Saturday, September 1, 2018

Abuse of Power

Abuse of Power

From: Tom [] 
Sent: Friday, August 31, 2018 4:22 PM
To: david smart
Subject: Re: ABUSE OF POWER Re: Missing nonunion raises

Neither BOS nor the TA have communicated with us in any way. We believe this behavior is retaliation for a number of push backs from our board and for two complaints of discrimination to the state (MCAD) which are currently being investigated. Also know that I will be requesting documents under the foia regarding the Pleasant street pump station meltdown last year. We believe the TA conspired to circumvent 30B by breaking down the bill to 3 payments each under $10k to FA Moshcetti & sons. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 31, 2018, at 3:37 PM, david smart <> wrote:
Ok Tom i see this as different  and have some questions. Have the BOS met and discussed this.
It's been long enough to get a answer as i see the date for john reply as july 14
I can understand the frustration you have and wonder if you have been answered from your Aug 30 email?

John, et al:
Why has this issue not been addressed? You and the rest of the board have expectations from the Sewer Department, yet you have callously chosen to IGNORE the town meeting vote which granted a 2% raise to non-union employees. You and your TA are engaging in ABUSE of POWER which will not be tolerated. So much for transparency and cooperation.
The Sewer Department also has sent you a request to consult with Town Counsel concerning other matters, which so far has also been ignored.
I intend to raise these issues to the general public via whatever means necessary.
So please give careful consideration to your unhealthy and devious tactics.

As a taxpayer and member of the Board of Sewer Commission I expect a response the this communication.

Tom Jeleniewski

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Selectman Caplis <>
To: Tom Jeleniewski <>
Subject: Re: Missing nonunion raises
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2018 13:34:10 -0400
Good day everyone,

BoS members please do not respond information only!

 Based on the first email that I received concerning this was the first time I am hearing about this.  So I am sure this is an oversight and this will be corrected based on Annual Town Meeting and the Warrant Article. Please give the Board an opportunity to see what is going on.  I understand how this would make you upset after everything else that was happening but like I said give the Board an opportunity to identify the issue. 

Thank you


Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 13, 2018, at 3:28 PM, Tom Jeleniewski <> wrote:


UNNACEPTABLE.  This is either another case of harassment of the sewer department or a case of incompetence at town hall or both. I will place a wager that we here nothing from anyone on the distribution list regarding this.
I am growing extremely weary of constantly battling the corner office. I suggest that if this issue is not resolved IMMEDIATELY, we contact legal council and/or file a complaint with the state regarding this. I will be in your office on Monday morning to set a course of action. I will also forward to the Advisory committee.
Tom Jeleniewski

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Kent Songer <>
To: Mark <>, Tom Jeleniewski <>,  Bobby <>,  Selectmen John Caplis <>,  Selectwoman Diane Haley Brooks <>,  Selectmen Doug Morrison <>,  Selectwoman Julie Richard <>,  "Cameron R. Fortes" <>
Cc: Carol Osborne <>,  Townadministrator <>
Subject: Missing nonunion raises
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2018 12:24:37 +0000 (UTC)

I write to make you aware that Sewer Department nonunion employees did not receive the 2% raises that were approved by the Board of Sewer Commission, and appropriated by town voters at this year’s annual town meeting.  I sent Kelli an email late in the business day yesterday informing her of this, and have not heard back yet.
Notice was given to accounting to implement these raises along with the union raises.  Union personnel received their raises. 
Given the past and ongoing refusal of the Town Administrator to implement the Sewer Department Administrative Assistant’s approved pay increase, this causes me great concern.
My hope and expectation is that this will be resolved retroactively in the next pay period.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Kent Songer


  1. Not only an abuse of power but a setup for an Ethics complaint.

    "Also know that I will be requesting documents under the foia regarding the Pleasant street pump station meltdown last year. We believe the TA conspired to circumvent 30B by breaking down the bill to 3 payments each under $10k to FA Moshcetti & sons. "

    If the TA conspired to circumvent 30B by breaking down the the bill into 3 payments to FA MOSCHETTI & SONS, that puts Mark Moschetti into a compromised position...which sets up Mark Moschetti for an Ethics complaint courtesy of the Town Administrator.

    The TA thought is compromised position would make the Sewer Commissioners "play ball" and cough up access to their E&D(FreeCash) .

    Absolute scum!

    1. For the record, the matter of ethics/conflict of interest has been previously addressed with the Ethics commission. All contact with FA Moschetti is handled at arm's length by the commissioners and the chairman does not vote, sign the warrant or have any other influence or vote on matters concerning FA Moschetti & sons. So we feel this matter is above board. Thank you for your caution. By the way, FA Moschetti & sons was the only firm with the proper equipment and licensed to do business in Templeton who was willing to come out in the middle of the night and work 24/7 to avert a possible disaster into the river.

  2. I'm sure this will be "Very Discouraging" to the TA and Finance Team. Wonder if they'll all have a good cry before avoiding the issue for a few more months.............

    Hey Mr Caplis, How many times does the problem need to be identified before we send it packing?

    1. When I vote for something at a Town Meeting, I actually expect the motion to be acted on. To have our Chairman behave like this issue is new, that he does not know what is going on, is disturbing. If I a citizen, have knowledge of the activities at town hall, and the Chairman of the Board of Selectman does not, then we have a serious problem ! I suggest it is time for him to turn in his keys and let someone do the job that will pay attention. The Sewer Commissioners are an independent group who have the right to run their department without interference. I question why the T.A. Is not doing his own job, instead of creating problems ?
