Saturday, May 19, 2018




9:00 am

High School Gym


  1. The voters have spoken, at least the voters who showed up! You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. How many people believe they really understand what they did today ? All of them I suppose ! As I see it, we have two town departments in shambles, with no plan to make things right ? Where is the money coming from to hire a person to lead the Highway Department ? Last I checked,no one will work for peanuts. Just make sure the T.A. does not do a Skelton, and want to get paid for two jobs. As my husband says, no one can do two jobs a once. It is not possible ! So now the Ambulance passed,be prepared to pass an override every year or so..oh yes, if the tax rate is two high, it's because you stayed home.. Oh but the way, I know you will be comforted to know we do not have one certified person on our finance team, even though you voted for an Certified Treasurer Collector ! Just think what we could have done with over $300K to spend on what the town really needs ? Seems our Treasurer is not certified either. Just know your finances are in capable hands. This is the "inconvenient truth" .

  2. big mistake made at town meeting guess the TA and others will hide what thet did not do

    1. Oh, you mean the $417,000. mistake ? Oh no, how do you pay a bill if you do not get permission ? Who screwed up ? Not our crack finance team ! How much do these people get paid ? Too much, it does seem. Heaven forbid our credit rating gets hurt. So now what ? Can this bill wait for the Fall Town Meeting. Stay tuned !

  3. Anyone notice the Vote from the Advisory Committee on this Article? We voted to not recommend it. Imagine 13 weeks and they couldn't find it.

    Hey TOWN make them eat it! This present 2019 BUDGET by BOS financial Policy has to have over $400,000 in overages for future Free Cash as stated in their Policy (B1) Didn't you all know that before you went to Town Meeting?You thought we couldn't pay for the ambulance? You didn't listen to Advisory...............hmmmm. Here's Your Sign!

    This is a prime example of why Advisory didn't want to change by-laws Unnecessarily at this time. Our Administration tends to be sloppy with words.

    This is what happens when the Town Administrator is in control of the BOS meetings. They all sit back and wait to be fed info from Carter. Look at how many times our Selectboard placed all the burden to answer taxpayers questions on Carter.

    I know they were asked to prepare. I know they broke down the Articles so they could attain more specific knowledge, yet............????

    Yesterday was not handled well from scheduling forward, but at least the Select board refused to uphold our present by-laws by voting not to assist Mr. Drury. Every single one voted no when a citizen was asking them to uphold a town ruling...........I dont know all the details, but from what was said I was disappointed that no assistance is or was offered.

  4. the town has got rid of employees that have made mistakes. Are they going to get rid of the TA. Town's people should be asking for him to resign. I bet the do nothing selectmen will not even give him a slap on the hand for his and their mistake on a $417,00 + problem of not having the town vote on the school debt.

    1. It seems our Selectman would need to understand what they are doing before they correct anyone else. Don't hold your breath waiting for anything to be done right. What did the Town Meeting Warrant cost us ? It seems it could have been cleaned up before they printed it. I never saw such a mess. How much do you want to bet, that mess did not go to legal before the meeting. Let's see what the A.G. Kicks back.

    2. Well TabMan,

      They(The BOS) will probably give the TA a raise. It's what they do! It's just a small little boo-boo.

      Anyone else think this might hold up certification of free cash? Maybe, maybe.

  5. Boy Bev. I sure hope they can find some qualified people to fill the openings on Advisory as Selectman Fortes is fond of saying.

    We need someone qualified somewhere, anyone?????? Hello, anyone qualified??????

    Maybe if people got acknowledged for finding errors rather than scolded this would happen less often. I will say that personally I have suggested multiple word changes throughout many different documents and not once was it received with acceptance. All were argued, most got changed, but all right up through town meeting were argued.

    You just cant make this up
