Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Send in the Clowns!

Well everything is AWESOME!

Two headlines from the same Gardner News dated 7/25/17. Front page.

"Winchendon: plan not ready: Sends town administrator agreement back for review"

"Templeton votes for shared town administrator"

Houston, we have a problem.

It appears the residents and leadership in Winchendon need more time to review the agreement regarding sharing a town manager/town administrator. "LaBrie said that she also heard that the board was moving too fast and there was no transparency."

Meanwhile in Templeton, "Advisory Committee Chairman  Wilfred Spring questioned whether Templeton's own legal counsel, Paul Derensis had reviewed the proposed document, but Selectman Cameron Fortes admitted he had not." 

The article goes on to mention that Winchendon's legal counsel reviewed the wording as well as Zack Blake, technical assistance bureau chief for the DOR.

I wonder how many of the Templeton selectmen actually read the agreement before voting on it?

It appears from TGN article that the selectmen in Winchendon and some of residents had access to and had read the agreement prior to their meeting. hmmm.

Intermunicipal Agreements

Templeton has an intermunicipal agreement with Winchendon  already. That intermunicipal agreement is for Animal Control, which seems to be working well.

The intermunicipal agreement for Animal Control was reviewed by Templeton's town counsel before it was signed.

One would think an agreement, a contract of this magnitude, would be reviewed by Templeton's town counsel.

Maybe that question could be asked of Zack Blake? It does not cost anything to ask Mr. Bake if Templeton's town counsel should review this agreement. Maybe the lack of review of this historic agreement by Templeton's town counsel should be brought to Zack Blake's attention.

My opinions,

Julie Farrell  




  1. There are five Selectmen, one would think it prudent that one of our finest would bring up the matter of having this contract reviewed by town counsel. In my opinion K&P are very dishonest lawyers after having worked with them for several years.

  2. K+P are the Bang and Shimmy in the Houston clip.
    With the super lawyer in our court Pete is right about the review.
    Or do the selectmen plan on rehiring the old K+P firm.
    Hear any thing out there anyone.
    So if K+P comes back, why have them do the same job twice?
    As Templeton turns.
    From what i read in the Gardner news the Winchendon public opinion is short of wanting any part of this.
    So Carter will be all done at the end of August and Templeton will have no T.A.
    Fact not fiction. Posted not hearsay.
    How will Templeton run? Lets run a few ways that can happen.
    Same old ,different day.
    Select board members take the everyday operations over and with the help of a united town working to get through this. The United part sound rather harsh for any good advisement to be found. Is there an advisory committee stable enough to help or will the few trouble makers sink that idea for Templeton too. Is it time for another committee to run the day to day issues the town has on it's plate.
    Is it time for the school people to take over and see what they can fix if they want the school project to move forward.

    Just when the audits came in we went out again.
    Go figure!!!

    HE HE HE as uncle Pauly would write.
