Thursday, April 26, 2018

May 7th Ballot Question 1 - Override

Question 1 - Override

Please VOTE on May 7th

 This article is a permanent increase in taxes. The strategy behind this article is to put the ALS ambulance service in jeopardy to force voters to increase their taxes.

In my opinion, it's not enough money to actually address the shortfall to provide 24/7/365 ALS ambulance service to the residents of Templeton. It appears the selectmen threw in a number of other things like Snow & Ice, training police officers, insurance get the idea - to sweeten the deal? Why the selectmen voted for these items versus money for road repairs is anyone's guess.

I do NOT support this article for a number of reasons. 

No Bond Rating 
No Override

Julie Farrell


1 comment:

  1. It looks to me like we would need a override every couple of years. We would need to add people to the ambulance crew. As it stands, there are no people to cover for days off, or a third shift. In the end this program can not support itself. As it has been said, there are to many things this town needs. My opinion as a Senior resident and taxpayer of the Town of Templeton.

