Friday, March 16, 2012

Ex-Lax spells relief

Is freedom of speech and my opinion or your opinion still good in Templeton? I received word this morning from a reliable source that my complaints have been acknowledged and I can plan on action within 5 to 7 days from a much higher authority. So I guess all my friends and taxpayers can still hold their heads high with pride. So I guess someone out there does not think I am a senile old man.-Thanks again to the Worcester telegram for the investigating team, FrontPage of the Sunday, March 11, 2012. That team is what I call fair and truthful to all its readers. To quote Bill O'Reilly's TV show "the spin stops here". If the news media did their job as journalists, I would not have had to start my blog.
Now no matter what, the Pauly’s Templeton Watch is not going to stop. I didn't realize how bad this blog was needed in Templeton until I got comments from "enough is enough" and check n 000, thanks to both of you people for stating your safety for yourself and your family. You are not alone wanting to be anonymous. I have dozens of that type of blog and I feel sad that we have to live with fear of retaliation. But you don't have to fear anything when you want to remain anonymous. I will print your blogs good or bad to let the rest of Templeton know how you feel. Myself and my brother were singled out at a town meeting on how we voted. Yes singled out by a selectmen that submitted in article and could see myself and my brother raise our hands along with others as a "no" vote. But that selectmen picked on the wrong guy to address that issue-am I right, former town coordinator? Please tell it like it is Carol if asked, thank you. Now I see eye contacts at selectmen's meetings and as Bev from Bev's country roads says "I don't care what they, the select board think, it's my tax money that is being wasted" and I agree 100% with her. At last night's meeting in the NRHS auditorium, a lot of questions were asked but no paperwork to help answer those questions, why not? In my opinion, Chief Smith had paperwork, also Bud Chase and Kirk Moschetti had paperwork, I guess these guys have been through this plan "ahead" baloney before. So who is supposed to have the figures at these meetings? Or are the taxpayers just going to write a blank check? I am trying as a taxpayer and a registered voter to get some answers from our elected officials. But am not successful. Has anyone on the blog got some info on how legally I can get answers? I have contacted many people and agencies and they all say “deal with the board of selectmen”. I have e-mails from them that I've printed out on paper. So what's next? Yes as I said before-I spoke in person and with e-mails to our chief of police and the Athol state police with no success. So what's next? Someone out there on the web must have an honest answer for my blog and all us taxpayers in "close to bankruptcy" Templeton.

Please reply with any suggestions. I know there are some highly educated individuals reading my blog, it happens every day. We have a lot of highly educated individuals here in Templeton. Get it, here in trouble Templeton and these people are 100% right. They "those people" love their families and home more than they love Templeton. Right, enough is enough, you blogged it and I respect you and your honest answer. Why don't more people that signed that recall come forward on the blog? Pick a blog nickname and say what you feel. Hide in the closet to write your blog to me, if it will make you feel safe. But please blog me your fears about retaliation here in Templeton. Ask your friends, but be sure they only have one face, if you know what I mean.

Thanks for reading my opinions.


  1. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou! I wish I had the answers for you. I think you will see more enoughisenough people jumping on the bandwagon. To the naked eye, what we are saying on these blogs could be misconstrued and thought to be untrustful. That's why we need to get more information out about the truth. The truth that the people involved day to day and year to year have had to deal with. I do hope the people that were duped during the last attack can see through it now. You are doing your job and more people should see it if we have patience. Thanks again.

  2. Thanks Pauly for all the comments you have written. I appreciate them and find them interesting along with Mr. Bennett's and some of the others who write on here.

    Today as I watched the Elementary school building committee meeting, I finally figured out as to why nothing ever gets done in this town. As our past selectman Dennis O'Brien was so bold to state on television that we the tax payers of Templeton are all stupid after he was reminded he was on camera and laughed and said I'm sorry well I guess I know what he thinks of us as tax payers. And to think he was a town selectman. In my opinion I think he ought to get his head out of his butt and think about what he says. But I guess he is like the other puppets. When it comes to thinking on his own maybe he should keep his mouth shut. I did not hear any voice from the committee saying on how wrong he was for saying that apparently they think we are stupid too. What kind of people are representing us in this town. Thank god we can depend on Mr. Bennett.

  3. Yes Ken, this is the mentality we are living with. I guess the next step is "Big Brother". Cameras everywhere so that people will act in a civil manner. Just makes my skin crawl. Again, the truth is "here". If enough people begin to see it, maybe change will happen in Templeton. Pauly's got a small but mighty weapon with words spoken by the people. Spread the truth to those who may not have access to this space.

  4. jeffrey Bennett
    To check, Ken, enoughisenough and all others on here, that is the key, get the word out to more people. This can be used as a stage to get people to participate. Even if we do not agree, at least we will be talking and exchanging ideas. There is or has been a story of how Mr. O'Brien went to the senior center and professed "why do we need a senior center, there is no one here" So if he said all taxpayers are stupid, I believe it. I wonder if that is why he signed the e-mail to buy 252 Baldwinville road, a town hall across the street from his home and then put a new school practically next door to his home. Imagine a taxpayer voting to spend your tax dollars to improve the area around his home so his property value goes up, then he goes to the assessors office to complain about his taxes. Can you say "not the sharpest knife in the drawer" I have made copies of the proposed town budget as it stands right now. There will be 25 copies at C O & S garage and some more at the Templeton Country store. Maybe they will make it to the blog for all to look at.

    1. Thanks Jeff and Ken for bringing out the character of some of these seemingly passive aggressive Templetonians. How sad!! It takes the glory out of "I live in Templeton".

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Jeff I was wondering if Mr. Columbus, Mr. Skelton, or Mr. Obrien ever really informed people that they could have set up a reuse committee and asked for some of the buildings at the Templeton Developmental Center. I do not know if this was ever done but I do know they were aware of it. I also know that it has been the custom of the state to give the buildings to the towns if they request them and the state no longer has a use for them. Check with Belchertown, I believe they got some for free and also land to boot. Did anyone ever request the administration building, the program building, or for that fact any of the buildings for use by the town. As getting one or two of them buildings would have been a turn key operation and probably next to free. They are all set up, and meet all the codes. Wouldn't a free town hall have been better than what we purchased on Baldwinville Road? But than again maybe it all depends where you live and what the area is zoned for and if it will make a difference in your property values or what you will personally get out of it.

    4. There will be electronic copies of the budget sheets later today.. As well as electronic copies of some documents relating to the OPM contract for the elementary school. The feasibility study for the elementary school was voted for a dollar amount of $550,000.

    I'm not going to blow my cover, but I read my horoscope yesterday:
    SCORPIO - You should take care of some old business by getting your message out on the Internet or the telephone. Regardless of the method you use, something fortuitous is likely to come of it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    So, here I go fortutitously. I, like many others, never formerly met you Pauly but heard a lot or read about your antics. I don't attend meetings so never heard what you really had to say. I did surmise that you had some of the same frustrations I had. As this fiasco was enfolding, I read all of the editorials from Jeff, Bob M., Julie in the Gardner Snooze until they would be "NO MORE". Then someone told me about PAULY'S TEMPLETON WATCH. I was a little hesitant at first but started reading because Jeff could express himself here.
    To my surprise, there was another blog I read intently. That was Pauly's, and, to my amazement, it was intelligent.
    THIS IS YOUR FORUM Pauly. If you are shouting we don't hear it, if you are "going postal" we don't see it. We won't see you being ushered out of a meeting for speaking out against the lies. We can read your frustrations though.
    I never thought I would be a follower of Pauly Cosentino, but, HERE I AM, and I just wanted to let others who may have the same opinion I once had to know. Get involved. Even if you are still not convinced, give your opinion.

    1. If you (or anyone else) would like to "formally" meet me - stop up the Junkyard (Cosentino Salvage) 364 Patriots Rd (next to Pat's Farm stand)anytime and say hello - you can wear a hat and sunglasses if you want so I won't know who you are. I also won't file any "No Trespassing " orders on anyone - Just don't steal my scrap metal!!!!! hee- heee- hee

  6. Paul talks about possibly getting an investigation into illegal activities in our Town of Templeton. It is hoped we have better luck from our investigators than the Jersey girls had when it came to their request of what happened to their love ones. This video show that an investigation means nothing if the intent is to lead people away from the truth . Hopefully our investigation will be more accurate. "Press for Truth" is what one does not look for in an investigation.
