Monday, April 9, 2012

May 7 election very important for Templeton and you

Many people may not realize the repercussions possible from this upcoming election in May. Issac Matson is the candidate for town moderator. He claims to have extensive experience in public speaking but I hope he has experience in running a town meeting according to the law, as in MGL regarding the duties of moderator. A regular attendee at town meeting since his mid teens, well that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. On a serious note, jerry skelton took out nomination papers for light & water commission but did not turn them in. Here is my thought on that; town moderator appoints people to the advisory board so it is quite possible jerry skelton could be on the advisory board as in the financial committee, another thought that gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. We need a write in candidate for moderator. You can find this information on website, most likely run by his mom, kathy matson, although I have not confirmed this as of yet.Another candidate this site supports is bob, bubba columbus. Columbus writes he is seeking a 3rd term to continue the work that has been started. What work is that? Supporting the len kopelman retirement fund. Under the chairmanship of bob columbus, there has been more work put in on firing Jeff Ritter than on the budget. The warrant for annual town meeting has been opened and closed several times and we still have no budget in place even though Templeton town meeting warrant is suppose to be to the advisory board by March 20th. Perhaps this is where all that experience of mr. matson comes in, who if elected to moderator will no longer be able to serve on the advisory board, no elected, appointed or town employee may serve on the advisory board. Columbus also writes he cares about our town and wants what is best for it, that would be for you to resign bob! Columbus also writes he will work in a cooperative spirit with residents, employees and other elected officials to move Templeton in a positive way. So is that why you lead the recall election, so you could work with other elected officials? Cooperative with residents like banging the gavel when they try to ask questions at selectmen meetings which you chair. You alone put these rules out there, (we never voted on them) that people have three minutes to speak then shut them off if they ask a question you don't like. Cut the budget in a fair way? So why no cuts for the town clerk? Why keep affordable housing coordinator? Oh, according to Virginia Wilder, we need to keep shaun in affordable housing because he writes storm water rules. Yes she actually stated this at a BOS meeting held April 4, 2012, it was not televised but many people stopped me walking my dog this weekend and commented on that. Remember too, that bob columbus is a bully, especially when it comes to women, in my opinion anyways. He has four (4) complaints against him from female town employees and one elected female official. These are documented in the gardner news, doreen noble, Tammy Coller, Julie Farrell and Deb Dennis. Columbus even put in a request for public records to the town treasurer and he stated in his written request that he did not have to pay for them because he was a selectmen. Secretary of the commonwealth had another opinion, he has to pay like anyone else.
Undemocratically run select board - no vote to discuss dismissal of Jeff Ritter, no vote on consulting Len Kopelman, no vote on having Len Kopelman looking over Ritter's contract, no vote on columbus' rules as in 3 minutes to speak.
Mishandling of town finances - $5,000.00 in 12 days on legal as in padding Len Kopelman's budget
Jeopardizing the town in legal matters - as in changing town counsel in middle of a contract term, running up legal bills, attempting to fire Jeff Ritter even though he has a one year contract
Ignoring public opinion - as in not listening to the people who attend selectmen meetings
Bob Columbus states if we want to keep the town moving in a positive direction we must continue what we have begun. So bob why have you been going in reverse since you again became chairman? You have been trying very hard to fire Jeff Ritter even though employees and taxpayers alike say they want him to stay, is that the cooperative effort you stated earlier?

On Templeton1st, they state supporters of Templeton1st would never hide behind anonymous names or false profiles to start rumors. Well on Pauly's Templeton Watch, it is stated very up front who runs that website, I notice no such ownership named on Templeton1st. Who authored Town government run in open and respectful manner? Who authored unfair dismissal of a town employee? And I have not heard of any big uprising to bring Carol skelton back if that is the town employee referenced! Who authored Ignoring public opinion? Why is it so bad for so many people to attend their meetings? If you had answers and were more open and quit trying to fire someone they want to stay bob, perhaps the meetings would be more civil. I ran one meeting as acting chairman, I did not have any problems with people being unruly nor did I need to be escorted to my car by the police. It is only when people perceive they are being lied to, led by dictator, with their rights being taken from them do they become unruly and begin to protest, and they have every right to do so. If you really wish to fix this, resign your seat and go play golf, the people do not seem to want you in a leadership role because you complained about the entire board being left out of the information loop and here you are doing exactly the same thing. Why have a budget meeting without the entire board present? I wonder how state representative Denise Andrews will feel when she learns the chairman of the board of selectmen does not like working with women and has a reputation of being less than civil with them? the problem with the government in Templeton can be laid right at the feet of bob columbus and the recall crowd. They lied to the voters, went to a nursing home for signatures and belittle people who take time to attend meetings. This is why we need to change our town government beginning with the removal of bob columbus


  1. I appreciate that candidate Columbus has come forward with a campaign platform to run on. What I find disturbing is that most candidates that run for re-election make a list of their past accomplishments in their position as reasons to re-elect them. They normally do not write several paragraphs of verbiage putting down the VOTERS and making excuses for their actions. Most candidates discuss hot topic issues in which they propose solutions to the issues and back them up with data. Most candidates have supporters who actively engage with other voters to explain why they support their candidate over another. I do not see any supporters engaged is discussion anywhere.

    Columbus' platforms include revenge for town coordinator and pushing through the town hall project regardless of the FACTS that show this project is not financially responsible. The rest of the platform makes accusations of other town officials, accusations of citizen participation at open meetings, and one hypocritical statement after another. This is not an intelligent campaign platform.

    I do see lots of Columbus signs around town. I can understand that may be the only way some Columbus supporters can support the campaign if they really have no valid argument to support him verbally. I can understand how it would be awkward to be in a club or on a committee with a candidate and not show support for him out of long time loyalty and friendship. I understand how family ties and friendships that go all the way back to high school can create an obligation to support a candidate's campaign.

    I would respectfully ask these Columbus supporters to acknowledge the dire situation in front of the town in this 2012 campaign and to base their support of their candidate not on friendship, promised favors or club/committee ties. Rather, base your support on the person who is the most intelligent, open, and responsible candidate to help steer the town through this vital time. This is not a popularity contest. People's homes are at stake here. The town's existence is at stake. Please choose your vote wisely with reason, not emotion.

    I ask again, if you feel candidate Columbus is the better candidate, please voice why in factual terms. What has he done positively for the town in a selectman's role? How has he saved the town money? How does he address the fact that he has a history of harassment complaints? How does he address the fact that he lied to the public when he stated that he had no communication with K&P prior to re-hiring them? How does he address the fact that he called a fellow selectman "chicken sh*t" during a BOS meeting? Please Columbus supporters, explain what you know that the average citizen may not know about candidate Columbus that makes him a better candidate and cancels out all his negative mis-steps? Stupid taxpayers want to know.

  2. One more thing Columbus should explain, actually he must explain, his complete lack of leadership at a selectmen meeting where he allowed the Templeton Chief of Police to stand there and inform taxpayers that if they become loud and rowdy, they would be escorted from the building. Last time I checked the Narragansett School building belongs to the taxpayers from two towns. We are not in a Police state and the Chairman is suppose to run the meetings, as in keeping order and allowing people to speak in turn, although the law does not give you the right to speak. The Chairman is the one tasked with giving a warning, then asking the person to leave and if all else fails, calling on the police to remove the person for that meeting. The Police are at the bottom, not from the top down. Mr. Columbus appears to be unable, unwilling or does not know how to run a meeting, which is at the top of my list of reasons why he should no longer serve. Multiple terms, several times Chairman and he can not write a simple motion to go into executive session. Then add up multiple complaints that are most likely under the juridiction of sexual harrassment, imoral behavior towards constituents, lieing to constituents, as in no contact with Len Kopelman when at a selectmen meeting in march, an attorney from K&P stated point blank that "I have been in touch with Mr. Columbus for about three weeks at the behest of Len Kopelman." The list of reasons why Columbus should go just goes on and on, with little if any explanation or defense on those issues. Perhaps there is no explaining them away, maybe we are suppose to have short memories because as his buddy O'Brien stated, we taxpayers are stupid.

    1. I sincerely hope BC finds the result of his behavior worth it in the end. He is going to go down in history as one of the worst selectman the town has ever had. If he fires Mr.Ritter tonight, this is the last straw, as far as I am concerned. I feel bad for his parents. They a wonderfull people. If 100 people tell you something is wrong, anyone with a brain should listen. If this is all about giving our past coordinator, her job back, just where does it say we owe her a retirement. Time will tell.

  3. Issac Matson...really? His Mommy used to call the selectmen office looking for his paycheck when he was on one of the boards that get stipends. What does the Moderator job pay Mom?
