Monday, April 30, 2018

Ballot Question 2 - Police Station

Ballot Question 2 - Police Station 

Didn't we already vote for this? It came in over budget?

How much more will it cost?

How long is the loan?

What will be the interest rate?

Does Templeton have a bond rating?



New federal law for driver’s licenses bumpy ride for Worcester area residents

New federal law for driver’s licenses bumpy ride for Worcester area residents

Meetings the Week of April 30, 2018

Meetings the Week of April 30, 2018

Tuesday  4/10/18
Adv. Com                    PCS Town Hall*                       6:30 pm            

Wednesday 4/11/18
Adv. Com                    PCS Town Hall*                      6:00 pm
PRE-TOWN Meeting

Recreation                      PCS Town Hall*                       7:00 pm

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall

Friday, April 27, 2018

When in Doubt...

When in Doubt...

Get It Out!

Please do your own research and support-

Article 35- Fluoride Warning on Water Bills
Article 36 -Moratorium on Water Fluoridation
Article 37 -Fluoride  Legislation


The "Bashash" Study:

Prenatal Fluoride Exposure and Cognitive Outcomes in Children at 4 and 6–12 Years of Age in Mexico




Thank You, Alan Mayo!

Thank You, Alan Mayo!

 Thank you for your years of dedication to the Town of Templeton.

You will be missed. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors.

From the TA Report:


Thursday, April 26, 2018

May 7th Ballot Question 1 - Override

Question 1 - Override

Please VOTE on May 7th

 This article is a permanent increase in taxes. The strategy behind this article is to put the ALS ambulance service in jeopardy to force voters to increase their taxes.

In my opinion, it's not enough money to actually address the shortfall to provide 24/7/365 ALS ambulance service to the residents of Templeton. It appears the selectmen threw in a number of other things like Snow & Ice, training police officers, insurance get the idea - to sweeten the deal? Why the selectmen voted for these items versus money for road repairs is anyone's guess.

I do NOT support this article for a number of reasons. 

No Bond Rating 
No Override

Julie Farrell


Annual Town Election May 7th

Annual Town Election 
May 7th 
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Middle School Gym

Vote BENNETT  for Selectmen!

May 7th!

Bring those reading glasses to read the OVERRIDE QUESTIONS!

New Study Unearths Paradox: Opioids Cause Chronic Pain

New Study Unearths Paradox: Opioids Cause Chronic Pain


We all know that surgery is often painful, but a new study will have you thinking twice before you fill that pain-pill prescription. As this new science reveals, even a few days of opiates can set you up for a longer, more painful recovery

A just-released study has called into question the feasibility of using opioids to manage post-surgical pain. Rats given repeated doses of morphine experienced inflammation and pain for three weeks longer than non-medicated test subjects.

On April 16, 2018, researchers from the University of Colorado at Boulder released an animal study[1] examining the effect of opioids on pain, post-surgery. In the study, an exploratory abdominal surgery was conducted on male rats called a laparotomy. 

Laparotomies are routine surgical procedures in the United States, often conducted when pelvic disorders are suspected, and one for which opioids are the standard post-surgical pain management prescription.

Rats were treated with moderate doses of morphine immediately post-surgery for seven days, while a control group was given saline solution. A further experiment was conducted to determine the effects of two-days of gradual tapering from morphine after eight days of dosing, versus the effects of abrupt withdrawal. A third experiment fed subjects morphine for seven days prior to laparotomy. Rats were then measured for sensitivity to touch, as well as expression of inflammatory markers in the spinal cord.

In a surprise to researchers, results showed that opioid pain treatments prolonged pain for three weeks as compared to non-medicated subjects given the saline solution. Opioids further had the effect of “priming” specialized, immune system cells in the spinal cord to become more sensitive to pain. The longer the rats received morphine, the longer they were reactive to pain. Tapering from the medication had no effect on pain sensitivity as compared to quitting cold-turkey. Researchers concluded that “morphine can have a deleterious effect on postoperative pain,” and suggested that longitudinal studies be performed to determine if this same effect can be seen in humans.

In an interview with Science Daily, the study authors are well-aware of the implications for current pain-management procedures in most hospitals and pain clinics, as well as how this study might impact the nationwide debate about opioid abuse. According to senior author Linda Watkins, "This indicates that there is another dark side of opiates that many people don't suspect. It shows that trauma, including surgery, in combination with opiates can lead to chronic pain."

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Is Templeton Fiscally Stressed?

Identifying Fiscal Stress Using the DLS Trend Dashboard
Tony Rassias - Bureau of Accounts Deputy Director

This article follows Deputy Commissioner Sean Cronin’s introduction of the Division of Local Services’ (DLS) Municipal Finance Trend Dashboard. As outlined in that article, the Dashboard “is comprised of key municipal fiscal health indicators based upon data that is part of required municipal submissions to DLS, annual financial statements, state agency databases, and the US Census. It graphically displays trends in revenues and expenditures, municipal operating positions, demographic information, unfunded liabilities, property taxes, Proposition 2½ data, and debt.”

It is our hope that this new resource will help local officials identify areas that may be trending in the wrong direction and negatively affecting fiscal health. Cities, towns, school and special purpose districts can utilize these metrics to both assess current conditions and track performance over time. To assist in these efforts, this piece will define and highlight indicators of fiscal stress as they relate to governmental financial operations. Utilizing the DLS Municipal Finance Trend Dashboard, local officials can identify and monitor these early warning signs. In future articles, we will outline approaches, practices, and procedures to address difficult circumstances and prevent their re-occurrence.

What is Fiscal Stress?

Fiscal stress doesn’t necessarily imply that the fiscal roof is about to collapse, but rather foretells that significant challenges may loom ahead should a community or district continue down a certain path. These challenges may then eventually affect taxpayers, creditors, vendors, employees, retirees, local officials and the local governmental entity itself.

According to a Pew Charitable Research Report of July 2013:

When budget gaps widen and a city cannot pay its bills, meet its payroll, balance its budget, or carry out essential services, the local government is viewed as distressed. Officials usually respond with some combination of service cuts, worker layoffs, tax and fee increases, reserve spending, and borrowing. If those measures do not work and the city no longer has the money to meet its obligations, the distress can escalate into a crisis or financial emergency, which may include defaulting on a bond payment or, in rare instances, filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy protection.

A fiscal crisis can occur in any city, town, regional school or special purpose district. It causes public discontent with government, breeds low morale with its employees, prompts concerns by retirees about retiree benefits, and sends signals to the credit market of heightened credit risk.

Identifying Fiscal Stress Using the Dashboard

Monitoring fiscal activity within a fiscal year and trended over multiple fiscal years can determine whether a community is meeting its objectives. Our Municipal Trend Dashboard can be used to view indicators of fiscal stress including operating position, unfunded liabilities, property taxes, revenues and expenditures, demographics, and debt. Below please find some examples of Dashboard information revealing potentially problematic trends.

 ( Looks a lot like Templeton's Data)
Combining the above metrics, we see a community that has no available reserves. Obviously, this is a very precarious situation to be in financially. DLS recommends that the local government establish a sound reserve policy as outlined here.

Taking the above three metrics together, we see $250 million in unfunded liabilities. Such liabilities could put a strain on the community's future ability to provide core services to the public.
(Can't be Templeton's data - no actuarial study has been performed to calculate Templeton's OPEB liability.)

Merck Accused of Fraud, Deceit and Negligence in US Gardasil Case

Merck Accused of Fraud, Deceit and Negligence in US Gardasil Case

Merck's aggressive agenda to increase HPV vaccine uptake rates, despite causing thousands of severe injuries, is hitting a stumbling block in a court case alleging blatant corruption. 

There has been documented evidence that the HPV vaccine has caused more injuries than any other vaccination in history. Despite this evidence however, the HPV vaccination has continued to be hailed a success by the pharmaceutical industry and governments alike.

According to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) VigiAccess database, as of April 09, 2018, a total of 85,329 reports of adverse reactions have been filed regarding the HPV vaccination. These reports include 37,699 reports of nervous system disorders; 2450 cardiac disorders, (including 38 cardiac arrests) 533 reports of Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS); over 3200 reports of seizures or epilepsy, 8453 syncope and 389 deaths.

In July 2016, a case was filed in the Superior Court of the State of California, Los Angeles County (central district). The case involved a 16-year-old female who between 2010 and 2011 received three injections of Gardasil, the HPV vaccination manufactured by Merck. Shortly after she received her third vaccination, she suffered a severe adverse reaction, the nature and complexity of which, failed to be diagnosed until 2015, when she finally received the diagnosis of Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

For those of you who are unaware, Postural tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is an abnormal response of your body when you are upright (usually when standing). It is caused by a problem with the nervous system which controls the autonomic functions in the body. This part of the nervous system is called the autonomic nervous system.

The symptoms of POTS occur when you are upright and are relieved when lying down. These symptoms are associated with an abnormally high and persistent increase in heart rate within ten minutes of standing.

(Description of POTS taken from Patient Access website)

If this diagnosis was not devastating enough for this young lady and her family, in 2016, she was further diagnosed with an underlying small fiber neuropathy, existing within and throughout her body.

Her family firmly now believe that the vaccinations caused her illness because prior to receiving the HPV vaccination, she was physically active, and had not only participated in her high school basketball team but had also engaged in other athletic activities.

It is for this reason, that the family decided to file a case against the manufacturer of the vaccine, Merck, accusing them of:

1. Fraud and Deceit
2. Negligent Misrepresentation
3. Defective Product - Inadequate warnings & information
4. Medical Malpractice
5. Medical Battery
As you can see these charges are extremely serious and if won, this case would set a precedent for similar cases to be brought against the manufacturer of this vaccine in the future.

Merck Accused of Fast Tracking a Vaccine for Financial Gain

Dishonest CDC caught hiding data proving that guns are used FAR more for self-defense than for crime

Dishonest CDC caught hiding data proving that guns are used FAR more for self-defense than for crime

Image: Dishonest CDC caught hiding data proving that guns are used FAR more for self-defense than for crime

(Natural News) One of the Left’s biggest knocks on guns is their claim that very few Americans actually use one for self-defense purposes and that firearms are used far more times to commit murder and other crimes.

Not only is that untrue, it’s very untrue. And what’s more, at least one government agency has known it’s untrue for at least 20 years — the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Recently discovered statistics from the CDC dating back to the mid-to-late 1990s that were never released to the public indicate that defensive gun uses (DGUs) are much more common than criminal uses of a firearm, The Daily Wire reported.

According to a new report from Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, the agency conducted the surveys in 1996, 1997, and 1998 but neglected — purposefully, most likely — to make public the fact that Americans use guns in millions of self-defense situations every year on average.
But many people — arguably most Americans — believe otherwise. That’s because they’re treated to a steady diet of naysaying from the Left-wing, gun-hating establishment media arguing that Kleck’s research is inaccurate. 

For example, in January 2015 Politico Magazine writers Evan DeFillipis and Devin Hughes (financial industry guys, not researchers with advanced degrees) wrote that such claims are a “tragic myth: that millions of gun owners successfully use their firearms to defend themselves and their families from criminals.” Further, they wrote that such claims have “nearly no academic support in public health literature.” (Related: Why black Americans are demanding their gun rights, even while oppressive liberal mobs are trying to disarm them.)

Well, that’s due in large part because the public health agency that has the correct data never released it.

As noted by Reason Magazine:

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Community Forum @ Narragansett Middle School

Community Forum @ Narragansett Middle School


6 PM

There will be a community forum presented by the NRSD School Committee on Tuesday April 24 at 6 pm in the auditorium. The purpose is to discuss ideas and gather information about the eventual opening of the new Templeton Elementary School, and how it effects the reorganization of the District. 

All Templeton and Phillipston residents with an interest in the District are encouraged to attend this forum. Complimentary babysitting services will be provided by National Honor Society student volunteers.


Opportunity Zones could offer tax benefits across Central Mass.

Opportunity Zones could offer tax benefits across Central Mass.


Government Accidentally Releases Documents On Remote Mind-Control

Government Accidentally Releases Documents On Remote Mind-Control

Monday, April 23, 2018

How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation

How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation

The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout.

Meetings the Week of April 23, 2018

Meetings the Week of April 23, 2018

Monday  4/23/18
ZBA                                 PCS Town Hall*                     5:30 pm
Conservation                    PCS Town Hall*                    6:00 pm 
BOH                                 PCS Town Hall*                    7:00 pm
BOS                                  PCS Town Hall*                    6:30 pm

Tuesday  4/24/18
Berkshire Wind               Sterling                                    10:00 am
Mass DOT                       Gilbertville                                7:00 pm

Elementary Reconfiguration Meeting
6:00 pm

Wednesday 4/25/18
Adv. Com                                       PCS Town Hall*                    6:30 pm

Thursday 4/26/18
Mass DOT                         Athol                                      6:00 pm
Adv. Com                                          PCS Town Hall*                    6:30 pm


* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall

After 28 years, Templeton antique shop to close

After 28 years, Templeton antique shop to close

Staff Writer

Friday, April 20, 2018
TEMPLETON — After 28 years at 10 Baldwinville Road, Country Mischief will close its doors — and try to sell all of its one-of-a-kind antiques, knick knacks and furniture before the end of May.
Gail Whittle, founder of Country Mischief, said she has enjoyed serving the members of the community and making plenty of friends along the way. She’s had customers from all over the country, she said, mostly hearing about the unique shop by word of mouth.

“We’ve made a lot of good friends doing this,” Whittle said. “People are very concerned. I think they are happy for us, but sad at the same time.”

Starting in a small ice cream barn across the Templeton common, Whittle said she has been in the business for 34 years. Since then, she has worked to grow her store, which has been open 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and hasn’t taken much time off over the years. You would never find her anywhere but in her store on weekends, she said. But now that she has decided to retire, Whittle said she is looking forward to adventuring to new places during her free time, and she will be enjoying the company of her grandchildren.

When Whittle first opened the shop on Baldwinville Road, she converted one of the 20 rooms into a tea room. Since that time, the little tea room has had many transformations — from a small restaurant with a small menu to having its own chef. Though the store is still open until the end of May, the restaurant closed in February.

Even though community members will miss the one-of-a-kind shop, Whittle said she’s leaving on a high note. According to her, 2017 was the biggest year for the store, selling many items, along with serving customers in the restaurant Wednesday through Sunday until it closed.

Everything in the store is discounted until the shop closes, Whittle said. For those looking for an even better deal, she said to join the Country’s newsletter on its website at:

Friday, April 20, 2018



Looks like town meeting will NOT be held in the auditorium on May 19th.

Let's hope there is enough parking for the ten people who attend Annual Town Meeting! 

Full TA weekly report for April 19, 2018  HERE.

Democratic Party Sues Russia, Trump, Wikileaks For Conspiring To Hurt Hillary In 2016 Election

Democratic Party Sues Russia, Trump, Wikileaks For Conspiring To Hurt Hillary In 2016 Election

Edgartown Massachusetts says no to being Poisoned by Their Local Board of Health! from FAN

Edgartown Massachusetts says no to being Poisoned by Their Local Board of Health! 

from FAN

The first local victory came in Edgartown, Massachusetts.  On April 12, a referendum vote of 700-253 (a whopping 73%-23%), ended all hope of fluoridation in Edgartown. According to a report on the in The Martha’s Vineyard Times,

“The town’s board of health voted to add fluoride, prompting a controversy over the decision and the process used to issue that order. The town’s water commission opposed the move. Ultimately, a petition was circulated to bring the fluoride issue to a townwide vote culminating in Thursday’s no vote.”

Local residents had only 90 days to collect enough petition signatures to take the issue out of the hands of the pro-fluoridation Board of Health, and they ultimately met and exceeded the petition signature requirements to force a ballot vote, giving authority over fluoridation to water consumers.  This effort was followed up with an extensive education campaign within the community and in the local newspaper’s editorial section, led by concerned citizens.  (Click here to see 
all related articles)

The issue electrified the community and prompted proponents days before the vote to round-up a statement from 
over 35 professionals, along with a former US Secretary of Health and Human Service, which urged the community to vote for fluoridation.

The second came in Walden, NY on Tuesday April 16 (just two days ago), when the council voted unanimously to end fluoridation in this village, which is located about 10 miles from Newburgh, NY, which was the second town fluoridated in the USA in 1945. Grand Rapids was the first.

Hats off to one of the councilors Lynn Thomson, who helped the village jump through all the hurdles that the state of NY Department of Health (DOH) puts in the way of any community that wants to stop fluoridating. The mayor and the village councilors wanted to end this outdated practice months ago but the DOH did everything they could to stop them, which included a last-minute offer to pay for the fluoridation chemicals.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Candidates Night Thursday April 19th

Candidates Night Thursday April 19th

Tom Royer of Kamaloht Banquet Facility at 1 North Main Street, East Templeton, is hosting his annual Meet the Candidates Night on Thursday, April 19, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. (at Kamaloht).

All candidates are encouraged to attend and speak on behalf of their Boards or Commissions so residents of the Town of Templeton can put a face to the name of members running for election.

Each candidate will be given the opportunity to promote their campaign policies and convey to voters what qualities they possess that would make them best suited for the position they are running for.

Any candidate wishing to participate should contact Tom at 978-630-0005 by Thursday, April 12, 2018. If you are unable to attend and wish to submit a letter to be read at the event, submit those to Tom Royer by April 14, 2018. He will not be accepting letters after that date.

Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not a Sustainable Medical Business Model

Goldman Sachs Analyst: Curing Patients Not a Sustainable Medical Business Model

Originally published on

One of the most reviled companies in the United States recently gave Americans yet another reason to distrust their power: A recent Goldman Sachs report reveals the company questioning whether or not curing chronic illness is compatible with a sustainable business model.

In an internal report viewed by CNBC about the potential of the biotech industry and gene therapy titled “The Genome Revolution,” analysts asked: “Is curing patients a sustainable business model?”

“The potential to deliver ‘one shot cures’ is one of the most attractive aspects of gene therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing,” wrote analyst Salveen Richter. “However, such treatments offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies,” analyst Richter wrote in the April 10 report.

“While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for sustained cash flow.“

Richter cited a Hepatitis C drug manufactured by Gilead Sciences that achieved a 90% cure rate. As CNBC noted:

“The company’s U.S. sales for these hepatitis C treatments peaked at $12.5 billion in 2015, but have been falling ever since. Goldman estimates the U.S. sales for these treatments will be less than $4 billion this year, according to a table in the report.”

In light of the reduced profits as a result of the success of the drug, Richter wrote:

“GILD is a case in point, where the success of its hepatitis C franchise has gradually exhausted the available pool of treatable patients. In the case of infectious diseases such as hepatitis C, curing existing patients also decreases the number of carriers able to transmit the virus to new patients, thus the incident pool also declines … Where an incident pool remains stable (eg, in cancer) the potential for a cure poses less risk to the sustainability of a franchise.”

Indeed, cancer is a highly profitable disease. In 2015, the world spent $107 billion on

Gardner schools seek $700K override to avert layoffs

Gardner schools seek $700K override to avert layoffs

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

TODAY! Last day to register to VOTE on May 7th!

Tuesday, April 17th is the last day to register to vote in the May 7th Annual Town Election & the May 19th Annual Town Meeting.

The Town Clerk's office will be open from 7:30am - 8:00pm on the 17th.

Meetings the Week of April 16, 2018

Tuesday  4/17/18
Elementary School             PCS Town Hall*                    4:00 pm  
Historical                            Boynton PL                             7:00 pm

Wednesday 4/18/18
Adv. Com                    PCS Town Hall*                    6:00 pm

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall