Bennett.

Templeton Police then conducted an interview with one of Kacavich’s former students, with whom Kacavich allegedly had a relationship, according to the release. During the interview, police learned that Kacavich may have had inappropriate contact with a second student during the previous school year, according to Bennett.

Kacavich is being held on $2,500 bail on charges including trafficking of a person under 18 for sexual servitude, according to Bennett.


  1. It has been said that the purpose of Public Schooling is to distract and keep ignorant the ninety nine percenters while they are being raped and pillaged by the one percenters. I can see the truth in this statement. My question is how far into debt do we want to go to promote this type of schooling? Hats off to those who choose to home school their children.

  2. Here is a quick success story about a child who was home schooled. Edison

  3. Was the rumor about the principal at the Baldwinville Principal being taken away in handcuffs true ? The Superintend told George Barnes it was not true.

  4. No handcuffs just escorted off the property before the buss could arrive to take the kids home at the end of the day. Are the staff cuts a problem at this school. Do they have the proper staff for the safety of the kids? Are all the kids under control that need special attention?
    Could it be this is what has triggered the paid leave of the principal.
    If students who are in a one on one situation should stay a one on one till proven otherwise. The safe environment is job one for the principal in charge.
    The big question is is it?
    Budget or not one on one is just that!!!

  5. Why is the principal on leave? And why was he escorted out by police?

  6. Do you or anyone you know have a special needs child in the Gansett system. If so you need to question the agreement you "had" as it may have been changed and allowed to differ from a one on one situation.
    Do you think if your told one thing and it was changed from that to a different situation it would have been hidden from you or explained first?
    In my opinion i think it has and it's up to you to get the answers for your child's well being. As with all secret agreements you may find out when someone else is in charge the budget sometimes gets in the way.
    When teachers are put at risk due to a budget the time for questions and answers is a bit late. Demand to hear it from the top what has happened at the Baldwinville Elementary school. They don't put the Boss on paid leave for no reason at all.
    Call Monday and ask to speak to Him and find the answers for yourself.
    Is there a shuffle causing a "safety" issue due to a budgeting oversight?
    I guess things in Templeton's schools are not as they seem too.

  7. If you know what is going on it would be nice if you would share it. When I call the higher ups I get a standard answer of "it is a private matter and rest assure your children are safe".

  8. I have a question for all of you . What in Millers leaving did you find to be off the mark so to say and what was your experience in fixing up the mess? Was this one of her hires? Just curious to see who would have answers .

    1. Was this teacher hired by Miller Matthew Kacavich,

    2. When George Barnes called the Superintend to ask about this situation, George was told there was no truth to the story. Nice, now it appears we have a liar in the School Department also.
