Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Open meeting complaint

The open meeting complaint I filed concerns a meeting held on March 5, 2012 at 690 Patriots Road. This is the meeting I left because of overcrowding and the chairs unwilling to postpone the meeting. The conference room was full and many others were in the hall. The meeting was eventually canceled, but a second meeting at the same location was opened and completed with the same situation in place, to many people for the facility. To top it off, there was a police officer standing in the doorway seemingly blocking entrance into the room; ie: keeping people from entering the meeting place.
This is in my opinion an intentional open meeting law violation by 1.) holding a meeting where there is clearly no room for all in attendance. 2.) Allowing a police officer to block the doorway in uniform, intimidation. 3.) The chair allowing this meeting to keep going, while the chair may not have anticipated such a crowd, it was apparent at the first meeting that too many people were present to have the first meeting, never mind the second one. This is another example of how the chair of the select board shows incompetence and lack of basic knowledge of the open meeting process. In my opinion, this behavior along with past behavior coupled with behavior that has continued on to date is reason enough to remove columbus as chair. Another point is how does an attorney from K&P state that there is case law about contracts not being valid when signed by selectmen whose name (s) appear on a recall petition yet the same standard does not apply to someone who is up for re-election, which amounts to the same recall possibilities as a recall election. Key word is one is recalled or removed from office by way of an election just as in a normal election cycle, except a recall happens at an earlier date than a scheduled one. Same process, election to keep or remove a person from office. Mr. Columbus should not be participating in any removal process of any employee so close to election time. Of course the lawyer from K&P said the two are not the same, go figure. Perhaps a thing to be looked at moving forward. Another reason to show boob columbus the door on May 7, 2012


  1. I repeat:

    To Jeff Ritter, Jeff Bennett, Julie Farrell and Robert Mitchell, Thank you for trying to do the right thing.

    To Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest on the BOS:

    In the words of Albert Einstein "I never worry about the future. It comes soon enough"

    - VOTE Columbus out on May 7th -

  2. To all tax payers and residents of Termpleton, DO NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT let the 3 members of the BOS, Columbus, Wilder and Mullens, continue to distroy our town without strongly voiceing your concers and disapproval. Please show up for the Select Board meeting Thursday night to be heard and condemn them on their personal vendata and actions as a board since the recall election in Feb. ALL THREE SHOULD BE STRIPED OF THEIR POSITIONS ON THE BOARD OF SELECTMAN AND RUN OUT OF TOWN. Just my opinion of course.
    We have lost way to many good employees and elected officials because of them.

    1. I agree! The reason I see why all the good people are having a hard time changing things or remaining in office is because we are playing by the rules & they are NOT. Those 3 with JS's crew along with all they owe favors to are continuing to destroy this town because they Now have just about all our money, & set out to destroy us as a personal vendetta for all the "wrongs" they perceive they have been subjected to. Wow, they think they have been wronged? I can tell ya from where most of us sit we have all been ripped off, screwed over, left to drown in debt & they think they have something to whine about? Geez!! They deliberately put us in those 40 year USDA loans to get All the gravy up front for themselves & are having a grand old time at our expense while leaving future generations in ruins!! Again look at Bell, CA corruption. Aren't we getting there fast? Anyway, what the Hell do they care, the 2 big problem thugs are now in their 70s & have gotten most of what they want, phenomal pays, great benefits, cushy retirements, additional money through their frivolous lawsuits, & who knows what other inside deals they have been making that are completely Bleeding us dry!! MY GOD, how can you even get up everyday let alone walk around town with your head up as if you deserve all this & we peons should bow to you & give you more. Geez, I want to puke at this point myself!! How can you teach kids good values when your leadership everywhere is not showing any. This is how the roaring 20s was going along just before the Big crash. Put your seatbelts on. Don't know if we survive it if there will be anything to left to salvage if this keeps going on!! My opinions as always.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i know everybody is pissed off but the last few comments you crossed that line! we are better than that ..just my opinion

  5. I agree. There's no need to bring people's children into the conversation and make remarks like that. Let's stick to discussing town issues and moving towards finding solutions to the problems.

  6. OK, we play nice, but when the other team does not play fair and you do, you lose. just my thoughts. you may wish to read a book, "The Art of War" by zin zu.

  7. I agree with mikec and Olive. Showing your prejudice with remarks like this is not the way to win anything! We are citing our opinions about the wrong doings and indignant ethics of the cast involved, not showing prejudice about them and their family. Thankyou for the tip on the book, but, I'd rather read about mountain hiking.

  8. In my opinion even though Columbus is up for reelection, maybe we should recall him anyway, so the contracts he signs can be voided.
