Saturday, November 19, 2011

Reply to Kathy Matson’s letter to the Editor in the Gardner News – Saturday, November 19, 2011

Well Kathy I first learned who you were when I asked a local resident who puts the stuff on the town’s website. He said “Kathy Matson from Baldwinville” I was just curious – as for your husband – I don’t know him end of story. As for your son I know he’s on the advisory board, end of story.
What I don’t understand is why you think you

and your husband are at the forefront of a controversial issue? I have no comment about what you are talking about. I am a great believer that there is a power struggle in Templeton. But the election in May 2011 settled it, almost 6 months ago when Jeff Bennett elected to pay for lawyers $4000.00 to witness a recount. Three of his lawyers and one lawyer was the town’s. Guess what the power struggle lost big time and proved these 2 selectmen had nothing to do with it.

 As far as speaking at a selectmen’s meeting know the rules and you won’t have a problem. Finally after many attempts to speak at selectmen’s meeting  (but Jerry Skelton would never let me) Dennis O became Chair and gave me permission to speak – then the power that be tried to get me life in prison plus 10 years to boot! But it all back fired and now they are trying something else. Who is the person who  told the Town Clerk   that Jeff Bennett lost the election and then  that person demanded to be sworn in to the office of selectmen. – Not PHC – Not Peter Kasper – Not Santa Claus but Jerry S.

How did all this mess happen? Use your imagination and ask yourself who threatened who? I, PHC spent a lot of time and money to satisfy myself and expose those that are responsible for the recall and mess that could possibly cost us $5000.00 or more of taxpayers money for two special elections. – That I believe will not take Julie and Bob M out of office. They are honest people and are working for the taxpayers. They are not looking for a pat on the back or a $500.00 American Express Gift Card from the guy who sold us that building that should not have been bought to start with.

I have paperwork that can answer any questions asked. The Gardner News doesn’t always print the truth. And they refuse to publish my letters to the editor, but they always print others that are not always truthful - this is why I started my blog- watch for my signs coming Monday.

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