Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Peter Farrell's letter to area newspapers

Initiative Petition for a Law to Create a Citizens’ 9/11 Investigation Commission
 Area residents should be aware that an Initiative Petition for a Law to Create a Citizens’ 9/11 Investigation Commission was certified by Secretary of State William Galvin on September 7 2011. This right to petition falls under Article XLVIII of the Constitution of the Commonwealth. It is believed signatures for this Initiative Petition will be accepted at the Clerks Office until November 23 2011.

Area voters may be unaware that six out of the original ten members of the 9/11 Commission believe that the work they did on the original 9/11 Commission was flawed. Without the power to subpoena and put people under oath answers to important questions were lost from these Commissioners.
Many people are unaware that at 5:21pm on 9/11/01 a third tower fell to the ground. Although government officials said the building was brought down by fire, sixteen hundred Architects and Engineers believe Building Seven was brought down with controlled demolition and have signed a petition stating so. Two physicists Steven Jones of Brigham Young University and Neil Harrit from Copenhagen University found explosives in the dust. Lost forever in the buildings collapse were financial records from the Security and Exchange Commission regarding the possible illegal actions of Enron and World Com.
To find out more about how to sign on to this most important petition please go to http://rule19.org/911/. By down loading your own petition you can sign on to get the investigation that the families who lost love ones on that fateful day deserve. You will need to mail your signed petition to Citizens’ 9/11 Commission 16 Craig St. Milton Ma 02186.
The war in the Mideast has been going on for over ten years now. Many of our sons and daughters have paid a high price and will continue to do so until a light is shined on what actually happened on 9/11/01. Millions have died as a result of this war in the Mideast and there is no end in sight to the pain and suffering of these individuals.
To learn more on why we need an investigation please go to http://www.911truth.org/downloads/fact_sheets/Fact_Sheet_1_3-25-07.pdf.
To learn more on the origins of this Massachusetts Citizens’ Initiative Petition please go to http://9-11cc.org/index.php/2011/08/18/press-room/.
Thank you in advance for your concerns in this matter.
Pete Farrell
24 Myrtle St.
Baldwinville Ma. 01436

1 comment:

  1. We can not begin to heal from 9/11 until we know the truth of what happened. Thank you Mr. Farrell for bringing this information to light.
