Friday, April 27, 2012

A Blog from Harry Aldrich

I am writing this letter after reading that our water department has financial problems. I have heard this around town in the past but paid little attention to it. I have not attended many town meeting over the last few years because it seem like when ever anything comes up about the water department it is always brought up about the condition of the department years back and what a great job the current leaders have done in getting it straightened out. Rather then sitting there and listening to it, I just stayed away.

I was hired to operate the collection system of the sewer department when it started in 1978. I took a course in waste water collection and feel I knew the towns system as good as any one at the time when I was employed. In the early 1990s the entire Water Department quit leaving the town without a licensed operator. The board of selectmen requested that I study and take the test for the license which I did, I was successful and past the test for a grade ll license and started operating the department under the present highway and water superintendent. Back then the board of selectmen also served as water commissioners. Later in the mid 1990s I was appointed superintendent of the Highway, Water, and Sewer Department. Now I worked under the Board of Selectmen which meant that they had to approve my spending. Every year we had an article in town meeting for purchasing 300 water meters. We could not put in a water main extension unless it was passed at town meeting due to funding. Budgets were getting tight even back then and the board did not wish to raise the rates as they felt the people could not afford it.

I now realize how the new people running the department could accomplish what they did replacing every meter in town and extending the water mains on some of the streets and replacing bad sections in town. The pay for the water superintendent is set at more then I received for all three departments. I realize some of the improvements were necessary but not everything.

Our whole country is in trouble from spending money they don’t have and that is what they did. I don’t see this as something to brag about. If they are in a financial hardship now, I don’t feel bad for them.

Harry Aldrich


  1. it makes you look real good getting all this work done but when you have a 40 year loan for your kids to pay off.that is wrong ...that is the same bull there trying to pull with the town hall..i have to ask what and who is the same person that is screwing all the tax payers and water users

    1. Harry, we have known each other for alot of years. I remember when you did all three jobs, and the stress you were under. I can only speak for myself, I feel it comes a time when you have to take a stand. When people take it upon themselfs to spend money on a huge project, but don't let the taxpayers vote, if that is what they want. That crosses the line for me. The worst economy, people loosing their homes, things we need worse than a town hall {marble, give me a break} good old E.T. will do, thank you. Little did I know this was just the tip of the iceberg. You can't blame everyone for what a few do. We have to take care of each other, no one else will. Bev.

    2. That's right, Bev. We do NOT need any New Bldgs. right now. ET school would work just fine for offices & we already own it. Have someone in town who is a contractor do any reconstruction or remodeling & also hire a local who is looking for a job do the maintainence. That would cost a heck of a lot less than building all these new "shrines". It is very easy to spend someone else's money when you have Not actually earned it. Also, any totally unnecessary fancy expensive materials like marble are probably the ideas of the same person that felt they needed copper flashing, brand new volvos, huge offices, etc. etc. at the light co. when aluminum, cheaper vehicles, & smaller offices would have worked perfectly well. We know who these people are that have been Consistently crossing the line now for years driving us right into the ground. Oh yeah, the same people bought those $1000.00 each desks, too, I'll bet. Irresponsible jerks spending money on mere desks when $50.00 desks would have worked great. In fact, looking at the desk barricading the door to OUR public office looked okay to me. I don't think we really needed that expense at all. What we do need is, We need to get Julie Farrell back in May 7th election & support her more than ever or we really are going to go into State receivership. The people "representing" us (NOT) have no intention of doing what is right for the majority of the hard working family. They need to go or we are doomed. My opinion, as always. Oh yes Bev, I too, believe & have for ages that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I am with you on that score!! Keep up your great blogs & "views from the hill". They are wonderful & right on!!

    3. I believe the exact quote went something like this " I'll make this town pay if it is the last thing I do for what they have done to us" It is believed this was after the first lawsuit against the town by our past Light and Water Superintendent. You could not make this stuff up.

  2. Yes, I heard the same quote. Now looking at all the damage they have done, all the money they have "taken" from us, every New project they feel has to happen in spite of the downward spiraling economy, makes one see that that quote is probably correct! Oh, the Arrogance & Greed of those things. I can't even call them people, they are so ruthless & self-centered. I keep praying God help us but seems the Devil has been having his way with this town for too many years now. We know what form the devil takes on here!! This town is just a reflection of how the whole world is going with all this greed & self-entitlement you see everywhere. Give me back the greatest generation. I hate to say it but I am glad my Dad is not here to see all that he fought for in WWll is being tossed away for the worst possible type of race we could imagine! And to the person who quotes scriptures, I believe your wisdom through the bible is showing that much of the prophetic passages are coming true. It says in there that in end times people will "become full of themselves", also that the day will come when "Evil is called good & Good is called evil". Well, yah think we don't have to go far to see that this is so very true!! Just go to a town meeting. Nuff said! My opinions!!

  3. Good for you, Harry. I knew something was up. The entire dept. quit! Got out of Dodge and didn't consider the consequences...Must have been very corrupt town back then under the same government.
