Thursday, May 23, 2019

Fluoride Task Force Hearing

Fluoride Task Force Hearing
May 28, 2019

There is a public hearing on Tuesday, May 28th at 1 PM in Room A-2 A at the Boston Statehouse for a bill sponsored by Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Bruce Tarr (R - 1st Essex & Middlesex). 
An Act Establishing a Fluoride Task Force (S2196) is the first step in making the massive economic impact of fluoridation painfully obvious to the General Court.  The input for this bill includes documentation of medical contraindications to fluoride consumption plus the 2015 Critique of the CDC claims of economic benefit. The Task Force output will be recommendations to the Ways & Means Committee.  

What we need to get this bill passed: 
1. Massachusetts residents and professionals who will come to Boston to testify in support of S2196 on Tuesday. 
2. Written testimony emailed to the Public Health Committee leadership and cc’d to  your own state senator & representative if you cannot attend the public hearing.  Here are the email addresses for the committee leadership: 
3. Follow-up with a phone call to your legislators telling them personally that you want them to support S2196 and to do whatever they can to get the fluoride out of the water because it is harming your health and straining your budget.

If you plan to testify, would like to help, or have any questions, please contact local organizer Karen Spencer for more information:

Phone: 978.283.4606
PROFESSIONALS: If passed, the bill will allow a member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) to sit on the Task Force when it is established.  If you're currently a member of the IAOMT, or if you are a dental or medical professional who is not already an IAOMT member but interested in serving on the Task Force, please contact Karen Spencer.  Your assistance is urgently requested. 

Stuart Cooper
Campaign Director
Fluoride Action Network

1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. H Trendly Dean the father of water fluoridation did a 26 State study comparing natural calcium fluoride levels with tooth decay. Dean did not use his data to get accurate results but instead used his data to show fluoride may be good for teeth. The whole fluoride gamble has been a lie and if you do your homework you will see the pattern is much like vaccines, glyphosate, atrazine, 5G and all the other lies the big corporations have fed us. If you think the information is will just pop into your head on its own, you may be waiting a while. When in doubt get it out.
