Wednesday, April 15, 2020

COVID Facility at Templeton Developmental Center

COVID Facility at Templeton Developmental Center

From the Templeton Daily Status Update  4/14/20:

Here is a list of questions I have submitted to the Templeton Board of Selectmen for consideration:

Who made the decision to put the COVID facility at the Templeton Developmental Center?

When was that decision made?

When was the Town of Templeton informed of this decision?

When did the TFD inspect the COVID facility at the TDC? The date?

Who made the request for the TFD to inspect the COVID facility?

Has the BOH inspected the COVID facility at the TDC? The date?

Could each selectman individually answer the question of when they knew about the COVID facility at TDC? The Interim town administrator? The assistant town administrator?

Could each member of the Board of Health and the BOH agent individually answer the question of when they knew about the COVID facility at the TDC?

Will the care providers at the COVID facility be on lockdown and required to stay on premises?

If patients at the COVID facility need critical care, where will they go? How will they be transported?

How will patients be released from the COVID facility at TDC?

If a patient dies at the COVID facility, what is the procedure to handle that?

Will the patients at the TDC COVID facility include registered sex offenders? Prisoners?

What is the projected burden this COVID facility will place on Templeton’s Public Safety/Fire/EMS?

What steps are being taken to mitigate the burden on Templeton’s Public Safety/Fire/EMS?

Will the sewage from the TDC COVID facility be brought for treatment to the Templeton Waste Water Treatment Plant?

What steps are being taken to mitigate the COVID load, if the waste will be treated at the Templeton Waste Water Treatment Plant?

Will the COVID facility at TDC prolong the COVID lockdown in Templeton?
Be well!

Julie Farrell

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