Friday, March 8, 2019

Moms2B Avoid Fluoride

Moms2B Avoid Fluoride

During pregnancy Moms know to protect their babies by avoiding
  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • medications
  • raw meat and seafood
  • high-mercury fish
  • fluoride in water, food, and drinks

Why add fluoride to the list?

In 2017, a 12-year-long government-funded study was completed. It showed significant reductions in children’s IQ when their mothers were exposed to fluoride during pregnancy. In this carefully-controlled study of Mexican mother-offspring pairs by American and Canadian researchers, mothers were receiving the same fluoride doses as mothers in the US who live in communities that add fluoride to their water.

What should pregnant women know about this study?

The results of the 2017 study by Bashash et al. included up to 299 pregnant women and their offspring. Fluoride exposure was determined by measuring fluoride in the urine of the pregnant women because that is a reliable measure of total fluoride exposure. The researchers found a correlation between the urine fluoride of the pregnant mothers and a loss of up to 6 IQ points in their children when the children were tested at age 4 and again between 6-12 years of age. This study was published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives in September 2017.

Is there another mother-offspring study?

Yes, a second study by Thomas et al. was presented at a conference in March 2018. The researchers reported lower IQ scores due to prenatal fluoride exposure when the children were tested between the ages of 1 and 3.

Is this new information?

Yes. While there are another 53 published studies reporting an association of fluoride exposure with a lowering of IQ in children, and over 200 animal-fluoride studies reporting damage to the brain and reduced learning and memory ability, the surprise came with the release of these mother-offspring fluoride studies. Why? Because they have clearly demonstrated, for the first time, that pregnancy is the most critical period for exposure to fluoride. The fetus now ranks as the most vulnerable of our species to fluoride’s toxicity.
Pregnant women should know about these studies in order to take the necessary steps to protect their child’s brain.

Who funded these studies?

The two mother-offspring studies were funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

For more info on these studies use the links
in the Select-a-Topic at the top

How is a pregnant woman exposed to fluoride?

Fluoride is added to approximately 70% of public drinking water systems across the U.S. as non-consensual dental treatment. Exposure to fluoride mainly occurs by ingestion or inhalation. The
greatest exposure to fluoride for the majority of Americans comes from drinking fluoridated water and using it in food preparation to make soups, rice, coffee, tea, infant formula, etc. Fluoride also has many industrial uses, so living close to a fluoride/fluorine emitting industry is also a concern. For more information on industrial releases, see the EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory for fluorides.

What water should I drink if I am pregnant? — Find out here

Questions & Concerns? Check out the Q & A

Who recommends avoiding fluoride?

We are part of Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a non-profit coalition of scientists, health professionals, and community activists dedicated to science-based information about fluoride and promoting public awareness of risks associated with non-consensual fluoride treatment in public water and other fluoride exposures. FAN was formed in 2000 as a project of the American Health Environmental Studies Project, Inc.
Many health professionals and public officials are expected to support traditional beliefs about fluoride and have not personally evaluated the new scientific evidence that swallowing fluoride is not helpful and actually harmful. This website provides links to all of that science. As an individual, you have the right to decide for yourself how you want to take care of your family and your unborn baby.

A pregnant woman doesn’t want to drink a substance that has the potential to harm the brain of her fetus.

The Fluoride Action Network believes that it is urgent for pregnant women to be warned of this potential and avoidable threat to their baby’s intellectual development. Because government authorities are failing to issue such warnings, FAN has begun this campaign to warn expectant mothers to avoid fluoride–especially fluoridated water–during pregnancy.

What can I do?

Help spread the Moms2B Avoid Fluoride message, so that expecting mothers can act to protect their children.
Working as an individual, or with a community group, familiarize yourselves with the Mother-Offspring studies and the Fluoride-Brain studies. Also, read the Precautionary Principle, which is what city and town council members can invoke to end fluoridation in your community.

Learn more on the following pages that are also listed in the Select-a-Topic at the top of this page

What Water Should I Drink?
Q & A
Join the Campaign / Help Spread the Word
Environmental Justice & Pregnant Women

The Mother-Offspring Studies
• The Fluoride-Brain Studies
The Precautionary Principle
IQ Loss: Economic Cost to Society
Media Coverage of the Bashash et al. study
Leaflets & Other Campaign Materials

Join the Moms2B campaign to
help spread the word to pregnant women

1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. Fluoride is the most obvious poison we encounter every day there are many more. Mothers need to know that their babies end up with the toxins they have ingested for a lifetime so mothers need to be extra careful. When in doubt get it out.
