Wednesday, April 26, 2017

252 Baldwinville Rd...Revisited

252 Baldwinville Rd...Revisited

Management Letter

Some  information from the management letter regarding 252 Baldwinville Rd from page 15 of 31:

 "The Town has failed terribly in managing its capital projects and corresponding funding."

This should not be a surprise. For years, myself and others pushed to get an investigation into the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Rd and that entire project. I provided numerous primary source documents both on this blog and to the State. The issues to be investigated were "hot potatoes". NOTHING was done.

For a brief refresher consider below:

252 Baldwinville Road

These documents relate to the Municipal building Project at 252 Baldwinville Road.  Please click on the “blue links” and the documents will open up in a new window.

General Ledger accounts  for total cost of 252 Baldwinville Rd $761,042 including interest

K & P checklist for purchasing a municipal building

Municipal Lien certificate assessed value $366,650

Appraisal – not done

Building Inspection – not done

Settlement Statement – what did the town purchase for $399,925? Why is it higher than                                   assessed value?

E-mail as an Invoice – Who allows the release of $399,925 on the basis of an e-mail?

This e-mail thread  - electronic correspondence regarding USDA loan and 252 Baldwinville Rd.

USDA loan applicationWhen did the BOS vote to apply for a USDA loan?

The Obligation of funds  - also signed by GPS. On whose authority?

Columbus letter to USDA – all communication through BC w/o a vote by the BOS

Municipal sub-bids – total cost of project now over 3 million + invoice for desks

Phase II  21E – Why was this 21E done AFTER the purchase and by the Town?

Please take careful note of the selectmen signatures on these documents. Look at the email thread. Julie Farrell was a selectman at this time; her name did not appear on the Purchase and Sale Agreement. 

Look at the Obligation of funds document . How could someone who was not a member of the Board of Selectmen sign a document for funds for 252 Baldwinville Rd project?

 "The Town has failed terribly in managing its capital projects and corresponding funding."


  1. After reading that material, it's hard to believe that the state took no action. Not even a mandatory training session that costs $500 was imposed!

    1. I do believe the Democratic Chairman in our Town of Templeton, stopped every investigation we pushed for. He was the only person who interacted with Sen. Brewer that I know of. Brewer was very angry with us because we kept pushing for an investigation that the people of this Town voted for. I remember the day he said "Who cares what happened back then ?" This is the same timeline that we have been paying thousands of dollars for, to get our books straightened out. K&P has created problems with our town more than once. They let the writ of attachments expire on the paper mill, that I believe cost the town thousands.
