Friday, August 17, 2018

Potsdam forum focuses on choice about fluoridation

Potsdam forum focuses on choice about fluoridation


  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. Allopathic medicine or iatrogenesis is one of the leading causes of death. Being emphatic and being correct are two different things all together. Being correct usually involves some effort to learn what the root cause of a disease is. Because of the control big corporations have of our government people today are very much on their own when it comes to health. Take your time and learn about fluoride. Then take your time and learn about vaccines. Then take your time and learn about EMF's. It is a gauntlet out there. When in doubt get it out.

  2. Potsdam NY residents must contact their legislators and tell them to stop adding unnecessary, ineffective, health-robbing, money-wasting fluoride chemicals into their bodies via the water supply. If they don't hear from resdents, political pressure from outside groups expecially the American Fluoridation Society will embarrass Potsdam to continue fluoridation for their own political viability.
    Follow the Science: 4800 professionals urge you to end fluoridation Here's why
