Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Now here this, now here this!

Now here this, now here this!
The word is out, the chopping block is all washed off and ready for phase 2. The word is, it's set for two more appointed people in the next couple of weeks. I wonder who? Anyone got any ideas who is next? I believe only the executioner knows. But be careful, has the executioner got the only  ax in town? Good question,huh? What a bunch of bull---.
Us loyal taxpayers have to put up with day by day.
Private joke-I went down to 690 Patriots Rd., town office building, I said on a small loudspeaker, all employees elected or appointed lineup in the hallway, in as I call your name step forward and say here, well I called the names except to people, when I called the next to the last employee he stepped forward and said-guilty, I called the name of the last employee he stepped forward and said-me too. Hee hee he.
I asked a couple "goofys" in town how they got to be so goofy, their reply was the powers that were must have put something in the town water system. I said I you smart enough to tell me what? The reply "fluoride" hee hee he.
But seriously folks the recount has been postponed until February 28th Tuesday. Why – because it wasn’t posted in the required time. Now did everyone view the meeting where they fired the law firm of BB&M and rehired K&P? Did you see the part where Julie Farrell asked the Virginia, Patrick and Bob Columbus if they had been contacted by K&P – they all said “No” well maybe you people should ask the Kate the admin.  asst. in the Selectmen’s’ office – a day or two before the meeting it seems she answered the phone at the selectmen’s and was heard saying to Mr. Columbus “It’s Leonard Kopelman call for you Bob” so much for them not being contacted by K&P. Also did anyone notice that Virginia read her motion and the last word she read was “forthwith” who the hell uses “forthwith” besides lawyers. Also after all the discussion Bob C said it was time to vote – then he read the motion that Virginia had made but from a paper he had. Guess they had an illegal meeting before hand (with K&P) in my opinion. 
One more thing – has anyone notice that we have a new selectman who’d behavior is mirroring Bob Columbus’ – I guess Virginia was heard being very rude to an employee in the selectmen’s office (one of the ladies) So now we have two selectmen who in my opinion bully employees – right Bob C?


  1. Why would the recount not be posted in time? Carol Harris, the Town Clerk gave notice to all participants involved in the recount Thursday night(2/16) at the "emergency BOS meeting" ...Could someone be nervous about the recount?

    Why wouldn't the Town Clerk post the notice of the Recount that night after she gave everyone the notice of the Recount? .... Could it be that the BOS will try to pass a home rule petition to validate the election held on Feb 6th? Is that why there was such a rush to change Town Counsel? We all know what Leonard Kopelman will do for you (http://www.recountcoming.com/)!!

    "Oops, Monday was a holiday and I forgot" is not going to hold up in court! Anyone else think the postponement of the Recount was done deliberately?

    Please attend the BOS meeting on 2/27/12. Pack the room. Let the People Speak! Maybe we will learn a new vocabulary word! Maybe Virginia can define "malfeasance" for us. Pretty sure Patrick Mullins can!

    1. I hope everyone realizes that it is the town Clerk -is the one who all departments send there meeting posting to - you would think she would know the laws or at least when the holidays are. If Julie and Bob M knew the date of the recount last week, and they were making plans - why didn't the Clerk just post it then - she would have had to call the school last week to make sure the gym was available. way too many odd coincidences.....see the my next comment on Mullins

  2. All this BS happening in town is better than "Desperate Housewives". I think I'll just turn off the TV and tune in fulltime to "As Templeton Turns" Let's hear more on this Mullins deal, and any more on the former Light Dept. head who "suddenly" left town for the same job elsewhere

    1. When we first moved in our neighbor across the street, who appeared nothing if not downright hostile, finally told me he remembered when his kids played in the field that was now host to 70+ new homes, and how it was the new residents fault it wasn't still field. Wrong, my understanding is the town had the option to buy the acreage for about $300,000 and they could do that then wrap themselves fondly in remembrance of simpler time when boys played in cow pastures and life just wasn't so hard. It rarely is for a 6 year old. Further, the children of the guy who owned it decided to cash out to a developer. It's not the fault of the people that bought the property, it's the 'fault' (if you prefer to view it that way) of the people that sold the property. Yep, the very same who the old guard, or their children, went to grade school with. How does this relate? Time warp is how. It feels like Templeton is caught in some weirdass time warp. There is so much that needs to be done, start with the public schools, you got schools your grandparents attended that are falling apart. The Feds offered to pay 90 cents on the dollar to build a new state of the art one, but it was voted down. Was that a fluoride or evolution issue? The local police are expected to work out of a glorified shack. There are still unpaved roads in town, and paved roads that last for but a couple of years before they are destroyed by frost heaves. And the subject of the day is some small faction of sore losers that want to turn a hazardous waste site into the new town hall at an outrageous expense, who stands to financially gain in that transaction? Is it true, not too many years ago, town meetings weren't start with the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag but rather the pledge of allegiance to the controlling family????? I have to agree with I like the truth, this is truly a WTF experience. For the sake of the children of the people of Templeton, if no one else, I hope that sanity prevails and people start voting for the future of the town's people and not the future of some controlling family.

  3. I've always said Templton should have it's own reality show - Ask Mr Mullins about the (Winchendon) manhole covers that fell off of his truck in Templeton - rumor has it he call Templeton's highway guys and asked them if they could help put them back in his truck - They said "no way" They get in enough trouble for doing right things!

    1. What's Mullins doing driving around with manhole covers in his truck? Does that mean Wichendon has storm drains and sewers? Oh, add that to my previous list of things Templeton can work on.

    2. Selling them for scrap????? You are correct we have wasted $500,000.00 on 252 Baldwinville Rd - we probably could have bought a piece of land and build from scratch or renovated an old school for less money for a Town Hall - The schools are definitely old - I went to Templeton Center school in the 40's - This town is has some serious financial problems - In the past eight years we have spent all our reserves and have nothing to show for it. And now we are going backwards - back to the old attorneys, back to the old town coordinator. - Chairman Bob Columbus keeps saying lets ask the town accountant - the Town Accountant is just a vendor - Not an employee - not a taxpayer - a vendor. Well the auditors have said it for the last several years - stop using the free cash to balance the budget.

    3. The worst reason to continue with the Baldwinville Rd. town hall is the misguided notion that we must finish what we started.

      If we even need a town hall, we could get it done cheaper by renovating East Templeton Elementary. We could sell the old Viking Container building, get it back on the tax rolls.

  4. Has Mr. Mullins been accused of a felony? Does he have any family members who are lawyers? This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

  5. I believe Mr Mullins' wife is an asst. District Attorney in Worcester.

  6. There is a lot of talk about Mr Mullins and a theft of scrap metal in Winchendon. Is it true and if so have formal charges been filed? Has Mr Mullins made any formal statements regarding the alleged theft? I do not think that the town is moving forward with the continued mud slinging. Would it be to much to ask to let the law take care of the allegations and to move forward with what's in the best interest of the Town of Templeton.
