Friday, April 27, 2012


It was brought to my attention buy a friend that this Saturday, April 28, at 12 noon, the 2012 season for Gilman Waite Athletic field will open with a committee informational opening ceremony, introduction of teams and players. Followed by boys and girls softball teams slugging it out in the season`s opening games. If you haven`t been up to the complex off Michael's Lane in Baldwinville in the few years you would be totally surprised at the amount of work the field committee has done over there. There are multiple ball fields, huge parking areas, concession stands, bleachers, night lighting, etc. etc. And since there is an article at town meeting to give the Pajari Fund to the Gillman Waite Field Committee to continue it`s work in making an athletic field complex like no othe that we can all be proud of. It would be a great time to see for yourselves what an excellent place to give that money to. The kids are our future and this would be a sound investment not only for the kids but our community as well. I believe Mr. Pajari would have approved. ( My opinion of course )
Take a ride up Sat. afternoon,


  1. With all the negative BS in town right now, this is a great, positive thing for all of us to support. Kudos to everyone involved in creating the new complex! The whole town will appreciate this and benefit from it for years to come. All the more reason to make sure the Pajari Fund money goes towards a project that has been executed so well and is not used for the municipal building project which is not going in the right direction. Thanks, Pauly for keeping us informed with this post!

  2. In my opinion Mr. Pajari would have approved of this use of his money. Mr. Pajari lived within listening distance of Gilman Waite just down the way on Oak St. What better tribute than to use the money Mr. Pajari donated than to use it right here in his own neighborhood.

  3. everybody .... the the powers to be want to take this money for the town hall in the special town meeting . it needs to be voted down to have a chance to have this money go to the kids!!
