Friday, February 10, 2012

Mondy's Selectmen Meeting

I encourage all to attend the Selectmen's meeting Monday Feb 13th at 6:30PM at 690 Patriots Rd. It'll be interesting to see how this meeting goes. Do these new selectmen have the best interest of the town in mind or do they have personal agendas????? To see the agenda for Monday night go to It will be interesting to hear the the update from the Municipal Building Committee - didn't they all say last Monday night(after the vote)that they were going to resign ? Will they ignore the vote of the people???  Hope to see you all there.  And one more thing - the recount will be happening - I'll keep you posted.  Pauly

1 comment:

  1. One good thing that I hope comes from all this mess is that people will pay more attention to town politics and how their money and hometown are being managed. The more people that pay attention, the less corruption and dishonest behavior can happen. Thank you Mr. Cosentino for all your efforts to tell the "other" side of the story. I'm glad you are speaking!
