Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dennis Obrien's "stupid" remark

Check out Dennis OBrien calling taxpayers "stupid" click on this link


  1. Thankyou for this enlightening view of a man that was, once a leader, and still is a representative for us in this community. If this is the way he sees the people of Templeton, and has no constructive input to the conversation, then he should not be on any committees, boards, councils or platform of any nature for us. Boo to the chairman for not asking for point of order! When this committee comes before the town with their proposal, they should adamently be appraised of the feelings the "stupid" people have about this.

  2. im surprised that nobody has staked a big sign across his house saying we are not stupid

  3. It's bad enough he called us all stupid - but then when he was told that he was on camera - he laughed through an "apology" First you insult use taxpayers, then you don't even have the decency to apologize appropriately. He must have taken lessons from Bob C (his apology to Tammy)

    1. Well, he sure got caught with his pants down.You know, we don't need a sign. after every one sees him in the act...everyone will know who is "stupid". They say a picture is worth a thousand words. That was long before the internet was invented..This is worth , maybe another 56,000 hits.If the good people of Templeton are guilty of anything it is of being to trusting. Never again will we be that.

  4. In watching that video, I realize O'Brien may have a point, we may not be the brightest because we elected him to the board of selectmen along with columbus and skelton. As for the state school oweing Templeton something because they paid no taxes for all those years, how about the skeltons oweing Templeton a few things for sueing us, taking us down the road to brokeville and taking your nice big pension. So how about the skeltons leave town and take len kopelman with em, may as well pack columbus up with ya as well.
