Tuesday, September 25, 2018

From the Agenda Packet for the BOS Meeting 9.26.2018

From the Agenda Packet for the BOS Meeting 9.26.2018

A few nuggets of information for your enjoyment: 

The RFP for Stoney Bridge  "CPC is considering possibly funding it"

 Keep rolling over those short term loans.

Maybe someday, in our lifetime, Templeton will regain a Bond Rating.

In other news, looks like yet another road project was not submitted correctly to Mass DOT - this time to repave Bridge St. Need another Special Town Meeting vote? BTW, how about an update on the reconstruction of Royalston Road ? The Town has spent close to $1 million of Chapter 90 funds over multiple years to get that crappy road engineered.

Flooding in the basement of Scout Hall? Say it ain't so! 

1 comment:

  1. What cost will our "free cash" really cost us in the end ? How did a Town who did not have a sustainable budget for Fy17 really cost us ? We destroyed two of our worker's careers, no make that three, no make that four qualified people. Is needing extra cash why our fire chief had to be let go ? What did we gain by getting rid if Bud Chase ? A Highway Department with no real leadership for mounths, a Cemetery and Parks Department left in the same way ! Looks real treat doesn't it. People with knowledge were given the bums rush. The woman who should have been our Treasurer Collector, that maybe would have saved our 300K, if they had given her the job, was told to retire or be fired ! A hell of a way to run a business, that is our Town government at work. So, back to my point, it is my opinion that the reason we have so much "free cash" coming at us when in reality we were broke, is do to funny business. Not so funny when you ride down our roads. Our Highway Department has been short two people, for two summers. The time these guys could actually get something done. How Carter is quick to say, "people do not want to work
    for what we pay". In reality he is always pitching that line. In reality, who would want to work for us if it is not possible to reach retirement ?? Because the powers to be, will find an excuse to give you the bums rush ! Think about it. That is the real reason no one wants to work for the Town of Templeton. Let that sink in ! So where did this extra cash come from ? Why did we have money left unspent when we have so many things that need fixing ? Simply because it you ask for more money than you really need, and you stash it away,along with not allowing your departments to spend on things they really need, it will look like you have money in the bank. I believe this is your free cash ! In reality we are cash poor because we cannot sustain the way we have been doing business. The Selectman have allowed the TA to run our Town like this. Jeff Bennett is right ! We should vote for a under ride. If these people cannot run this town in a responsible way, take your money back ! Want your road fixed ? The roads are in such a deplorable condition I do not believe we will ever be able to afford to fix them at all. Great job, but remember, you get the government you deserve.
