Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Budget and coordinator inextricably linked

One may not have anything to do with the other, except in the eyes of the taxpayer. If the taxpayers are not happy, do not expect much in the way of economic aid from them. That is my opinion, based on conversations I have had with many taxpayers. Voters have even indicated that they do not like this one or that one, I do not like or agree with Julie Farrell but I will not vote for Bob Columbus for anything. It seems to be the actions taken by a majority of the BOS have gotten the taxpayer out and about and they are saying what is on their minds. Ruthe Miller made a good case for the override, technicalities aside, the basis on principal for presentation of an override was sound, the taxpayers/voters just may not be listening, (much like columbus & co.) the taxpayers want Jeff Ritter to stay, as do town employees.
They just may demonstrate their loyalties and interests in voting down any funding for anything other than basics because of the perceived running out of town treatment of Mr. Ritter. The school district may find this out the hard way for the same principles, taxpayers are unhappy with the treatment of THEIR Coordinator, so they may vote down anything that comes their way, as all money articles do. Politics is about giving to get, you give up something to get something, it is called compromise. I suggest this board give up their quest to get rid of Mr. Ritter, to gain a smidgen of trust and peace from/with the taxpayers and work to get the town back on sound financial ground. Political, elective salaries, give them up voluntarily or lose them on town meeting floor through amendments to articles, as in Mr. Moderator, motion to amend the article, change line item #64, town clerks salary from $41,126.00 to $30,000.00, change line item #318, school committee salaries from $4,037.00 to zero, change line item #35 assessors salaries from $15,476.00 to zero and so on down the line. The voters have the final say so on the budget and anyone want to take bets on what mood the taxpayers will be in after Jeff Ritter is fired, if he was to be fired, run off or whatever spin the majority of selectmen want to call it. The people at town meeting have the power to run town meeting and one way is to challenge all calls by the moderator by stating words like "I doubt it" six other members stand and back that one up and they force a hand count, so no games Mr. Moderator, taxpayers are bringing hardball this year, along with the laws and rules. One other line item that can be changed is line item #59, town counsel from $58,400.00 to $40,000.00 so we may have to cut down on the phone calls unless Len is going to follow through with no charge for them. We are finally down to two secretaries in the selectmen office and that is how it should be, as two secretaries or what ever the title may be these days, as in politically correct administrative assistant. Both people should be able to handle the office by themselves and should be able to do all tasks within that office. The training required could be done easily if the person in charge of doing that, the coordinator was not looking over his shoulder waiting to be run out of town because three people do not wish to honor the word of Templeton, that was given in a contract, rather than a simple political appointment. Maybe it is time for a by-law that the coordinator is a town employee hired vs. appointed by selectmen or town meeting vote to appoint as he is paid by the people and not the board of selectmen. Department heads, selectmen, vendors, school committee, school superintendent, all need to be aware the sleeping giant that is the taxpayers want to keep their coordinator and if the selectmen run him off, no matter how they say he left, in my opinion, the taxpayers are going to pay you back for that action at town meeting through the only sure way they have left, with their pocketbooks. The ball is now in the selectmen court, do they want a divided town or a united town. Wait, some of them already demonstrated what they want through the recall, by way of lies and deceit, in my opinion. Create and maintain division and chaos so the real wrong doings stay below the surface. Maybe they should have left me on the couch/sofa. Citizens 4 Templeton are coming, are you with us? Jeffrey Bennett


  1. This Citizen 4 Templeton is in complete agreement.

    If the current majority of the BOS does NOT stop its attempt to remove Mr. Ritter as Town Coordinator;
    if the current majority of the BOS does NOT stop wasting taxpayer money on legal fees;
    if the current majority of the BOS supports entering into a purchase and sale agreement for the 50 acres off of Baldwinville Rd for an elementary school;
    if the current majority supports continuing with the boondoggle that is 252 Baldwinville Rd without a complete official 21E that has gone through an RFP process...



  2. checkn000 is in the house with Citizens 4 Templeton. As for "Moderator", I have some reservations. Shouldn't this title assume that he will be: (Webster's def.) "a person holding moderate views and opinions in politics". The person going on the ballot is definitely on one side of this issue only. Hmmmmmm.

    I agree with two secretaries in the selectmen's office. Hopefully it is two COMPETENT people. I feel we are in this mess with personnel because there is a lack of supervision with backbone, or, in some cases merely a lack of supervisory presence.

    I love your idea of the townspeople speaking out to control the meeting. Reminds me of the British House of Commons where the officials mumble when someone is speaking.

  3. Also we the taxpayers can ask at Town Meeting that votes get taken by a paper ballot - on the any article we want. Phillipston does it all the time.

  4. With the expected crowd, this is an excellent idea. I would say the Town Clerk should be advised to have enough paper on hand and people to count the votes.
