Friday, December 6, 2019

Cognitive Effects of Fluoride

Cognitive Effects of Fluoride

The missing words are "scientific integrity," and that is why what you see in this video is so important, but first some background information. 
Over the coming weeks, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) will be releasing video clips from the recent public hearing on fluoridation in Calgary, which ended the practice in 2011.  However, due to sustained lobbying pressure by the dental lobby to restart fluoridation. It will also be the first significant test to see if the pro-fluoride lobby can successfully convince politicians, the media, and the public to ignore the growing number of studies showing harm, including the latest study from JAMA Pediatrics and the National Toxicology Program’s conclusion that fluoride is a "presumed cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans.”  
The vote in Calgary will likely have a global impact, and the fluoride-lobby is aware of this, which is why our first video clip is so important.  In this video presentation, made available by the Calgary City Council, Dr. William Ghali, MD, MPH and neurology specialist Dr. Aravind Ganesh, MD, both of the University of Calgary's O’Brien Institute for Public Health, exemplify scientific integrity by reporting on the neurotoxic effects of fluoride, and admonishing attempts to downplay the importance and relevance of a growing body of scientific evidence.

1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. All you have to do is look and do your homework and you can see how the corporations that run our world are poisoning us. Watch the video above it is short and to the point. Most people are to busy and believe what the so called professionals are saying all the time about fluoride "safe and effective." In my opinion this has always been a lie from people unwilling to take the time and do the research the so called "professionals." When in doubt get it out.
