Saturday, December 17, 2011

Save the Town thousands

In my opinion some people should just listen and think a little before putting their mouths in gear. I went to the Dec 12th Selectmen’s meeting. Chairman Julie Farrell wanted a motion to save the town $3000.00 per year – of course she got flak from – guess who?? Bob Columbus and Virginia Wilder on the issue. Well Bob C and Virginia want to keep getting updates of the Massachusetts General Laws “why don’t they get the renewal form and pay it themselves?”

Well after discussion it was voted to drop the updates because all MGLs are available on the state website for free.( And just a note from Joanne, the paralegal that helps me with this blog – she says using the paper updates is very time consuming – it’s much easier and faster to use the state website for everything, current  up to the minute). Why did only 1 person in the audience not want to save us taxpayers money, $3000.00 a year. Yes, Virginia Wilder and she’s running for selectman “Hoo-Boy!!!” How can those two people – Bob  C and Virginia face Julie and Bob M knowing that they are part of the ill-fated recall effort against them – in my opinion. I “love” those “I am speaking” signs but is anyone listening? Yes they are – ask around. I know, dozens of people asked me what the signs were all about. I said read my blog – Pauly’s watch – but start from March 11, 2011 – then read them all. It should explain what’s happening.

I am expecting a state run investigation any day now, I have the letter from the inspector General telling the Atty General to investigate. Whoever wants to see the paperwork “come on down”. I want all the money returned to the town or jail time. I don’t care which way (they the guilty ones) want to go. But I have spent many dollars and hours chasing these people down – today one of my friends brought me some scrap metal here, he looked at me and said “how’s it going detective Columbo”? anyone remember that TV show with Peter Falk? That’s one of the nicest names I have been called lately. Why haven’t I had any critics on my blog? Can’t catch me in a lie? Or did I put the wrong blog info on my signs? Have you readers noticed that I only have a few signs around town? Well I bought enough to get the word out and not to get retaliation against the landowner. I did get one anonymous phone call – a man’s voice said “why don’t you stop wasting the taxpayers time and money with this Pauly Watch stuff” then he hung up. My caller ID said “unavailable”

I I was hoping to get some help from the Gardner News –  you know our home town news paper – wrong – I hand delivered several “letters to the editor” of the Gardner News. In my opinion TGN is somewhat like our powers that were – pick and choose by the powers at the Gardner News. I personally talked to Alberta Bell via cell phone some time ago (last year) after explaining to her about my “letters to the editor” she told me that she would talk to her two editors and call me back. – wrong!  I did get some action from the Worcester Telegram. I have noticed the Gardner News will print some off the wall “letters to the editor”, but refused me, Jeff Bennett and a couple of Gardner residents I know, to print letters to the editor – hometown newspaper – yeah right! Again that action from TGN is why some friends of mine told me to start a blog: Look out Gardner News – I’m on the move to go public – so I can be rich and famous. Hee –hee-hee!!!

Sorry TGN  , myself and a lot of my friends are not renewing our subscriptions. I personally am switching to the Worcester Telegram.

Thanks for reading my opinion. Pauly

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