Tuesday, March 19, 2019

1 comment:

  1. As long as this Town continues to suck money from the Highway Department, our roads will never be fixed. The TA has been using the Highway Department funds as his slush fund. Why didn't the TA allow the Fire Department to go to the Town's Advisory Committee to get funds to repair the Fire truck from the Reserve Fund ? The fire department's repair was unforeseen, qualifying for that use. He used money from the Highway Department. very simply, he wanted keep that money available to "backfill" accounts that are short at the end of the year. This is not the way to run a town ! Bring back the line item budget ! The budget has been dummied down, and actually tells you very little. By dummy down the budget, it is easier to hide money and giving you less information to base your vote on ! If the budget will not cover the things the Selectmen and T A, created, then something has to go ! We simply have to live within out means !
