Tuesday, April 24, 2012

In response to Mr Richard Curtis

In response to Mr. Richard Cutis' many questions or concerns, first let me state that I have no control over how many Templeton residents decide to show up for any public open meeting. I will not speak for Julie Farrell but I really do not have that much power nor do I want that power. Secondly, I did not realize that I gave up my rights as a citizen by being elected to the board of selectmen. I also feel that if I consider an employee or town resident has been treated unfairly,
I have a right and a duty, as a citizen and an elected official, to speak to that issue and to demonstrate if I so desire. I believe most town residents would agree with me on that issue but I could be wrong. I figure if a US Representative, John Olver can get arrested at a protest, lil ole Jeff Bennett can show his support for a town employee. As far as bringing discredit to the board of selectmen, my opinion is you should attend the meetings, watch the chair and then make that call concerning bringing discredit to the select board. I can only offer up my opinion on why Mr. Ritter was paid 14 thousand dollars to resign for personal reasons. Mr. Ritter had an employment contract with the town of Templeton and I will be glad to furnish you with a copy if you wish. Contained in that contract was a buy out clause to the amount of $32,000.00 (6 months salary). At the time of Mr. Ritters "resignation", there was not enough money in the salary account to cover that amount. In my opinion, Mr. Ritter received 14 thousand in compensation to resign and go quietly on his way, because if he did not he would be terminated and because of his contract, there was the possibility of litigation. What I can say for sure is the selectmen held a executive session meeting and the result of that meeting was Mr. Ritter was given 14 thousand dollars as severance payment and the town will not oppose any claim for unemployment filed by Mr. Ritter. The employment settlement and claims agreement also states within that the town and Mr. Ritter agree that they shall announce that Mr. Ritter has voluntarily resigned his position as Town Coordinator. I will also furnish you with a copy of that settlement and claim release if you so wish. I did not agree with it, I did not vote for it and I did not sign it so I will not be held to anything I did not sign! So my question goes back to you, residents of Templeton and any business owner or business minded person, is it usual policy to pay someone off or give substantial monies to you to simply resign for personal reasons? What about the Templeton by-law concerning no settlement or claim in excess of one thousand dollars shall be processed without town meeting approval, (page 6 article VII - legal affairs, section 2 found in the by-law book of Templeton, 2010) If asking the chair of the board of selectmen and the board of selectmen as a whole to abide by state law, town by-law and open meeting laws is a personal agenda or vendetta, it is my opinion that Mr. Curtis should resign from his new position of state ethics liaison because he may not have a grasp of what ethics and ethical behavior is about. I would want the select board to move forward, but many moves since the recall have been in total reverse. I want the select board to move forward and not be a "bully pulpit" but a place and a meeting where town residents can come and see their affairs done in a competent manner and their questions and concerns answered, pretty simple in my little mind. I hope this has answered your questions and concerns, if not, feel free to call me at 978-360-4634 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 978-360-4634 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or come to a selectmen meeting and ask your questions there. Thank you

Jeffrey Bennett


  1. Mr Curtis has been a very helpful asset to the Town of Templeton over the years with volunteer work with the Fire and Rescue Squads and I for one thank him. In my opinion the situation upsetting town voters is the self interest, greed and dishonesty shown by the current Board of Selectmen. Someone once said that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. For me it has been a long time coming for people in this town to show some emotion and stand up for doing the right thing. I am sure somewhere in Germany prior to 1940 someone said " Time to allow government to perform business". We all need to gather our facts and learn what is really happening to our town and our society.

    1. What is going on in the Town of Templeton at this time is a result of the everyday taxpayer being to trusting. Because of this trust, we, have allowed town government to be run, not for the people, with the best interest of the town , but by a small group that is self serving and for the most part dishonest, as the previous writer has said. Ritchie , I think I know you well enough. Mr. Ritter never should have been shoved out the door. The town needed his knowledge. In case you don't know, we as a town are almost broke. After this town meeting, there will be no more money left in free cash. All the departments have been asked to cut their budgets by 20%. The school dept. and police dept asked for a override. The selectmans office spends 3,000. on new desks! What the he-- kind if leadership is that??? Since when does the coordinator redue the pre town meeting budget, that had been already voted on. Adding motions that had been voted out, putting money requests where the boards had not even had their vote yet..A little over reach, don't you think. The thing that really got my attention, was when the taxpayers of this town, were not given the chance to vote on wether they wanted to buy that dump on Bald Road, for the tidy sum of four hundred thousand dollars.... Not illegal grant you, but not very ethical in my book. As long as I live that will not happen again, and that is a promise. Jeff Bennett is no fool, he goes by the book. To bad every one doesn't. He is not out to get rich off his town. He is a chip off the old block, just watching out for the taxpayer like Fred did. One thing he will always have is respect. Watch last nights meeting. It was unreal, I don't know what your three buddies are getting out of this, but I hope it is worth it. Oh yah, I forgot Mullins could have been a fellon, I guess he made out , thanks to K&P.

    2. OH YAH AGAIN , The Constitution gave us the right to free speach, and the right to stand up for what we believe. I told Bob things are never going back "to the way they were" the taxpayers are to aware of what is going on. The sence of trust is lost, we can only go forward now. The recall was the WORST THING THAT HAS HAPPENED TO OUR TOWN IN 250 YEARS. It will take a long time for things to get better. You better take off your blinders, and join the real world.

  2. It disturbs me that Mr. Curtis is our liason to the Ethics Commission and he sends a rant about Jeff Bennett to the Gardner News. Mr. Curtis has his right to his own opinions, like everyone else, but he is supposed to be unbiased and nonpartisan as the liason to the Ethics Commission. I cannot believe that anyone who has been to a recent BOS meeting or has watched it on TV can accuse Jeff Bennett of having a vendetta. Mr. Bennett is right,
    Mr. Curtis should attend the meetings and witness for himself how people are not allowed to speak. Talk about lack of ethics, take a look at Columbus, Wilder and Mullins. I guess we know what team Mr. Curtis is on. Just my opinion.

    1. Mr Curtis was at the meeting a couple weeks ago, He got ONE estimate for $2900. and asked for $4000. and Bob C. gave it to him.
      He also spends the winters in Florida, I would think the Ethics liason should be a full time town citizen, but then again, He is Jerry S. buddy.

  3. having him as the ethics liaison is like having the fox watching the hen house...

    just having the three amigos hire cs back is a ethics violation in itself with them all being good friends

  4. I have seen Mr Curtis at selectmen meetings he is definately on Team Columbus. The ethics board recommends a full time senior employee for liason ei. a town clerk. Mr Curtis has been meeting with Columbus and skelton at columbus' house. I for one would not go to him with a question. also don't forget that it is the liason that employees or officials in town that must file a disclosure do it with the liason (if he's not in FL at the time.

    1. Not to mention he also has an Illegal apartment at his house on Patriots Rd. that he rents out.
      Wonder if it is supposed to be a 2 Family, Wonder if he payed the extra sewer hook-up charge required for 2 family homes. Wonder if he claims that income.

  5. Baldwin is right in that Mr. Curtis has been a valuable asset to the TFD. Now that being said he is also a recall puppet. He played a big role in the candidate selection (it being alleged he would not support the recall if a certain FD chief in another town was the candidate).

    For a long time now he has been given anything he asks for when CS is the coordinator. No questions asked.

    Well I have one: How much money has been and is currently being spent to rehab and maintain year round the old fire station in Baldwinville for emergency management operations when we have a fire facility a stones throw away?

    1. Oh and shame on Mr. Curtis for accusing the taxpayers of packing selectmens meetings to disrupt them. How about the citizens rights Mr. Curtis to care about how town business is being run by the 3 amigos? Oh thats right, you supported the recall.

  6. Am I understanding this correctly...Warrants for special town meetings must be issued 14 days prior to the meeting and annual town meetings warrants must be issued seven days prior to the meeting. Does that mean the special warrants are to be posted by today-Wednesday April 25? And does that mean the annual warrants are to be posted by Friday May 4th? If they are not posted, do those articles all get passed over? Help a "stupid taxpayer" out and let me know if I am correct or not.

  7. Olive u I think you would be correct. As for Mr. Curtis I hope he is not under Columbus and Skeletons belt, this would be Ethically wrong. Seeing he is going for our liaison he would need to be unbias. I can see where this is going. How many sidekicks do Columbus have? Do they sleep at night?
    As for Mr. Bennett he was not protesting, it's called socializing with the people something our other members have no clue on doing. Or would it be that Mr. Bennett can hold his head up high and MR. BOOB looks at his boobs for a reason. Disgrace. !

    1. Seeing the JS crew and our BOS have not been following the rules in the past, why start now. I hope for the sake of all the honest people in town, Jeff's package, has landed -where it does the most good. For the recall folks, don't let anybody hide under your bed, or you will be guilty by association.

  8. Pro 15:6 In the house of the righteous is much treasure: but in the revenues of the wicked is trouble.

    Pro 25:19 Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.

    1. If the above is true. we had better make room for a dentest and a foot doctor in town. Sorry, but something is wrong. How come the wicked are doing so well? It seems like the good guys are taking a beating from the GN. Maybe they don't know the difference between good and bad. Maybe the GN does not know the difference between right and wrong. What does it tell you when, a man with no authority to, applies for a loan from the USDA that costs the town money it can not afford, something like 1.9 million. No testing was done on a sight that was bought for 400,000. that used hazardous chemicals on the same sight. What is wrong with that picture? Lets see, The selectman that refuse to let taxpayers ask questions, carry on like the end of the world is coming , all to cast a bad light on our group. With out the help of the paper , the people without a computer have no way of knowing the truth, because the reporters and the paper, these people believe in won,t print the truth. I am hopeing things change. Remember, the old saying it will all come out in the wash.

  9. When is the 21E going to be done on the building? Before we have to answer the state on the loan? Between Bennett, Stewart and Farrell this will be cleared up. There's going to be a long road for our board to fix. Although they will not be able to fix all the problems and bruises, we will be at ease that our government will be in the interest of the People.If Carol had not been hired back the citizens might be able to request for her to produce a document that hasn't been altered or even make it available. Good thing nobody needed to review the papers at her house. Well Ms Virginia, as you said to Ms. Farrell " YOU HAVE DONE IT " having faith in Ms Farrell knew her response to you as " No Virginia I have never taken paperwork from the office and left nothing. for the people to review " ! So Ms Virginia are you telling me it would be ok to take the budget or any other paperwork home and leave nothing for your governed board without access ? WE THE PEOPLE can speak, I am sure our "Clean Government " would take our concerns in consideration. :-)
