Sunday, April 22, 2012

250th anniversary of Templeton

Well in my opinion selectmen Columbus, Wilder and Mullins have ruined all chances of a lot of us taxpayers being involved in the 250th celebration. No offense to the uninformed taxpayers that just haven't caught on to this shameless scandal that those three people, and I use that term "people" loosely. Columbus, Wilder, Mullins, have "ruined" my town of Templeton. and the authorities say that there is nothing we the taxpayers can do about. Well we weren't expecting a miracle but we got one ,in the next few days we will get results, some of the most rich and influential people thought obstruction of justice was just of phrase for "fishing without a license" LOL
what about the Secret Service guys? They got caught and will get jail time also and it was all done by a whistleblower that got tired of this#@&%$# going on. It's exactly why we started Pauly’s Templeton watch. In my opinion the gentleman that bought the Gardner radio station should set up a talkshow for the area, to spread the word more of the wrongdoings in the greater gotten area. Including Templeton. Pauly’s Templeton watch is doing good. But we are not getting the word out fast enough to the taxpayers. Other words if you get injured you don't wait to get help or it could possibly be fatal. Thanks to the Gardner news this week for putting Jeff Bennett's comment to the editor. I hope it does not bankrupt the Gardner news. I bought an extra copy for my notebook on the happenings. are my opinions of Templeton issues good enough for the dictators of Templeton which are about to be recognized and exposed. Is our money that Columbus, Wilder, Mullins "misused" get it like misuse of municipal funds, conspiracy, collusion, nepotism, obstruction of justice, outright arrogance by those elected and appointed in the town representatives K and. Well you know who. Us people from Pauly’sTempleton watch were going to make some nice floats for the 250th parade, but we would be embarrassed to be engaged in any 250th activities which would include selectmen Columbus, Wilder, and Mullins. In my opinion it would be like marching in the same parade as Adolf Hitler and his team. I must apologize to the people that read this blog and feel offended as I am told. Just give me a hand and I will try to be more kind to the ones the blog offends. These three selectmen deserve all that is being thrown at them. If anyone in Templeton is wondering why we taxpayers are fuming, the DVD of the selectmen's meeting of April 12 and you be the judge in your own home of the outcome. It's posted on channel 8 for the times it will be aired and a good job to the people they should be on national TV not just Templeton's-right Karen? If I am boring you people please go back to the Gardner news and read the want ads, LOL. Gail Whittle should say something to that renegade board of selectmen. They are wrecking the 250th celebration and that comment is no secret. The taxpayers in Templeton do not want to walk with Columbus, Wilder, Mullins or be part of any function that includes those three selectmen. The word is out of those three selectmen Columbus Wilder and Mullins will not  resignso the rest of the town can enjoy the 250th activities. The selectmen's meeting on April 12, 2012 says it all, I have to admit that ignorance is no excuse for the law, conspiring to annoy and upset the taxpayers of the town of Templeton re-K&P letter to Jeff Bennett's home.. Does anyone care to see that letter from K and P. That all of us taxpayers paid for indirectly, without the whole board of selectmen's approval. I have the date in the year so someone "guess who" can't say the selectmen told her to call K and P. I will check Monday, April 23 to see if my investigation has been started. If it has am going to have "Scott" close the border crossing into Mexico until the investigation is complete, good idea? I will ask the 250th committee for some input on what to do about those three selectmen that are ruining our anniversary of the town of Templeton's birthday. I was involved in the anniversary in 1962 and we did not have any problems, speak up people on this issue please. Thanks for reading my opinions.


  1. Pauly, there may be hope for the parade floats. The parade is scheduled for Sept. 16, after the planned recall. Wouldn't that be a celebration if it goes well.

    the Specimen Ballot is online. I notice Chris is looking for the Light & Water Commision position against Julie.

    1. my only issue with Chris is that he knows what is going on but does not speak up - I give him credit for speaking up and voting against CS coming back but he knew Jeff R was being harrassed by BC and VW To not say anything against it is the same as saying it is ok

    2. Well check, if you look at the latest proposed budget, you will see without a prop 21/2 override, the selectmen salary s gone and with a prop 21/2 override the selectmen keep their salary. The light and water commissioners keep any money they get for light & Water, ask julie what that amount is. Money could be the motivator unless the object was to get Julie out of all elected office as in payback for voting to dismiss CS, remember his father-in-law voted for the recall and said it was necessary, there is a video of the Feb 16, 2012 meeting. Hopefuly the taxpayers will take care of the political salaries and other non essential budgetary items at town meeting and I am perfectly willing to help them do that. We will all get the answer to the question is Mr. Stewart is on the side of the taxpayers or "aunty carol" soon enough. If columbus is voted out of office then we will see true colors. The taxpayers should consider seriously about disbanding the municipal building committee altogether. There is also the contract with stategic Building Solutions for $989,813.00 that is the company that carl weber works for with regards to the proposed new elementary school. He admitted that his company has a binding contract with his company and I have the paperwork to prove it signed by non other than jerry skelton. The only problem was only $550,000.00 was appropriated for a feasibilty study so where is the rest of that money coming from? I have the return receipt for the package sent to the attorney general office so hopefully i will know soon enough whose side she is on. Any citizen can get a copy of the weekly vendor warrant through the selectmens office, or the treasuers office. There is more screwing going on than 9 grand for carol skelton

    3. I am not a gambler but I would bet that you are right about getting Julie away from the light co. position because she does the Honest thing. I also bet especially that you are correct about being more than 9K involved. I bet the money trail is going to lead to places where even we didn't suspect before. I think there are others connected Behind the scenes. Also, does BC owe somebody some favors for getting his son off those charges a few years back? I am not sure exactly what happened but I do know the Bald. Elementary school was locked down due to an incident right near it. Somebody help me out here. It was a while ago so the details are fuzzy. Maybe the Chief would like to explain to us if that has anything to do with BC's behavior or does he & his gang really think they are all above the law. Look out everyone. Examples cited by Pauly are crooks such as DiMassi, Cahill, Madoff & others such as Enron, lady from Dixon, IL, & countless other criminals thought they would never get caught! Guess what, they did!!

  2. Pauly, the parade is not until September. By then Columbus, Wilder, and Mullins should be long gone. The damage to Templetons' budget will last for many years, I'm afraid. You have to remember, this birthday is to remember the people who were not afraid to cut trails, now some of our main roads, build the first house, and fight off the indians. {Actually the indians kept burning down the sawmills} The American Revolution was the reason we can speak out today. It gave us the right to govern ourselves. It also gave us the right to speak out, when people abuse the rights we have. With out a doubt, these people have done a huge amount of damage to our town. We cannot let them ruin it for everyone. The kids that are old enough to remember will have a memory to last the rest of their life. Somehow we have to get through this. Did you know one of the first things the early settlers did was build a meeting house. All the division that has come about as a result of political wrongdoings, will not last forever. What has hurt us the most is some of the things the Gardner News has written. I spoke to a person this week that thinks we are going to these meeting to disrupt things. The false information that has been written has staying power. I told this person to read your blog. She said, "I really don't care about politics". I told her she would when she gets her tax bill.

  3. Pauly, this town doesn't belong to the Skelton's or the Wilder, Columbus, Mullins crew. They should be ashamed to be in 'our' town's parade after what has happened in the past. This town belongs to the taxpayers. It's time to show it. The parade is a great time to show them and their supporters just what they are. Do you know anyone with a ramp truck we can put a big screen TV on? We could play the April 12 meeting over and over during the parade route.
    This town was built on hard work and determination. Don't let a handful of assholes take that away from us. Time for us all to Tuff'n Up. You'be put in too much time to give up now.

  4. I think Chris schould not run for any board. I have seen him mudder under his breth more than once. I want someone who can take a stand, not wimp out when things get tough. If his only reason to run is to get rid of Julie, then forget it. I agree it was good when he voted against having Carol come back. I hope he finds his backbone, and uses it to stand up when he needs to.

  5. I am running again for light and water commissioner. It is safe to say they hate my guts over there. I am not running just to be a thorn in their side, but to try to bring some accountability to the rate payers.

    I will not vote for a rate increase so the department can give out pay raises. The Water department is in no position to make any infrastructure improvements BECAUSE of long term debt; specifically a 40 year USDA loan obligation is restricting the work of the department. We already have some of the highest water rates around.

    As for the light department, they certainly want to remove me from office because I keep pushing for an audit of the wind turbine project. I feel this audit is necessary so we will know what are depreciation costs are and to accurately determine the payback period for the turbine. It is hard for people to comprehend why their light bills haven't gone down since the turbine has come online. I believe as a department, we could do a better job of explaining that to ratepayers.

    I also feel we should update our webpage and make information from water department reports to rates easily accessible to people. In short, I feel the light and water department webpage leaves alot to be desired....check it out and see for yoself. Then look at Ashburnham Light department website. They even have minutes and agendas available online! Go figure! I have website envy! I would settle for Light and Water meetings posted on the Town's website.

    Julie Farrell

    1. I will say it again. Thank you Julie for looking out for the rest of us. This is NO time at all to be increasing rates for pay hikes!! Especially when a significant amount of the community have lost their jobs or had to take pay cuts already. What most of us would give for even a fraction of one of the salaries at the light & water dept, as they stand now, never mind an increase!! How much more do these people want? Well, it is obvious from the actions of the SK gang that they want to bleed us completely dry. Then they are going to ride off into the sunset & leave this mess behind that they created for us to clean up. Unless, the FBI, DOR, Atty. General, etc. would like to take a closer look at ALL the books that were kept or Not kept by those few depts. Anyway, we can still hope & pray for better days ahead. My other hope is that those that have done us wrong will not be able to skip town to go to their paradise island but find that their final resting spot will have their view obscured by a few vertical bars!! All my opinions here! Thanks again Julie for all your efforts to make these depts. be more accountable to the taxpayers, ratepayers, & make them transparent to the town.

    2. To clarify on my earlier comment about the water department:
      I believe the water department does an excellent job. I also think the ratepayers are paying alot for water. Long term debt in the form of a 40 year USDA. Loan is hampering the ability of the water department to begin new infrastructure improvements because it can't take on any more debt.

      A resident wrote a letter to the BOS regarding the water break on Patriots road. the resident asked why it couldn't be fixed correctly once and for all. It seems like every year the water mains break on that part of patriots road (near the 690 Patriots Road). The letter was forwarded to the Light and Water manager who wrote a very good explanation of what it would cost to properly repair the water infrastructure on that part of Patriots Road. The cost of that repair would be over 1 million dollars and put that that cost on the water rate payers would increase their rates from about $8.64/1,000 gallons to about $22.00/1,000 gallons. Astronomical!

      As far as water quality , I believe our water quality has improved since the passage of Chapter 93 Acts of 2000. There has also been a corresponding spike in our water rates.
      I disagree with the practice of water fluoridation which was started in Templeton back in 1951. I have signed the citizen petition which calls for an end to the practice of water fluoridation in the town of Templton. I haven't always felt that water fluoridation was a bad idea, but after reading a few books and articles, and watching a few videos and reviewing a few websites, I have come to the conclusion that water fluoridation should be stopped. I believe the appropriate number of signatures has been gathered to place this citizen petition on the annual town meeting warrant. This particular article will probably be the last article on the warrant. ...if the warrant ever gets posted.

      Julie Farrell
