Friday, July 28, 2017

Drink up!

Drink up!
When the well's dry, we know the worth of water.
Benjamin Franklin
 The Templeton Water department recently released its Water Report.  In this report there is information on a Violation:

 It is reported that a "Haloacetic Acid sample was due to be collected in August 2016. The sample was not collected in the required time frame."
From the statement above it looks like the Water Department is required to report the violations to water customers, but is not required to inform water customers what steps are in place to ensure this doesn't happen again.
The Environmental Working Group also provides community drinking water analysis.

 The two contaminants detected above health guides are:
dichloroacetic acid - a carcinogen
total trihalomethanes  - a carcinogen

"Includes chemicals detected in 2015 for which annual utility averages exceeded an EWG-selected health guideline established by a federal or state public health authority."

Health guidelines are different from Legal Limits.
Templeton's tap water is in compliance with federal health-based drinking water standards.
Because I always trust the federal government to look after my health!
Flint Water Crisis

Julie Farrell    
my opinions.


  1. I think it is time for the water customers to demand accountability from the Water Commissioners. I cannot think of any reason that water tests cannot be done in a timely manner, do you ? Water customers pay a pretty penny for water that is far from pure, even before the powers that be, treat it with fluoride. Like Mrs. Farrell says, drink up !! My opinion, Bev.

  2. I believe the two chlorinated compounds are the result of chlorinating the water supply due to bacteria in the pipes, I could be wrong. Chlorine is added to treat the water supply where fluoride is added to poison the water customer. Fluoride was found by the EPA to cause cancer along with many other problems. Why is fluoride not mentioned under carcinogens? Using an activated carbon filter such as a Berkey filter with a fluoride filter attached should lower the concentration of these poisons.
