Sunday, March 25, 2012

Selectmen Meeting Monday March 26th 5:15pm NMS Cafeteria

Please everyone try to attend the Selectmen's meeting tomorrow Monday, March 26, at the Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria 5:15PM is the interviews for Treasurer - with the regular meeting at 7:00PM
You don't have to say anything if you don't want to - just sit there and smile - you may be on camera!!!


  1. A show of support for Mr. Ritter is needed tomorrow night. also, look at the agenda - the BOS are opening the warrant for the annual town meeting? Again?

    1. They must have been told by the puppet master that they did something wrong - one question if the warrant articles were suppose to be in by March 12 at noon why are they allowing more to be put on???

  2. Does anyone know "officially" why Mr. Ritter is being let go? Is information available from the last executive session? Can people ask questions to the board or does it have to be related to an agenda item? I have a lot of questions I would like answered but not sure how to go about it.

    1. If you remember back when the candidates(3) for coordinator were interviewed - Bob C asked asked them - how would they feel about taking a job that wwould not last? also Virginia (as a member of the audience) asked the same sore of question - so it is not that Jeff Ritter has done anything wrong it is that - this is what has been planned and the whole point of the recall - bring K&P back and get Carol S back her job.

  3. ask yoor questions under old business or new business just don't expect an answer. remember bobs rules of a 3 minute limit and all the rest of that noonsense he read but the board never voted on. Don't expect columbus to answer that question, his reason is to bring back last coordinator but don't think he will say that. Remember, he wanted to violate open meeting law, people unable to get into the meeting room and violate public safety because "we, the board had important business to do" Then he held a meeting with people in the hall with no room in the meeting area for them and a cop standing in the doorway as if blocking the way for entry. I can't wait to hear reasons why we should re-elect columbus as selectmen or anything else. It will most likely be a long time before the minutes from the last executive session are released. No good reason to not release them in my mind, but hey, I am just a little ole selectmen.

  4. In my opinion, with 3 secretaries, the minutes should be ready for release at least by the next meeting. The Board should be able to read and accept the minutes in due time to not forget what was voted, and, discuss any corrections that need to be made to the secretary's interpretation of what was said. Apparently, from information in a previous blog, the past Town Coordinater "edited" the minutes prior to release. Is that still being done? Maybe with the past coordinator? I do believe that may be illegal.
