Friday, February 24, 2012

Public Records Regarding 252 Baldwinville Road

At the February 13th Board of Selectmen’s meeting, I made a request for certain public documents related to the purchase of 252 Baldwinville Road. I picked up my requested documents from the BOS office on February 23rd.  The BOS office was not able to fulfill my entire request
for documents, but I will share the documents that I have obtained.

I was able to obtain the signed Purchase and Sale Agreement, the completed USDA loan application from applicant, the USDA Loan Obligation, and a signed settlement statement/settlement agreement. For the record, I would like it to be known that I did ask our former town coordinator for information about the USDA loan and a number of other items prior to October 2011.

Some questions…. How was the purchase price for 252 Baldwinville Road determined if there was no appraisal or building inspection occurred? The taxes were paid on the building. The municipal lien document lists the assessed value of 252 Baldwinville Rd at $366,500…so why did the building committee negotiate a higher price ($399,925) without an appraisal or building inspection performed on the property?

Why is there more descriptive detail in the letter regarding the payment of taxes from our illustrious law firm Kopelman & Paige than there is in the settlement statement? The settlement statement doesn’t even list the address of the property nevermind the plot number and is not signed by the property owners attorney. I would have expected a more detailed and professional settlement statement from the prestigious law firm of Kopelman & Paige. This settlement statement is shoddy at best.

If I happen to receive more of the documents from my original public request I will share them as they become available.

Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St.
Baldwinville, MA 01436       

978-939-2501  home
978-340-2503  cell


  1. Why couldn't the former town coordinator fulfill the request This is the type of thing that gets one fired.

  2. the former town coordinator always told me that her husband Jerry S Chaiman of the municipal Building Committee had them. But he would say "they're in the selectmen's office" See the games they played - I finally requested some records under the public records laws - out of 9 records requested I received 4 - The current Town Coordinator is trying to get the other records from the building committee - again when one member of the committee was asked for the documents his reply was "Jerry S has them" When they "get rid of the current Town Coordinator (as they said they will - we will be back to square one not getting any info. Shouldn't all these records be in the selectmen's office available for public review.

  3. Pauly:

    Thanks for keeping all of us informed! I check the blog now several times a day, and I’ve forwarded the link to friends and neighbors. Keep up the good work.

    I’m still astonished by the rumor that that the current majority on the Board would even attempt to fire Mr. Ritter. He’s intelligent, articulate, honest, and he really seems committed to doing a good job for the people of Templeton. Which of these characteristics do the “Let the People Speak” people find objectionable?

    If the majority follows through with their plan, in my opinion, their actions would essentially be political sabotage. Based on the K+P fiasco, I’m sure none of them will be able to come up with a legitimate justification. And besides, how much will we have to pay Mr. Ritter?!


  4. Thank for reading and passing the blog on - Hope everyone realizes that K & P have already been reviewing Jeff RItters contract for termination. I hope everyone starts attending selectmen meeetings - I know everyone cannot attend all - but if people can attend when they can .. These recall people are posionous and yes they are and will continue to cost our town and us taxpayers lots of money.
