Wednesday, March 14, 2012

And the Award Goes to

It has become more clear that are town is in very bad way-we are floating down the river, heading for Tully Dam, with no one in charge smart enough to row toward shore, or throw out the anchor.

As for our, lady selectmen, at this point I am not sure if she is the "queen of mean"or a " drama queen"

A young child knows it is wrong to yell for help for no reason. There are some things you do not do: you do not yell fire in a crowded room when in fact there is no fire.

Calling for the police the other night when everyone was leaving the room, please! Getting a restraining order against Pauly, just to embarrass him-gives the Gardner News something to write about-Good move! Just think, forbid something was to happen-who is going to rush to your aid-it reminds me of Chicken Little .The sky is falling, the sky is falling. Who is going to look up.

The drama queen sure has found a way to play to the press. I'll bet she has never had so much attention in her whole life. It is too bad we don't hand out Academy awards. The three of them could do well as best in comedy, if they were not so sad. She could get a award for best in drama, seeing this whole picture is a horror show.
Oh damn, this is not Hollywood-this is Templeton-to find Hollywood go West. I'll help you pack.

This is my view from the hill on South Road.



  1. If the situation in town weren't so dire this would be the funniest comedy of the century! Very good spin, Bev and I do agree with you wholeheartedly. I thought the 3 Stooges retired years ago but no, they surfaced here in Templeton!!

  2. You go girl! I get the feeling these two thought they were going to be admired by the throngs for jumping in to save the town. I wonder how they feel now that they find people are not brain dead and are turning the wheel around. Pauly, keep up the momentum! We need it for MAY.

  3. The anchor for this "ship of state" was probably sold as scrap. Probably no bucket left to bail it out either for the same reason.
