Tuesday, March 20, 2012

a "meeting" that is causing some gossip

There seems to be some gossip around town about a "meeting" that took place at my house at the junkyard - to clarify things - I have in my possession all the Mass Dep records concerning 252 Baldwinville Rd when it was Material Unlimited - I received these records from the DEP through a public records request.  One friday I extended an invitation to people if they wanted to view these records Julie came by, Jeff Bennett came by, Tammy Coller came by,  etc etc - The records are on my kitchen table - anyone who wants to look at them - stop on by - I was even questioned about this "meeting" by Kate Fulton/Athol daily news.  No meeting just a bunch of us looking over DEP records for a property we "stupid" taxpayers bought - oh and by the way these records mention chromium - mercury - creosote
and DEP fines come an take a look!!!!


  1. Can someone explain to me.How we as tax payers got stuck with this HAZARDOUS WASTE DUMPING GROUNDS.And who signed off onit.Keep up the full court press on them.Lets keep these people back paddling out of town elected offices. townwatch007

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pauly, Do these DEP records indicate that the chromium, mercury & creosote were split or just housed on site? Also can you give more info here on what the DEP fines were in regards to?

    1. The mercury and Chromium were mixed w/water for the cooling process - the finds were for something about the storage/desposal of them - I'll pull out the rrecords. Hey remember I'm only a junkman with an eighth grade education. I have a six inch stack of papers on my kitchen table from the DEP - anyone is welcome to come and go through them. anytime!!

    2. Dear Pauly, I know you are a very smart man regardless of what grade you finished. I also know many so-called educated people with several degrees who are no smarter than an inchworm. Having a degree is great but doesn't mean you are more knowledgeable than someone who doesn't. Also, being as wary as you are I am sure you have a back up to that 6" stack of papers. Watch out that someone doesn't try to compromise what you have & what you know. I know firsthand how they will try to go after anyone who has any idea of what is going on. God Bless you & keep you safe in all this!!

  4. Hot off the press.Its a official two away race for the seat for the board of selectmen.Mr Robert Columbus vs Mrs Julie Farrell.Come May vote for the truth vote for Julie Farrell.She's more educated on how to run the town.You can see it at town meeting.The three members of the board of selectmen are always looking to Julie for the answers.When us the towns people asked the questions.They look to her for the answers.Don't forget to vote in May.

  5. Never mind about the meeting held at the junk yard, what about the one held in Winchendon. Did this gag order come from the court hous or an in house deal by kiedler and mullins? Are there anyother officials in Winchendon that know of this deal? Say one Dave Whitaker, member of the Winchendon con com and chief of police in Templeton. And would the cheif be negelent in his law enforcement duties and duties as an employee of Templeton? Does he have an obligation to the taxpayers of Templeton to inform them of any wrongdoings by a selectmen of Templeton? Obstruction of justice? am I right Pauly for sheriff, recall em Mullins resign and Farrell for selectmen, bye bye bob, maybe that is why columbus is in such a hurry to get rid of Jeff Ritter, before the election. Make columbus explain why Mr. Ritter needs to go and what is the plan after that?

  6. informan98 You've got that right - dereliction of duty as far as the Chief is concerned - obstruction of Justice - absolutely. I beleive the gag order was an inhouse deal.

  7. Maybe theres a gag order on the chief.If he talks he could be the next on the chopping block.So the chiefs on the con.com. in Winchendon.And lives in Winchendon hm hm.Like the saying goes.It will all come out in the wash.And come May and Aug.When theres 3 new members on the board of selectmen.Then we can hang out the laundry to be dried. townwatch 007
