Monday, December 26, 2011

Are you confused Templeton?

In my opinion after reading the political ad on Page 5 of the Gardner News, Dec 16th, and I quote “Thank you to all the voters of Templeton for signing the recall petition”. Don’t you mean – I’m sorry for intimidating you taxpayers that signed those recall sheets “under duress”. I suppose you recall people helped organize the election last May, 2011. Are you proud of the outcome of that election? I saw a lot of shoulder patting for a week or so after the election, then along came Jeff Bennett with his out of town lawyer for the tune of $4000.00
from his own wallet. For the recount. Do you people think that was honest and fair? And look what happened. Now you recall organizers not only want to recall Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell, but you encourage people to not re-elect Julie and Bob M for Selectman – if they are recalled. I can’t wait to see the ballot for this election. I hope us taxpayers that don’t recall Julie and BobM have our own lawyers on hand to explain the ballots. Another note of that political ad in TGN. Those Julie and Bob M facing the recall are “listening to the people”. Did you see me – Paul H Cosentino, Sr on the cable station – the meeting with the interviews for town coordinator? I asked to speak 2 times and was given permission by the chair – Julie Farrell – 2 times “so what’s the beef”?  Virginia Wilder asked to speak and she was allowed to speak. Also Pete Kasper asked to speak and he was allowed to speak. I was going to mention cowboys but cowboys don’t ride dead horses. I have been following the “track” record of most of the recall organizers and its “not good Sal” in my opinion. If you know what I mean by “sal” in my opinion – when a few people want to upset town government, they should not try to follow people like a few presidential candidates that embarrassed their family and friends and then bowed out of the picture or should I say pictures. Yes every time I read a political ad , I will give all readers an “in my opinion” comment. And yes my comment will be “in” my honest opinion. I took out my papers for selectman and rapidly got all the needed signatures. But I decided not to turn them in at the last  minute, so my 100’s of votes will go to Julie and Bob M so they can win big time.

I see Pat Mullins took out papers for selectman, if he gets in it won’t be a hard job for him because he is used to sorting out stuff, right Pat? At his regular job (Winchendon transfer station) also he can be part of the “transfers” at 690 Patriots Road. Hee-hee-hee!! Wasn’t he for the landfill in Templeton and wasn’t he promised the job if the Templeton landfill happened??? Remember that?? So much for Pat Mullins. Good luck Pat….. Good luck Templeton!

If Virginia Wilder gets in, I might as well saddle up my mustang and “ride Bulio ride” in search of the El Dorado. Hee-hee-hee.

Well the word is officially out Virginia Wilder and Patrick Mullins for Selectmen, Ho-Hum!

Well Jeff Ritter got a one year appointment to be town coordinator, I was honestly hoping Dan Keeney would be picked for the job – even for a one year term and if the power that be didn’t think he was doing a good job  “out” or “we’ll see you later”. But whatever the board chose is ok with me.  I think Jeff Ritter was an excellent choice. As he said – “I will not work for 1 member of the Board – I work for all members of the Board” – did you hear that – Bob Columbus? A little different than our former coordinator. I like his philosophy – if he sticks with it and keeps the board of Selectmen and us taxpayers well informed, Jeff Ritter will be in Templeton a long time. 

Quote from TGN, Dec 20th Virginia Wilder says and I quote “ The recall is for the best interest of the town, financially and legally” yeah right!!! According to what Bob Columbus was saying at the last Selectmen’s meeting – if the recall happens, they, the “new” selectmen  will bring back the old Town coordinator – and they think this will save the town financially  and legally – yeah right.

Jeff Bennett is right (they the recall people) must stop using the recall Bull-----  it is not going to happen and that’s all there is to it! And I don’t believe that the town office building money($400,000.00) is going to get approval either. We have already spent $500,000. And the Gerry Skelton, Bob Columbus crew (building committee) say we have too much invested to stop now, But I say – why throw good money after bad money – in in all honesty – if the whole deal with that building wasn’t such a big secret to us taxpayers, maybe we wouldn’t be in the mess (we taxpayers ) are in. Just a note Gerry S and Bob C say there have been no secrets – they claim that all the records are in the Selectmen’s Office but nobody can find them – so maybe Gerry should ask his wife the former coordinator what she did with them – she always claimed she did work at home.  We can recover from it with proper guidance – USDA. That building is so full of BLACK MOLD – yes BLACK MOLD – I would not put another dollar into that building until all plans and commitments are out in the open to us people that have to vote on it. Not just a hand full of private interest people and let me point out one thing to the Templeton Taxpayers – just eight months ago we reelected Julie Farrell with flying votes – remember? Also we honestly elected Jeff Bennett. Remember the word “honest” well what happened to the honesty in that election, before Jeff got in“ the sheriff from Angel’s Gulch in Butte Montana” Want to recall Julie and Bob M to upset the board with the 3 – 2 voting power again or should I say 4 to 1.

In my opinion Virginia W and Patrick M are just “yes” people for the Gerry S, Bob Columbus group. I have had the Board of Selectmen in Templeton figured out since 2004 or shortly thereafter, and I have a lot of paper work and pictures to proof it. But I was never able to bring things out in the open until Jeff Bennett got sworn into office, then swore out of office  then $4000.00 later got swore in again. Do you taxpayers follow me? The only reason Jeff B is not on the recall sheet is because “honesty” stopped it. Bennett was not a selectmen long enough – and that’s the law that gave Jeff more time to find more of my complaints about dishonest people in town and on town boards and town committees misusing municipal funds. Did you people read TGN about 6 more bigshots in Washington being caught in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac scandal – bye bye for a few years, boys. My investigation should be starting any day now – we worked hard for this higher authority investigation (us Taxpayers).

Thanks for reading my blog – and as always this is my opinion.


  1. well if the pat the rubbish man and v- wilder get in they are puppets for Gerry skeleton and the village idiot the town is in trouble!!!

  2. It feels a lot like the few that have a vested interest in overthrowing the Templeton elected government, having promised their cronies better jobs, better pay, etc, have the vested interest in showing up on Feb 6th. It would be really good if the other 99.99% of Templeton voters were made aware of this attempt to overthrow the government.
