Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Templeton taxpayers are not stupid.

In my opinion, in the eyes of stupids that call us taxpayers stupid, they are the stupid ones. But we the taxpayers smarten up after we realized who was calling us taxpayers stupid. And took a good look at them on the DVD or in person at the meetings. Why do those few people on the committees think we are stupid because we asked questions that are smart and just want a good "common sense" answer. What's wrong with that? Let's do a common sense story, let's say Bill Rucky who lives next door to 252 Baldwinville road puts his house for sale and a potential buyer says-what was used in that building next door the chemicals? After discussion with the potential buyer, the buyer wants an environmental tests done. Bill says okay but the buyer must pay for the tests because the bank is insisting on it. Then E21 test comes up with hazardous materials on Billy's land. Now we all know Bill never used chemicals on his land, so we had the chemicals come from and who is going to pay for the cleanup?
Is that a good question or what? So before we (Templeton) get our fanny in a big jam, let's do a phase 2 and phase 3 environmental E 21 test. If it comes up dirty we can try to go after the former owner. But if we keep dragging our feet, like let's wait until the next committee meeting, yes another month goes by. If there is hazardous material there is not going to go away. And let's say we cover that area with 3000 yards of fill and finish that town hall building in then out of the blue our insurance company asks the same question about the chemicals that were used in that business. I say not Viking container, but materials unlimited. The committee spent $131,000 on architect work, but couldn't spend $8000 or $10,000 for a soil test, six-foot deep and the tests spread about the suspected area where hazardous material might have been dumped or leached into the ground. Other words dumped out the back door to avoid paying for disposal. Those 4 people that asked questions at the last building committee did not, I say not get very good answers and were more or less laughed at. If those people want to know where the building committee's report's went, just ask me. And it wasn't done by accident. If you know what I mean. Not quite under the rug but pretty close. Ask me, Jerry or Dennis and also the answer to the Lady who asked what if this deal does not fly at town meeting. We will not and I say not lose $600,000. She was lied to in front of taxpayers. The town somehow recover a lot of the loss. But not with a wrecking ball. If that building was bought as is, someone is in trouble and it is not the previous owner. Spending $400,000 for the building of that size is not the problem. But spending $400,000 for that building without a full E 21 was "stupid". The previous owner would have to pay for the E 21 or "see you later Pal" . Did anyone ask Bill Rucky for his opinion on what chemicals were used in the operation? Did Dennis O'Brien, 10 years ago when he complained about the smells, think the company was manufacturing Febreze or something? Sounds funny, but I am doing my blog in layman's terms. How much of the bids costing us taxpayers or how much did the bids already cost us taxpayers? I always ask for an itemized list of cost, time spent on each item in a printout of these activities, other words, you don't want to pay someone $100 an hour to watch TV at a local pub. If you know what I mean. And I have proof that one of our employees did exactly that. Many times of course, the powers that was did not want to hear. But that's another story. In other words I don't want to pay a contractor $150.00 for a $1.00 light bulb. No what I mean? So much for "their" contractors on 252 Baldwinsville. If you read the news and the news you can see and hear how the project can go belly up before it is halfway done, because of misuse of municipal or federal funds. I know Templeton is sinking fast, but if you taxpayers want to listen to a "stupid" or senile old man, with your help "voters" we can put the town afloat again. Do you want to hear it? First forget 252 Baldwinsville Rd. for a few months, second, keep the numbers up at selectmen's meetings, keep the pressure on those three you know who, that have upset town politics and annoyed us taxpayers, third get rid of parasites on town payroll, affordable housing, planner, ComCom, agent. The 7 ConCom volunteers along with the ConCom, secretary can run the Conservation Commission. We can always hire a consultant from Westminster or Ashby by the hour. And it won't cost us $30,000. Per year. Animal control also let's hook up with Gardner, I don't think it will cost us $40,000 per year plus a pickup truck. Do we need three secretaries in the selectmen's office. That's a lot of cabbage we can save without sending someone to the poor house. How does that sound “taxpayers”? 4th Vote out Columbus May 7th and put Julie Farrell back on the Board of Selectmen (this is a “no brainer”) . Like one lady said to me – then you will see a real lady fight with – guess who? I, PHC Sr dropped out of the Selectmen’s race to help Julie get in. I hope all my friends and bloggers vote for Julie Farrell as our Selectman. Poor Bob is just not up to running with the big dogs and must stay on the porch. I wonder if the recall had anything to with it? I have many suggestions if anyone will listen. Don’t forget I had to work hard for my “blueberry money” but blueberry season is right around the corner. Hee-Hee-hee. I’m glad I’m not like Templeton, ready to sink. But don’t worry Templeton – help is on the way! So hold your breath, if things go right – Templeton will be rescued by the actions of the taxpayers. No Override, No bums rush for Jeff Ritter our coordinator and a big NO on other stupid stuff.

Thanks for reading my opinion.

PS If the town is a business lets run it like a business not like a hobby – get it? Hobby.


  1. If any taxpayer looks at the budget, you will see cell phone expense: either $9,000.00 or $7,200.00. My question is does anyone actually NEED a cell phone to work and to run Templeton. The highway department could have CB radios in the trucks or the workers could be given job assignments for the day and the department head could go out and about to check on them. Either way, that is one expense that taxpayers do not absolutly need, it is just something that town employees think they need. We use to run the town without them just fine. Plus you would not drive down the road and see a worker supposedly cleaning out drain basins and see that worker stnding there texting. Someone could follow the building inspector around to ensure he is actually in Templeton for all of the hours he is being paid for, rather than being in Hubbardston. If the teachers and their union get ANY increase in their pay this year after contract negotiations, vote NO on any override for them (the school) They are not really for the kids, remember or recall the $85 grand spent on central offices, "to benefit the kids" Go ask the kids what did they get out of that money?

  2. One other reason to say no the the narragansett school committee budget and no to the teachers is one member of school committee is John Columbus, brother of Bob Columbus. Perhaps it is time to send message, if your name is Columbus, don't expect any support from Templeton taxpayers. People like to throw the name Skelton around and give that name the blame for all things bad, maybe time to do same with the name Columbus. Vote NO on any increase of any kind for NRHS because you have a Columbus on your committee. If we want our town back, we need to take and stand and be counted. We need to hang together or we will surely hang separately to take a line from history. Also demand that the legal budget be as low as possible, why give anymore money to Len Kopelman so he can shaft you, the taxpayers of Templeton. And that is another expense that does not affect anyone's job or services.

    1. Infoman98
      I am not Bob Columbus's brother. The Narragansett budget should be considered on its merit. The school district has no association with Len Koppelman.

      If you want to lie about me at least have the courage to sign your name.

      John Columbus

    2. Glad to see you on Pauly's blog Mr. Columbus. "For the record" are you related to Bob Columbus Chairman of the Templeton Board of Selectman? In my opionin there is no merit if any pay raises are being consdiered for the Narragansett budget. When there is a 20% across the board cut NO ONE should be getting a raise. It is very unfortunate that the BOS in this town are in reverse mode. It is for that reason that the schools as well as every other department and all the townspeople will suffer. Do not count on a 2 1/2 override. We need a new board of selectman, a board that is working in the best interest of the town and the people and not themselves. I say dump Mullins & Wilder and bring back Mitchell & Farrell. The recall was a mistake that we have all learned from.

    3. JFC is related to Bob Columbus though not his brother. I believe it is his cousin.

    4. For the record:
      I'll respond to all inquiries that include your name. If don't care enough to sign your name its obviously not that important to you.

      John Columbus

    5. John Columbus, can you please tell me your relation, if any, to our current Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Robert Columbus?

      Phil Meehan

    6. Phil
      Bob is my cousin. You should also be aware that I have taken no position or aligned with anyone in regard to the current town controversies. It is disturbing that someone would attack the school district because we share the same last name.

      John Columbus

    7. With an attitude like that JFC you must be related! If it was not important to me I would not have asked. I choose to remain nameless for personal reasons. I am a registered voter and a concerned resident.

    8. Concerned resident

      I'm being dragged into this for no legitimate reason. If you feel you have a concern you'd like addressed email me. jfcolumbus@gmail.com

      John Columbus

    9. You are not being dragged in to anything as far as I'm concerned. I have no issues with you other than your refusal to accept that this blog is in place to allow people to remain anonymous if they feel the need. I do feel the need and am sorry that you feel because of that my questions do not deserve to be answered. I have no concerns that you can address but wish to thank you for the invitation to contact you. My concerns are with the board of selectmen, their personal agendas and the way they are mismanaging the town. Thank you for your reply.

  3. I was at last nights meeting.I saw and heard a few things I like to talk about.One would be when you had the chief and the superintentdent of schools.Up front talking about ways how to crunch their numbers to get the most out of their budgets.And there was a tax payer asking a question.And in the middle of asking the question.The hammer came down.No no were not going there says the chairman.Then we have a out brust from a gentleman in a black T-shirt.I think he said something like let the people speak.We'll on my behalf and I think on alot of other people there that night.I like to thank him for being our voice.The chief went over to him and had a few words.Thanks to the chief for taking it easy on him.I know how frustrated that gentleman must feel.I think we all do.You got 3 members of the board.That ran a Let The People Speak campaign.Now they don't let you speak.Whats up with that.I like to talk about the budget.You got all these departments pulling there hair out.Trying to find the best way to go about making cuts in their departments.It's hard to go about it.When you got 3 members of the board spending money foolishly.Example like going back to K&P for town lawyers.Spending $5600.00 in 12 days for legal.Three phone calls at $180.00.Two town meetings having a lawyer there for about 5 hours a meeting at $180. an hour.Letting bids go out for the roof on 252 for $6000.00For a project thats not going to happen.I could go on and on.I think you the tax payers get it.Oh wait were stupid tax payers.Not as stupid as think Mr.O'brein.What ever happen to the flat rate of 5.000 a month for town lawyers.And thats having a lawyer at every town meeting.What was that to cheap.On a finishing note.Mr.Mullins your days are numbered.Before the gag order is lifted.41 Days and counting before you Pat,get thrown under the bus.Feel the heat yet.And to the Chair.Let the people speak.Whats the truth getting to you and your 2 puppets.

  4. The way the audience was treated last night is outrageous. To have the Chairman sit back like the mouse that he is and have the Chief do his dirty work. Watch how he treats the female speakers in the audience. He is rude an condescending to women yet backs down when confronted by a man using his gavel and the chief. A bully to women and a coward dealing with men. Just an opinion of a "stupid taxpayer"

    1. I agree with you on all counts!! Just an opinion from another stupid taxpayer!!!

  5. Now that K&P is back in town and we are looking for %500,000 dollars to cover town expenses maybe we can ask K&P where the $10 to $30 million dollars are located in treatment plant contract damages. Just reviewing the Federal portion to this lawsuit where Erving Paper was a party to the contract and the domestic sewage money was due the town along with the long term debt on the facility will be an eye opener to most. With K&P holding firm at town hall there is no way to reopen this epic adventure. Wonder why K&P want to stick around?

  6. Just wondering why the Chief of Police who is not even a resident of Templeton is answering Templeton taxpayer questions and telling the people of Templeton how to behave at a selectman's meeting. Isn't this the job of the Chair? No disrespect to the Chief, my disrespect is focused on the Chair for not doing his job as Chair. As I watch the meeting on tv I also wonder why Mrs. Wilder feels the need to mumble under her breath and and make unsolicited comments without being recognized by the Chair. Maybe someone should tell her she's not better than the people attending the meeting, that she needs to be recognized before speaking.

    1. So right!! This is because those mentioned have long thought they are better than everyone else here. Remember they think we are just "stupid taxpayers" And my gut level feeling tells me there is way more brewing here than we know at this point. But because they are now being challenged & people are getting closer to the mark they are trying to silence others like they "claim" they were silenced. That was all Bull..St. There is another reason or reasons they are doing what they are doing & they don't want us to find out how they have been screwing the whole town over through the years. Now, that we are going bankrupt they can't cover themselves too well anymore!! They are scurrying to find a way to make money off us to fund their Big pays, benefits, retirements, etc. When you shut the streetlights off, then remove them & sell them (just one example of many wrongdoings) without our say so for your own personal gain, then that tells you we are in trouble. When so-called leaders are willing to sacrifice the safety of the town so they can just get more for themselves, then those are sorry, sad, pitiful individuals that we can no longer afford here & need to be brought down a peg or two!! And these statements are all just my opinion!!

  7. Apologies for the mistaken relative designation, but last name association is gonna haunt the school district this time around due to chairman columbus and his cohorts decision to go after the town coordinator. Town employees and taxpayers alike do not want Mr. Ritter to go anywhere. When you make a statement at a packy that Julie Farrell is a liar, I think that is classified as taking a side. Also at the recall election, we saw who you were standing with after the results were given. You fire town coordinator and say good bye to override for school, period. Talk to your sibling, cousin, whatever the family tree is, he is gonna hurt the school district. Mullins is here until after the election, according to the top cat in Winchendon. At least we now know you watch the blog. One smart move the school did was choosing Ruth Miller as superintendent, but her cause was hurt with the chief of police up there talking on budgets outside his department, not his place.

    1. right on infoman98.They fire Mr Ritter.When I say they.I mean the three members of the board of selectman.We'll there's still a ?mark on Mr Stewart.These members of the board and the chief got to remember they work for us the tax payers of the town.Were the voters that make things happen.They keep Mr Ritter and get rid of K&P as town counsel. They mite have a chance with the override to pass.My opinion.K&P are the ones that got us in these mess.They got to go.

    2. Infoman
      If you're referring to me, I was out of town when the recall results came in.

      John Columbus

    3. JFC, you lost all respect when you were shooting your mouth off at the Iraqi Packy you work at and telling lies about the former selectman, just another LTPS cronie who is destroying this town. I for one will never shop at that place again.

  8. JFC has been drinking the kool aid for some time now.
