Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Pauly's Response to Bob C.'s letter to the gardner news

March 26, 2011
Letter to the Editor
In response to Bob Columbus’ letter to the editor dated March 25, 2011 to end the harassment in Templeton.  This is my opinion. I find it ironic that a selectman can write in the paper about how a Sewer Commissioner apologizes for "harassing" an employee when that same selectman was guilty of the same thing and wasn't "MAN ENOUGH" to actually apologize.  Instead he squirms out of it, with help from the Town Coordinator, by reading a poorly written self serving note at a public meeting.  The note then was shoved in an envelope and anonymously stuck in an internal mailbox at the Town Offices.  What a fine example of a "leader" again bullying a commissioner.
When the war is in full swing the actual harassment that I read about is the town treasurer’s complaints pertaining to you, Mr. Columbus and a former selectman Gerald Skelton. In my opinion every time a resident or taxpayer asks who did the harassing you both light up like a slot machine – not that I have anything against the casinos.  Has it been settled yet? Do you remember the former Council on Aging Director? In my opinion you Mr. Columbus need to take a good long look in the mirror! So should Mr. Skelton, did he ever apologize to the treasurer? The way to end harassment is to address it when it happens. An actual complaint signed by the complainant. Addressed within a reasonable time, not 6 months or more later. You keep hammering on Peter Farrell Chairman of the Sewer Commission but you fail to admit that you and two other selectmen are the real problem. Did Chris Stewart ever apologize to taxpayer Warren Fuller for criticizing him when he spoke up at the October 20, 2010 meeting? If you the Board of Selectmen are elected to run the town, do so! But do not pick and choose what boards or commission you want to run. Yes, I am referring to the Conservation Commission agent’s pay. What is the secret with you people after so many complaints have been time stamped at the coordinator’s office and either been lost, misplaced, or swept under the rug? It’s your office why don’t you answer the complaints? Peter Farrell knows what is going on in his office as sewer commission chairman, but you people, the board of selectmen won’t let him run his department.  Julie Farrell said it right “we the selectmen were voted to run the town of Templeton as selectmen not sewer commissioners” and Bob Mitchell agreed with her.

People in this town should look at who is “calling the kettle black” and use the upcoming election to elect people that will work for the heavy burdened taxpayers and residents not for the “I want, I want” group like the new town hall with two lounges. “Hello” is this going to be a social club? Don’t forget the time clock for the ones that arrive early and leave late. (he-he-he). Thank you for reading my response and thank you to the Gardner News – more to come from this taxpayer!

Paul H. Cosentino, Sr.

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