Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jeff Ritter

Latest gossip is that Mr Ritter will be gone in 2 days. I did not hear this from him or JB - just the talk around town this morning from various people.......so sad...we are in a downward spiral.....Jeff Ritter, thank you for all you tried to do for us, the people of Templeton.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you!  Pauly


  1. So sad is right. I, as a Templeton resident & taxpayer, also say thank you to Mr. Ritter for staying the course as long as he has with the unprofessional BS he had to endure while dealing with the current BOS (Mr. Bennett excluded). I would also like to thank Julie Farrell, Bob Mitchell, Jeff Bennett, for being so brave, honest & strong in doing everything properly to hire Mr. Ritter to help get this town on the right track again. Also, thanking them for all the other things accomplished such as alerting us to 252 Bald. Rd. debacle, Len K attys & unnecessary legal bills incurred, other expenses that are being piled on us needlessly while Hurtling our community towards insolvency, bankruptcy, & Possible State receivership. All these important issues & more were exposed in a short period of time because of the leadership of the 3 honorable ones mentioned above while on the board. They are the finest examples of what Selectmen for the people should be. I thank them & all the good employees of the town who have been working under severe stress & at times what appears to be immoral & unethical conditions. We will get there & rise again through the efforts of the great folks of Templeton. I also feel that God doesn't mind me throwing in a prayer everyday for help either. And that is my opinion!! Thanks to Pauly once again, as well.

  2. Will Mr. Ritter be at the meeting on Thursday? Please someone answer this question. What is the process for his firing?

    1. I believe the word they use is settlement - in layman terms - take this $14,000 and leave Templeton forthwith or we (k&p) will blackball you throughout the state, you will never work again for any town and you won't be able to collect unemployment.

  3. Mr. Ritter should be at the Thursday meeting, but the word is something about making jerry skelton the temp town coordinator cause he will work for free until july when there is more money in the salary account to pay carol. we needs lot and lots of people at Thursday meeting

    1. Uh! I just threw up. Thanks for answering. When is this nightmare going to end?

    2. Just when you think it can't get any worse,then it does..These people are unbelievable..I still have faith we will get this mess straightened out, somehow.

  4. I'd like to thank Jeff Ritter for toughing it out and staying until the bitter end. Your professionalism and personal integrity has been a brief, but refreshing change for Templeton. The residents, the tax payers, and our town employees now have an idea of what good government can look like. It's going to be difficult to put that genie back in the bottle.

    I wish you well in all your future endeavors. As for the town of Templeton, we can only pray.

    Julie Farrell

    1. And pray alot - good has to prevail not the evil - skelton, columbus, wilder, mullins evil evil

  5. To Jeff Ritter, Jeff Bennett, Julie Farrell and Robert Mitchell, Thank you for trying to do the right thing.

    To Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest on the BOS:

    In the words of Albert Einstein "I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough"

    - VOTE Columbus out on May 7th -

  6. let's make that clearer vote Columbus OUT!! Vote Julie Farrell IN!!!!

  7. Thank you Jeff Ritter for all of your hard work for the taxpayers of the Town. It was a pleasure working with you even after I left employ. You will be a tremendous asset to any Town that gets you.

    Tammy Coller
