Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wednesday August 17th

Hello people of Templeton – The following letter on my blog is my opinion and my opinion only, and it is the truth. I was late for the beginning of the Selectmen’s meeting on Monday because of a ConCom meeting. 3 meetings set up for the same time (but is this a plan)
by a selectman to split up the people that attend these meetings? Concom meeting was a t 690 Patriots Rd (town offices) another meeting was at 690 Patriots Rd – Planning Board room.
The selectmen’s meeting was in that horrible room, the Kiva at Narragansett. Have you people figured out why? The Kiva room is about the biggest insult to the taxpayers you can get. Do you people agree with me? And the seats are something that should be in my junkyard. They are not designed for us people to sit and try – try to listen to the Board of Selectmen. These seats and the whole setup in that room is not to teach kids, it (in my opinion) is designed to punish the kids and make them feel like they are not wanted in school. Ask a few of them on a one to one basis. Don’t ask Dr. Weiss – she will say that there was not enough money (or brains) to make it inviting instead of fear of going into that room all people hear about the seating and the general appearance of the Kiva room is (we are working on it) that room the kiva has not changed in years but Dr Weiss used quote $80,000. to renovate her office area.
Have I said enough yet? After going to the selectmen’s meeting two times in the last few weeks it’s enough for me and “a lot of other people” So now I know the selectmen plan to move the meeting into the Kiva to start with Julie wants us to be uncomfortable as possible. Then no matter how quiet it is in that kiva room people struggle to hear what the Board are mumbling about, except for Bennett and Mitchell who can be heard way up in the back where I was sitting. Julie just naturally talks in a low voice in my opinion Columbus always mumbles except when he is swearing at certain people directly, or leaving a meeting when he is unhappy about the out come. He-He-He
Carol must think she’s in church or the library. I can’t read lips so I do the best I can. Even as soft spoken as Deb Dennis is I can hear and understand what she is saying. Oh I’m sorry Mr Sewart but you always speak clearly, when as you say you don’t know what’s going on. Well you are not alone none of us taxpayers know what is going on half the time.
Is this the plan of some members of the selectmen? “What does put it on paper” mean I asked Gerry Skelton some years ago “How can a citizen with complaints get answers form the powers that be? “ His answer was “we the Board of Selectmen cannot remember every complaint verbally so put on paper and have it timed stamped and they will be answered” yea right!
I PHC have made many complaints on paper and they were time stamped all in the last year or two. They were handed to Carol Skelton. I have those time stamped complaints in my files getting covered with dust. Did I get answers? “No” if anyone ever looked in the selectmen’s folder you would see why and carol says to me that what I do with all the correspondence for the selectmen I put in their folder. Where they the selectmen can read them I used to think that each selectmen had their own folder Not so – it looks like Bernie Madoff ‘s profits and loss folder. You know who I’m talking about right? The ponzi king that is spending 150 years in prison. That is one reason I agree with Jeff Bennett about the selectmen having their own computer. He-He-He. Then watch what happens next, no one - I mean any one particular taxpayer wants to see what’s on the selectmen’s computer about town business, not a chance, they will probably say. It’s none of your (the taxpayers) business or why do you want to do that, or we have nothing to hide or you don’t like our decision or sorry. It’s gone too far, or take a hike or get a lawyer that is in my opinion what will happen because it is still happening to me on the ConCom, and our Police Chief agreed with the chairman – How do you like that. I PHC a ConCom member for 12 years are not allowed to access the ConCom’s computer to see if there is any wrong doings on it why not?

Well it’s too bad for the people that don’t believe me about wrong doings on the ConCom computer, but remember these words. Main St, Worcester and the judge and perjury (lying) after taking an oath- It will always make you ask yourself, am I going to jail for not telling the truth He-He-He Bernie Madoff says everyone is a liar except him. That is my opinion so be it. No let’s get back to your tax money and how it is being spent To you people that don’t want to listen to me can line up at the food pantry because it won’t be long that is all that’s left Then who is going to fill it back up (the pantry) because the whole country, the USA is all messed up because people think money grows on trees or in their attics. You know what I mean “in your attic with the grow lights” so let’s get back to the powers that be – the selectmen.
I liked Bob Columbus’ answer at last Monday’s meeting when asked to vote on an issue, Bob just sat there quietly (I know it’s hard to believe) I asked to break the silence “come on what are you waiting for?” Bob replied to me “I’m thinking” I assumed that it must be true. But what was he thinking about? Seeing how long he could take to waste the taxpayer’s time to answer yes or no. I PHC have better things to do then watch a selectman stare at an unsightly disgusting ceiling as in the Kiva room. Has anyone been in that room in the past couple of years and noticed the condition of that Kiva room under Dr. Weiss’ watch. Go back and take a good look before someone decises to tear it down and build a new room – for thousands.
Well enough about what is the cause of all us taxpayers going broke losing homes, losing our businesses and a lot of other things. My concerns about all of the above does not want to be heard by the powers that be taxes - taxes -taxes yes probably we do need taxes to run the town but not to build nest eggs for certain people like the town coordinator $65,000.00+, the town planner $ 39,000.00+ (everything seems to be done by MRPC who we also pay), the affordable housing coordinator $16,000.00+ (what a joke The job description of the Affordable Housing Coordinator is “to monitor 40B projects” the last time an affordable condo sold was August 2008 and CHAPA, a Boston agency monitors them for and doesn’t charge the town.) ConCom agent $26,000.00+ add it up – in my opinion all this money is wasted. For years and when I mention it the people that should investigate my complaints do not attempt to do it.
While I was writing my blog – a good friend of mine stopped by my house for conversation, I showed him what I was putting on my blog – his reply was why waste your time this town has been a disgrace for years (the powers that be) but maybe you can change some of (the power to be) to do the right thing and stop all this bull----- I told WF my friend, that I am not going to stop until the dishonest and the parasites are either in jail or out of town politics, and have the tax payers get what they pay taxes for. Misuse of municipal funds is a criminal offense and it’s happening by the powers to be in my opinion. Am I boring you readers yet?
Well if your answer is yes how come you read my blog to the end? Thanks for reading my blog. PS I am not mad at anyone in particular I am just mad that the powers that be got elected and nobody voted for the Simpsons or Snoopy – how come? He-He-He
Please pass the word to all about my blog so everyone will know what I’m talking about.

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