Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just some points

Recently we went to town meeting and voted on an article concerning the fuel account needing more money. Well maybe someone should take a look at the Animal Control Officer's driving logs. She was spotted in Gardner on Oak Street picking up two boys at 9:45AM on Tuesday, Nov. 8th.  As of when do our tax dollars pay for personal errand running? One more thing that Carol S was aware of (animal control abuse of her position) and kept from certain selectmen  - just like all my complaints about how a certain ComCom chairman and member treated taxpayers and about the agents illegal pay increase over two years.  and Bob C, Chris S and the Recall crew say they were kept out of the loop. How about a Town Coordinator that took my complaints and information requests and only showed them to Bob C, former Selectman Dennis O'B and past ConCom Chairman Shaun G. WHO HAS REALLY BEEN KEPT OUT OF THE LOOP FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS?  Not only Julie F and Bob M but all the RESIDENTS AND TAXPAYERS.

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