Friday, March 23, 2012

What is legal next, cocaine?

Just a reminder there is a selectmen's meeting March 26 Monday at Narragansett middle school cafeteria 7 PM
That building at 252 Baldwinville Rd. is such a controversy that may be the committee should have bought a submarine, maybe it would have been easier to sell to the taxpayer's! I went to the building committee meeting Wednesday night at 690 Patriots Rd. a couple of people asked Jerry Skelton questions. He said the selectmen's office had all the information on the purchase and sale and the E 21 tests and other stuff,  when he was asked  about the item to go to town meeting by a woman in the audience. But the answers were not clear, then she asked what if the town said no to the plan and Jerry told her the town would lose $600,000. She said can't we resell that building, Jerry's reply was - would you (the woman) by a building that needed $400,000 worth of repair to the roof. She said - why did you guys by that building, didn't you check the roof? Jerry said, yes, our architects said it would be okay.
But they did not know the new weight limits for the state codes had changed. Wed. Why didn't someone check with the building inspector, the new law came into effect August 6, 2010? Did Dennis O'Brien, selectmen know something when he ordered the snow cleared off the roof for $2000. There's a lot of questions to be answered on that whole deal. Kurt Moschetti tried to save the integrity of that committee but it did not seem to sink into a few of the committee members. But us people all four in the audience understood what Kirk was saying. Also a phase 1 of the E 21 is just paperwork. On whose authority was it not required to do a phase 2 or phase 3 21E? That's what a lot of taxpayers are asking, Jerry's answer was it was recommended by the company that did the phase 1 report not to do phase 2 or phase 3. Well where is that recommendation in writing? The way that water normally flows, if hazmat spill could have happened or hazmat was just dumped out the back door, don't forget the hazardous waste was 75% water the rest was chromium, mercury and other chemicals. This costs big bucks to be removed and a manifest must be made out. Those three concerned citizens asking questions at that meeting were not "stupid". I will check today with the selectmen's office on what Jerry said about the reports being "all" in the selectmen's office. I don't want to hear those three girls in the selectmen's office are trying to cover up things. Whenever I turned in anything to the selectmen's office I made sure I had the paper or papers time stamped and signed. Sooooo, if something got lost or missed placed or swept under the rug I could supply another duplicate copy. That practice, I have always used, is what got someone dismissed, fired, let go, retaliated against, whatever one wants to call it. That is my opinion and in layman's terms. If I have to talk in a tone that some may think is polite, I don't want to be polite, get it? I want to get the issue across to everyone including the ones that don't like what I am saying (the recall group). How many of you taxpayers realize what a big mistake was made with that recall? It is even having an effect on our 250th anniversary celebration, and don't try to blame my blog. When neighbors ignore neighbors and friends ignore friends and relatives ignore relatives and arguments get started at selectmen's meeting that are run like a Judge Roy Bean court. Because the taxpayers are sick of the lies and insults from the powers that be? When asking a question to the board they are treated like bums and the board saying stick to the issues. Well as you now know, the board of selectmen does not want to answer any questions whether on an issue or just people that are concerned. And that's the attitude they (the board) has had since Julie Farrell and Bob Mitchell were recalled. All us taxpayers eyewitnesses with the tape recorders and the DVDs. Yes people are getting smart and asking questions. None of the questions I heard  were "stupid". S. so you people asking these questions don't be embarrassed with the responses you get especially the building committee meeting last Wednesday at 6:30 PM at 690 Patriots Rd. I got so mad at the answers from Skelton and O'Brien I just got up and left. I didn't want to hear them blame someone else for the mistakes they made on purpose or by accident. All of us the taxpayers did not, I say not, vote in favor of that act. It was done at 10:30 PM on the third day of town meeting. And it was not unanimous. But we'll see what happens. I got a couple interesting calls this morning to 2/22/2012. I am watching the board of selectmen very close with all you people, in the way they conducts meetings. For years the board of selectmen said - why don't you people come to meetings, now they say why are you coming to meetings? Why don't they make up their minds the board of selectmen. Well so much for that - trying to embarrass those four members. And to add a note - I have not, I said not, forgotten my letter for an investigation. The board of selectmen does not want to sign that letter. They-the board of selectmen must be getting shaky because they didn't stop me, it just makes the board of selectmen look just a lot worse then they look now. The long arm of the real law is getting closer, day by day. Of course that's my opinion. So I hope I see more and more of you people, 4500 if possible at the board of selectmen meeting Monday, March 26 at 7 PM. Guess what, what happened to the six o'clock middle or the of the day meetings not enough people or what? Or did us taxpayers gripe too much? it's too late for the three members to try to be nice guys after all the crap they caused.

Thanks for reading, Pauly

PS the board of selectmen are always rushing to adjourn and they are making about $150-$200 per hour what's going to happen when they "the board of selectmen" are not making a single dime for their time? OH-Oh shouldn't have mentioned that, hee hee he.


  1. Great Blog segment, as always!! Thank you so much, Pauly, for your tenacity in the quest to get anwswers from those few who are trying to keep wrongdoings & other things hidden from all of us that they don't want exposed!! I believe they are now feeling the heat & are shaking a bit. Yes, 4500 to next meeting :) Who are they going to ask to go home then!! LOL

  2. Another example of jerry skelton not being truthful with taxpayers is the statement/question "would you want to buy a building that needs $400,000.00 in repairs?" On a document dated October 24, 2011, the costs for structural roof/shear walls is $224,400.00. So just where is the $400,000.00 thousand dollars in repairs that are needed? Are there really $400,000.00 in repairs or is that the actual amount to upgrade the roof or is it the $224,400.00? Maybe the heat was getting to jerry. Maybe that is why the personnel board meetings use to be held at 8:00 a.m. in the morning. I would think that if the taxpayers want to sell their building at 252 Baldwinville road, they could include in the sale offer, the engineering plans to "fix" the roof, the design, placement of beams, footings etc etc. See if you buy this building, this is what may be required of you to use the building for whatever. You use the stuff you have already payed for as a tool to put a good face on the sale so to speak. In my opinion, Kirk Moschetti is seeing and feeling the "heat" and as a businessman, has figured out this hot potato is just not worth holding anymore. He just may be listening to the people. I also understand or have heard Kirk is in favor of keeping town coordinator Jeff Ritter in Templeton as it makes no sense to fire a person who has a contract of which taxpayers will end up paying for something that they are getting nothing in return for, again! Their tax dollars being spent by the selectmen for a personal reason/gain. If you do not think it is personal, I will show you a letter from bob columbus to Jeff Ritter informing Mr. Ritter of a hearing etc to discuss his firing. As far as I know, the board never discussed or voted to send such a letter. Is this an example of bob columbus acting on his own, exactly of what he accused Julie Farrell of doing. In my opinion, I think the people will soon see that Ms. Farrell and the previous board acted in line with the rules and the law and did not lie to the taxpayers as it seems the recallcoming group did. And I have seen the latest legal bill from Kopelman & Paige, just came in on Friday and anyone can make a public records request for a copy, should cost you 80 cents, 4 pages. The total is $5,097.55. Warrant # 01-5-151-300. Included is telephone conference with chair of board selectmen to discuss employmee separation;draft. E-mail to chair enclosing settlement documents. Now e-mail from attorney may be exempted un attorney client privelege but the settlement document may be public record, unless they hide it under a personnel issue. Perhaps a question to ask about the 252 building and the purchase is why did only three selectmen sign it? Why did not all five sign for such a pricy document or contract. Was it kept from 2 selectmen on purpose? Look for more to follow on legal and this building. Please kep reading and commenting on the blog, it has turned out to be for the taxpayers to both read and sound off and to offer up points of view. Again, thank you for your support.

  3. Unfortunately Templeton voters elected officials who wish to push through 252 Baldwinville Rd. project. Voters will need to get to Annual and Special Town Meeting to vote no on this project. It would seem that East Templeton Elementary School is a better option as it is more affordable.

  4. Perhaps a question for the detective is why would jerry say "Would you buy a building that needs $400,000.00 in repairs?" Because on a document provided by the building committee and dated October 24, 2012, it states structural roof/shear walls = $224,400.00. So which is it, $400,000.00 for the roof "fix" or $224,400.00? Is it really a $400,000.00 repair? Another question is why only three selectmen signed off on such a pricey buy? Why not all five selectmen since they were in essence signing off on a contract for the taxpayers of Templeton. Maybe someone was doing some "coke" when this all took place. Maybe the heat was getting to jerry. Kirk Moschetti may be finally thinking like a business man and sees that this potato is just to hot to handle any more. If the taxpayers decided to sell this building, they could use the engineered plans for the steel beams, shear walls, footings etc etc as a tool to sell the building. If you buy this building for whatever purpose, here is what you may need to do and provide the plans and designs as part of the sale price, after all Templeton will no longer need them. ANother tool could be the conservation commission already signing off on movement of wetlands for driveway relocation. Some of the work has been done and in my opinion, taxpayers could use this to help sell the building and perhaps get it back on the tax rolls. What we need in my opinion is a five and ten year plan, what do we project our finances to be what project do we want to do next and get the who, what , where and when discussed. A town plan to do this and when finished, we do this next and down the line. Sometimes we tell kids to think about goals and to set them and try to achieve them, perhaps it is time for taxpayers to ask or demand the same from their elected officials so taxpayers can keep track of how their money is being spent. On another front, the lates legal bill from K&P is in the selectmens office, 4 pages long totaling $5097.00, warrant # 01-5-151-300 for services through February 29, 2012. That is $5097.00 for services from say February 17, 2012 thru Feb 29, 2012. five grand in 12 days, thank you columbus, wilder and mullins.

    1. Yes Jeff, you are right as usual. Thumbs down to those 3 musteketeers, or more aptly put, 3 stooges for this K&P bill that should have never happened!! We have given that firm MORE than enough money in the last 10 years!! or whenever they TOOK OVER this town along with the self-anointed one!

    2. Since I am new to town let me see if I am understanding this law firm stuff. We had K&P and switch to another firm that charged us a flat monthly fee no matter how many times we called them but we then switched back to K&P after the recall and are paying them hourly not a flat fee? Do I have this right? Do the attorney come to the selectman meetings to give advice? As I said I am new and just trying to get as much information as possible.

    3. Jeff I could'nt agree more ! What this town needs is long term planning . Hear is a COUPLE OF SUGGESTIONS . #1 why not have a department head meeting once a month with a majority rule,not that of one board .before going to the voters #2 should the town hall not become a reality at 252 bald.rd, have soil testing done, and if clean use that building for a police station in the future . #3 share the building 7000sq.ft.police dept.and office,there by replacing the offices at JBM . #4 elementary school would fit nicely at Templeton center with the police station land if that committee would come down to earth and design a school that we need not what they want . #5 research not rush the reuse of the east Templeton school to determine the best possible use and go from there . I am not stuck on any one of these ideas, These are just some ideas . I would encourage anybody to come up with some of there own and share them . Thanks

    4. I do not know what ever happened with the reuse committee, But why didn't the town ask the state , for some of their the Templeton Developmental Center. The program bldg. or administration bldg would have met our needs for many years to come and they are all setup. Meeting all the Handy-cap requirements Oh and no problems with the roofs ether.Plenty of room for meetings Really just a turn key operation to move in. Maybe even very little cost to the town .Other than to ask for them

    5. Ken The reason there has been no activity with the reuse committee is because untill the state deems the property surplus property we dont even have any say . Once the state shuts down the TDC, first thing they do is send out notice to all state agencys for there first right of refusal . once this process is complete ,then and only then will the property be deemed surplus . at this time is when the town is invited to the table for our say and possibly getting some property for our own needs .

    6. Kirk, Re: COUPLE OF SUGGESTIONS: This is the best thing I have heard in the whole conversation of a new town hall. What I want to know is, if these suggestions were on the table in the Municipal Building Committee meetings, how did we get so far with the 252 Baldwinville Rd. site. I hope to see you at the annual town meeting on a platform bringing this to the people. I don't know if any of this is fathomable, but, they do have economic merit.

    7. The Town of Templeton should have the right of first refusal for the buildings at the TDC.

  5. If the committee wishes to blame someone for the failure of that project, in my opinion, all members of the building committee who are, were selectmen, should probably look in the mirror and point the finger at who you see in the mirror, in my opinion, you did a poor job in ensuring the taxpayers knew all the information prior to moving forward with this thing, which in my opinion, never should have happened in the first place.

  6. Jerry's saying we the tax payers of Templeton would lose out on $600,000.I don't how true that is.Comming from Jerry its hard to believe anything he says.We the people should put a hold on this project.The price of the roof is just a drop in the bucket.The block structure of the building needs work$$$.A lot of interior work to be done.To make offices$$$.Theres plumbing work theres electrical work$$$.Theres carpeting and furniture needed$$$.Nows theres the exterior of the building.Such as making it handicap accessible.A paved parkinglot and sidewalks.Painting the building,theres landscapeing$$$.And oh ya the hazardous waste clean up in the soil.Is that why.They wanted 300yrds of fill from the highway dept.Add all this up.Your talking millions of dollars.And theres this USDA loan.It sounds good.But you read into it.It's not so good.When we have to start cutting into the towns operating budget.To pay back this loan.That means Police,Fire departments.Highway and schools ete.ete.Whats more important having a staffed ambulance to take a loved one to a hospital or a staffed fire department.Or police department to keep law in order.And a highway dept. to plow our roads in the winter so we can get around safely.I know we got to get out of paying rent at JBM.At just under $50.000 a year.Whats wrong with 7cents a squarefoot to remodel E.T school.At a 20 year loan that comes out to $25.000 a year.We just need E.T for offices.We can have our meetings right where there are now.Mrs Wilder I thought she was going to look into that.I know shes to busy.Trying to find away to get rid of Mr Ritter.Who,s paying for bids for the 252 project.townwatch007

  7. Taxpayers pay for the bids for 252 baldwinville road at about $6000.00 but you can get the exact number from the building committee.

  8. Thanks Jeff for the info.Just think if Fred did have the internet.We as a town wouldn't be in such a mess.Going to cost us the tax payers $6000 for bids for a building.Thats not even going to get off the ground.We should take the $6000 put towards that refurbished 2007 cruiser.Kimber now your getting the picture.Meeting Monday 3/26 at 5:15 get there when you can.Come see the circus first hand.And thanks a again Jeff.And hang in there helps on the way.And Mr.Stewart if you could get on the right side of the fence.It would help us, The towns people out.Do whats right. use your head.And think before you speak.And Pauly whats this page views 56161 mean.And a thanks to you
    Pauly for getting things started.For us the towns people.townwatch007.

    1. unknown - 56161 is the total page views by people since starting the blog - woo hoo - we are getting the word out there!!!!

  9. Someone may be trying out some of that "new" sythetic marijuana, on the legal bill turned in on March 23, 2012, there is a $99.00 charge for review and reply e-mail from town clerk of forms for use at recount, held on Feb 28, 2012 (per town web site under election results) review e-mail from town clerk with copies of recount petitions, legal research various issues. Question is why do we pay town counsel for looking over recount petitions? I will have to look over legal bills for May 2011 to see if recount petitions were looked over by K&P for that recount. Perhaps this was part of full court press by or maybe this was business as usual. I do know it states that it cost taxpayers $1,518.oo to have Lauren Goldberg of K&P present at the recount of 2/28/2012. Taxpayers paid $693.00 for labor counsel, $412.50 on Reppucci vs sewer lawsuit and $478.50 for open meeting complaints. accumulated disbursements at cost; reproduction of documents, express mail, special postage, toll calls and online research - $32.05. And here I recall Len Kopelman hisself telling Julie Farrell in an e-mail that he would talk with her 24/7 on the phone at no charge. Could that have been a bribe offer to Julie to get her to keep Len & company in Templeton, because that is how I took that whole e-mail exchange between Len and Julie, Len Kopelman offering up all these freebie things in exchange for keeping K&P as Templeton town counsel, I took it as a bribe, as in offering something in exchange for a service, how come bob columbus did not get the same offer? Or did he and he turned it down. Just a thought or question.
