Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Survey Says Continued

Survey Says Continued
 Results from the survey are continued below:

Question 3:


 Question 4:


Question 5:


Question 6:



  1. The reality is our Town does not produce enough money to float the boat, or in real terms, we cannot afford all of the departments that we now have. As I have said before, I am being honest, not negative. If our Accountant can not see the truth, then we do have a big problem. I do not know how we are supposed to have a Town Meeting, when from what the audit manager says, we do not have enough money in the budget for a "good administrator" or decent treasurer. Adding money to these positions should be done now, not in the middle of the year, in my opinion. Bev.

  2. Bev if we cut every job and every department the school system will still milk us dry.
    The only way out is to get a handle on the schools cost increases year after year.
    Owe there is a over ride and after all the cuts the town has made it should be up to the schools to ask for it. Why not make them get it if they need it.
    Do we think we can sustain the costs for town government the way it is now?
    Has the AC looked into a long term budget to see if we can.
    If you do make sure to add in the average school increases over the last 5 years and see how that works out for us.
    If you do don't add business or new growth so that if it ever happens will be the extra if we need it.
