Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Taxpayers Will Come - By Bev B

I think I have told you my family has been in Templeton for four generations. I love the land I live on and I plan to stay here until I die.
My husband spent most of his life in Leominster. They have a mayor and a city Council. I told my husband "in Templeton we have town meetings. You can vote for what you do or do not like". We have selectmen, you can go to a meeting and discuss any issue you have and they can try to get problems resolved. It always felt good that we as citizens could have a say in what was going on. I always felt it was more open and honest, a better form of government.

I have found the people of our town will stand back and let officials do their job, as long as they feel they are being treated in a fair manner. When the time comes that the good, honest taxpayers of Templeton feel they have not been represented fairly, they are not afraid to let their feelings be known.
I have no doubt that the recall of Julie and Bob M. was the very worst thing that has happened politically in Templeton's 250 years.
We had the biggest snow job in the town's history and the highway trucks never left the town barn-this occurred when the "let the people speak" group organized and took it upon themselves to distort the truth and lie to the good citizens of our town.
The people of Templeton have come to let the newly elected selectmen know the "truth is out there" the scam is done and we have your numbers.
In case Ms. Wilder has forgotten, we pay the way-you work for us. It is beyond belief that she has the nerve to criticize her fellow taxpayers for trying to attend a meeting. Some of the people attending these meetings are in their 70s and 80s.
Why are they there? You may ask. No it is not to disrupt the town or “impede the process of town government.” It is so they can make sure you don't drive the town off the cliff. It is already in the ditch.
The residents will attend these meetings until they can regain the trust that has been lost. How long this takes depends upon those in office. Play fair and by the rules-or it will be a long siege.

This is my view from the hill on South Road. Bev B

Please everyone attend the Selectmen’s Meeting Thursday, March 8, 6:00PM in the Narragansett Middle School Cafeteria.


  1. I hope any and all who are interested in their town government will attend the BOS meeting tomorrow night in the Middle School cafeteria. As residents, citizens and taxpayers you have every right to attend public meetings - ANY and ALL public meetings if you so desire! Come see your government inaction.

  2. What has happened and what is happening in this town is an insult to it's trusting residents. The residents were so lied to, deceived by a group of people with their own agendas. I do not want to be insulting so will keep (most)of my personal attacks and name calling to myself but I must say I would rather be represented by a pile of rocks than by a certain 3 people on the board of selectman in Templeton. They are doing exactly what they accused Mitchell and Farrell of doing and someone should put a sock in Virginia Wilder's mouth to keep her from mumbling stupid, insulting comments under her breath. Does she not recall that she is on television for all to see and hear for themselves I for one will not vote for any tax increases while being represented by a group of fools on a mission. I will try to attend all meetings and will vote down all tax increases when given the opportunity.

  3. Forgot to mention that there are two meetings posted on the website...One for Thursday 3/8/12 in the middle school cafe at 6:00 p.m. and another meeting for Friday 3/9/12 at 690 Patriots Rd at high noon - both meetings have the exact SAME agenda.

    So what is the agenda here? Who will record the meeting on Friday? How many of the BOS will be able to attend? Will any resident, citizen or taxpayer be able to attend? I suggest that the Templeton BOS hold their meetings out of town at secret undisclosed locations in order to conduct their business.

  4. I so agree with Bev B. that losing Bob & Julie (probably the best selectmen ever, along with Jeff B.) was the worst thing that has happened to Templeton politically & did a major disservice (to put it mildly) to the trusting taxpayers, as well as, to all of our fellow residents who were lied to & coerced into signing those bogus recall petitions. This was a travesty of justice of phenomenal proportions. The blatant lies spewed forth about Julie & Bob M., to get them recalled under false pretenses to get the old regime connections back, was the most horrendous political snow job this town has ever had since it's founding!! You are absolutely right Bev!! It is going to be very hard for any of us to trust the process or system after this. (And what was the scoop with those voting machines?) I am not sure many of us that have been betrayed here can feel confident in our town govt. until we see "true justice" prevail. I am also in agreement that it will probably take a long long time to get over this, if ever. I also know the "Truth is out there". Hopefully, those that have hurt the townspeople in such an egregious way will ultimately pay the price for "their crimes" & possibly see jail time. I hope the FBI will investigate the people that should be investigated & stop this nonsense of putting the spotlight on Pauly because he has tried to get someone to listen to his concerns & do what is right for this town!! I share his frustration & know that others who have commented about going to the right resources to get action mean well. However, I suspect that they have not ever tried to get the appropriate authorities to take notice or get the newspapers to print editorials that counter the one-sided view that this present board has or they would know exactly what Pauly, Bev & others are talking about. We all need to ask many more questions & look much deeper as to what is the real reason for this recall. If we don't right this wrong that was done to Julie & Bob M. (because it was really an attack against all of us who believed in the system) none of us may ever have a say in anything again. Thank you for this forum!!

  5. The only way we're going to get all of this resolved and get the attention of the proper authorities is to continue to work together and attend ALL the meetings. There is power in numbers.

    Here's the link to see the March 5th meeting: Pauly's letter being read and the over capacity crowd which, according to some of the selectmen, is "impeding the process". The process of what? Their agenda? To me, it looks like a room full of people concerned about the state of affairs in their town. Something wrong with that?
